How The Democrats Plan To Steal The Election.

Biden and Trump have clinched the nominations of their parties for President. Everybody is gearing up for a battle between them for the election in November. It’s obvious that Biden is “cognitively impaired.” In blunter language, “brain-dead”. Partisans of Trump are gearing up for a decisive victory. But what if this battle is a sham? What if Biden’s … Continue reading “How The Democrats Plan To Steal The Election.”

Craterin’ Clayton: Socialist Bodaggit Clayton Tucker Bombs Hard At His SXSW “Speech.” Lies Galore. Mangles Glyphosate. Lies Some More.

“Ranching can be pretty, pretty rough.” – [03:13:30 mark] Clayton Tucker, fake rancher who lives with mother at age 33 spewing laughable nonsense to a ‘crowd’ of 13 nerds at SXSW. Well, it was totally worth sitting through about 12 minutes of nonstop buzzwords, bullshit and lies, because comrade Clayton produced copious amounts of falsehoods … Continue reading “Craterin’ Clayton: Socialist Bodaggit Clayton Tucker Bombs Hard At His SXSW “Speech.” Lies Galore. Mangles Glyphosate. Lies Some More.”

Fake Socialist Farmer To Be One Of Over 40 Speakers Featured At Event Hosted By “Food Tank” – Which Is (Wait For It) A Non-Profit Grift Run By OTHER Fake Farmers!

You really can’t make this stuff up. I think my new hobby is basically doing deep dives into bullshit non-profits and exposing them for being utter jokes despite their airs of authority. I would have made a GREAT insurance claims investigator for fraudulent workman’s comp claims. I absolutely detest grifters and I’m good at patiently … Continue reading “Fake Socialist Farmer To Be One Of Over 40 Speakers Featured At Event Hosted By “Food Tank” – Which Is (Wait For It) A Non-Profit Grift Run By OTHER Fake Farmers!”

Socialist Dummy Clayton Tucker Thinks He Was Somehow Born Before His Own Grandfather.

Even for socialist serial liar Clayton Tucker (SDEC-24 TX), his latest fabrications and proclamations are a huge stretch of logic, reason and facts. For instance, did you know that the RX Ranch, which has been around for generations, was ACTUALLY founded by Comrade Clayton – who wasn’t technically born until 1991?? Yep, it’s true! You … Continue reading “Socialist Dummy Clayton Tucker Thinks He Was Somehow Born Before His Own Grandfather.”

Socialist Stooge Tries To Defend His Indefensible Open Borders Stance.

Of the 647 things I detest about lefties, their propensity to move the goal posts when they are wrong and absolutely ignore facts and reality is close to the top. You see it all the time: ** There was no election fraud, that’s a conspiracy theory! Ok, there was some election fraud but it didn’t … Continue reading “Socialist Stooge Tries To Defend His Indefensible Open Borders Stance.”

Today Is The One-Year Anniversary Of The Ybarra/Ward Verbal Diarrhea Word Salad Radio Show – Biz Pork Still Empty.

Exactly one year ago, then-newly-hired Economic Development director Stacey Ybarra and Ryan “Gump” Ward went on the radio to blather some feel-good nonsense about the $7.3 million dollar “Business” Pork project. For the first time in her miserable life, radio host Rhonda Witcher actually asked piercing questions and held Ward/Ybarra’s feet to the fire over … Continue reading “Today Is The One-Year Anniversary Of The Ybarra/Ward Verbal Diarrhea Word Salad Radio Show – Biz Pork Still Empty.”

L.A. Times Lays Off 115 Regime Propaganda Peddlers From Newsroom. Learn to Code, Nerds.

Isn’t that what the slimeball commies in the Big City newsrooms told the pipeline workers to do when Biden shut them all down a couple years ago? Learn to code, nerds. What an absolute shame! Just look at all the empty chairs! BAHAHAHAHA! Mocking journalists losing their job is ghoulish, yes – but may be … Continue reading “L.A. Times Lays Off 115 Regime Propaganda Peddlers From Newsroom. Learn to Code, Nerds.”

It’s That Time Of Year Again!

No, not that time of year when “a young man’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love,” as Tennyson wrote. Although, you could be forgiven for thinking that after looking at THIS perfect couple…. His excitement over the fact that “the baby is female” is almost palpable! Finally, someone to spend Valentines Day with. No, … Continue reading “It’s That Time Of Year Again!”

Clueless Commie “Proves” This Cold Weather Is Due To Global Warming.

I knew he wouldn’t let me down! Comrade Clayton the Climate Cult Zealot is busy at work in mom’s upstairs bedroom (where he lives) masturbating to ERCOT dashboards and hoping the power goes out so he can squawk “fix the damn grid” like a quasi-retarded mynah bird… Comrade Clayton himself wouldn’t actually be affected by … Continue reading “Clueless Commie “Proves” This Cold Weather Is Due To Global Warming.”

Fake Dummy Rancher Admits There Isn’t Really a Ranching Business, Per Se. Also Admits No Local Presence.

Welcome to the first Baby Seal Bashing of the new year! There will be another soon enough… Local socialist vermin and open-borders champion Clayton Tucker was recently asked by a follower what the name of his ranch was and where she could go to buy some beef. You know, since they have “always been a … Continue reading “Fake Dummy Rancher Admits There Isn’t Really a Ranching Business, Per Se. Also Admits No Local Presence.”