How Long Before Greentards Blame Recent Rains and Flooding On “Global Warming”?

We all know the drill by now. When there is a quiet hurricane season, it’s because of global warming. Busy hurricane season? DEFINITELY global warming! Polar vortex? Global warming. Cold weather? Global warming. No, seriously. No snow? Lots of snow? Windy? Cloudy? Can’t get your dick hard anymore? Global warming. I give Comrade Clayton the … Continue reading “How Long Before Greentards Blame Recent Rains and Flooding On “Global Warming”?”

Far-Left Radical Crone Carol Garner Doughty FINALLY About To Leave Texas For Massachusetts – She’s Gonna LOVE Drag Queen Story Hour.

After yammering for YEARS about how awful Texas is, far-left crone Carol Garner Doughty and her Stephen Hawking doppelganger are FINALLY packing up their Tesla and moving to Lenox MA. The BLM-loving moron who claims to ADORE diversity will be living in a small town that is 98.57% white. Just enough black people to clean … Continue reading “Far-Left Radical Crone Carol Garner Doughty FINALLY About To Leave Texas For Massachusetts – She’s Gonna LOVE Drag Queen Story Hour.”

Fulton Apparently Tired Of Sodomizing Only Mercer. Decides To Screw a Different Wong In Restaurant Soap Opera.

Well, it’s been a while since there was a massive blowup soap opera in Lampasas but boy, is this one a doozy! Oh, and look! It’s the Fulton/Mercer duo AGAIN this time! What are the odds?? In case you didn’t know, here is the Cliff’s Notes version: Jason Fulton (husband of flamboyantly gay wanna-be Hollywood … Continue reading “Fulton Apparently Tired Of Sodomizing Only Mercer. Decides To Screw a Different Wong In Restaurant Soap Opera.”

City To Seriously Consider Blowing $2,212,950 On Hostess House “Rehab.” Over TEN TIMES Original Estimates!

Just don’t call it a remodel or a renovation. Those are “no no” words and conjure up memories of the $1,500,000 Old City Hall REMODEL fuckups back in 2017/2018/2019. (As a reminder, the Old City Hall remodel was originally supposed to cost $350,000 and they thought THAT was too much! Final cost: well over $1.5 … Continue reading “City To Seriously Consider Blowing $2,212,950 On Hostess House “Rehab.” Over TEN TIMES Original Estimates!”

RINO Scum Rep John Carter Votes AGAINST Amendment To Require Warrant To Spy On Americans In FISA Reauthorization.

My RINO scum Rep Carter does it again! Eyepatch McCain in there too, of course. I sure hope there is a Libertarian on the ballot this November, because there is no way in hell I’ll ever vote for this piece of shit Carter…. Weak-ass sister Debbie Lesko (R-AZ) said she WOULD have voted against FISA … Continue reading “RINO Scum Rep John Carter Votes AGAINST Amendment To Require Warrant To Spy On Americans In FISA Reauthorization.”

Let’s See How That “Raise The Minimum Wage” Thing Is Working Out…

According to many economic illiterates, all we need to do is convince the “greedy” restaurant owners to pay their workers a LOT more money. Even if those workers don’t provide $20/hr worth of production – you should just pay it anyways. Clowns like Clayton Tucker (who has never owned ANY business that employed ANYONE, let … Continue reading “Let’s See How That “Raise The Minimum Wage” Thing Is Working Out…”

Socialist Maggot Cries About Trickle Down – Forgets He Owes His Very Existence To It.

The biggest socialist scumworm in Lampasas takes to one of his many social media accounts a few times a month to cry about how unfair the world is. As a reminder, Clayton Tucker is also chairman of the Lampasas Democrats Socialists and lives with his mom. Actually, in my little orchard out here on my … Continue reading “Socialist Maggot Cries About Trickle Down – Forgets He Owes His Very Existence To It.”

Mark Langford Probably Takes a Morning Shit That Is Bigger Than Clayton Tucker.

I love reading about the cattle industry in the Lampasas Dispatch. They have an in-depth article a few times a year, like they do today on page five. I’ve probably read dozens of these articles over the last decade. I’m fascinated with that stuff. The economics of it. The many factors that go into being … Continue reading “Mark Langford Probably Takes a Morning Shit That Is Bigger Than Clayton Tucker.”

Slimeballs In D.C. Do It Again.

The House Appropriations Committee just released a $1.2 trillion government spending bill at 2AM. Slipped in there is $400k from our taxes funneled to Briarpatch Youth Services. Briarpatch gives 13-year-old kids chest binders, tuck equipment, “counseling” all WITHOUT PARENTAL CONSENT. Remember all these ridiculous earmarks and money wasting when the IRS takes their pound of … Continue reading “Slimeballs In D.C. Do It Again.”