Fake Dummy Rancher Admits There Isn’t Really a Ranching Business, Per Se. Also Admits No Local Presence.

Welcome to the first Baby Seal Bashing of the new year! There will be another soon enough… Local socialist vermin and open-borders champion Clayton Tucker was recently asked by a follower what the name of his ranch was and where she could go to buy some beef. You know, since they have “always been a … Continue reading “Fake Dummy Rancher Admits There Isn’t Really a Ranching Business, Per Se. Also Admits No Local Presence.”

J6: What Started It All

Today, during the High Holy Day of the morons, the lefties will regurgitate their “insurrection” lie a few million times. Let’s take a moment to remember what started the J6 entire protest, shall we. The answer? Obvious and blatant election fuckery. Here is an excellent synopsis written by a former accountant, written on November 5th, … Continue reading “J6: What Started It All”

Stacey Swann (Radical Austin Commie & Clayton Tucker Acolyte) To Run For Office – TX House 68.

Imagine my surprise when I saw THIS well-fed face on the cover of the Lampasas Dispatch the other day! Swann is an “author” the same way Comrade Clayton is a “rancher,” – something she dabbles at and brags about but clearly cannot make a living at. She wrote one book (which took her 15 years … Continue reading “Stacey Swann (Radical Austin Commie & Clayton Tucker Acolyte) To Run For Office – TX House 68.”

Another Wind Boondoggle Behind Schedule In Taxachussetts.

Massive offshore wind project that was to be operational in 2023 gets a single turbine running. The turbine, one of 62, was producing 5 megawatts out of a total of 800 (0.6%) megawatts planned. The developers had said as late as last week the project would be operating by 2023. It is not. The $4 … Continue reading “Another Wind Boondoggle Behind Schedule In Taxachussetts.”

Evil Libskank Imbecile Cheers Tyranny In Maine As Fellow Libskank Unilaterally Decides To Illegally Keep Trump Off Ballot

I knew that Austin/Lenox libskank Carol Garner Doughty would not be able to suppress cheers when her fellow libskank Shenna Bellows in Maine decided (by making up pretend powers) to remove Trump from the ballot in the state of Maine. “The insurrectionist” who was never put on trial for insurrection or convicted of same. But … Continue reading “Evil Libskank Imbecile Cheers Tyranny In Maine As Fellow Libskank Unilaterally Decides To Illegally Keep Trump Off Ballot”

Stephanie Fitzharris: Hating Whites, The Constitution and Freedom For Decades

What better way to end the year than smashing some potato heads? I suspect there will be a lot less posts about local Lampasas idiot Stephanie Fitzharris in 2024 because she has FINALLY been smart enough to hide her radical wokester, antifa-loving, white-hating, race-baiting, BLM-loving, CRT-denying, neo-Marxist views on social media. Now it’s all about … Continue reading “Stephanie Fitzharris: Hating Whites, The Constitution and Freedom For Decades”

“We’ve Always Been A Cattle Family” – Except That Time We Were Farmers.

Politicians, ugly buildings and whores all get respectable if they last long enough. Not halfwit socialists though. The longer they hang around, the more their lies contradict each other and the LESS respectable they get…. I see! Always a cattle family. Except when you were running for office and lied to the newspaper about the … Continue reading ““We’ve Always Been A Cattle Family” – Except That Time We Were Farmers.”

Woke Idiots Trying To Kill Us With “Diverse” Air Traffic Controllers.

This is a long read – but EXTREMELY eye-opening and shocking. You wonder why I detest all the “woke” morons in the world? This is why. This affects all of us. THINK TWICE BEFORE YOU FLY There hasn’t been a fatal commercial airline accident in the US since 2009. We’re due for one. We’re due … Continue reading “Woke Idiots Trying To Kill Us With “Diverse” Air Traffic Controllers.”

S2M2 (Brodie Estates) Has Been Violating Their Agreement With The City For YEARS. City Has Not Enforced Any Provisions – Despite Handing Them $185,000 In Taxpayer Money.

Why does the City bother to pay their hack attorney JC Brown $5,000 or $7,000 each time to draw up all these agreements when they are violated nonstop and the City never enforces them? We already saw this in 2023 with the Industrial Park agreement, where Martin’s Rod and Custom has ignored all provisions of … Continue reading “S2M2 (Brodie Estates) Has Been Violating Their Agreement With The City For YEARS. City Has Not Enforced Any Provisions – Despite Handing Them $185,000 In Taxpayer Money.”

Greatest City Employee Since Rickie Roy Is Retiring. Van Berry Riding Off Into The Sunset.

Unless you are a regular golfer, you probably aren’t aware that the most competent and responsible employee the City has ever seen (with the possible exception of Ricky Roy) is retiring. Van Berry is basically in charge of his own half-million dollar business over there at the golf course [page 53]. He has had to … Continue reading “Greatest City Employee Since Rickie Roy Is Retiring. Van Berry Riding Off Into The Sunset.”