Mentally Unhinged Libtard Carol Garner Doughty Has Daughter Who Uses “They/Them” Pronouns. Because…Of COURSE She Does!

Behind every nutjob who uses the plural “they/them” pronoun is an insane, mentally sick, far-left mother who is either single or has a browbeaten, uxorious husband who sits by and allows the insanity to unfold. Carol Garner Doughty is no exception. I read this thing five times and STILL couldn’t figure out what was going … Continue reading “Mentally Unhinged Libtard Carol Garner Doughty Has Daughter Who Uses “They/Them” Pronouns. Because…Of COURSE She Does!”

Wisconsin Superdork Cade Hilgenberg Thinks It’s ‘Racist’ To Point Out Haitians Are Eating Geese Off The Golf Course.

Let’s check in on our chronically underemployed, pudgy, he/him/they, America-hating super douche Cade Snyder Hilgenberg! I haven’t seen the little doughboy this animated since Abbott was re-elected a couple years ago! Cade doesn’t like stories being made up! He’s sick of the lies!!! Also Cade: Trump pissed on a Russian prostitute, Trump is a Russian … Continue reading “Wisconsin Superdork Cade Hilgenberg Thinks It’s ‘Racist’ To Point Out Haitians Are Eating Geese Off The Golf Course.”

City Health Insurance Premiums To Jump 11.72%. Last Year Was 13%. This Is For “Premiere” Plan, Of Course.

This must be a typo. Comrade Clayton ASSURED me that inflation is only 3% these days. In a move that will shock nobody, “staff recommends approval of the renewal rates” [UP 11.72%] so everyone can keep their “premiere” health insurance with Baylor Scott & White [page 141]. I brought this up over a month ago… … Continue reading “City Health Insurance Premiums To Jump 11.72%. Last Year Was 13%. This Is For “Premiere” Plan, Of Course.”

Fifth-Generation Rancher Goes To Beginner Course – Takes Ten Pages Of Notes.

Wow. The previous four generations of Tucker goat ranchers must have jealously guarded all their accumulated knowledge from poor Clayton. He has to go to the beginner class when he’s nearly 33 years old! I am trying to imagine what those notes look like. Hmmm….. #1 – It’s Blue KOTE, not Blue NOTE. Stupid, stupid … Continue reading “Fifth-Generation Rancher Goes To Beginner Course – Takes Ten Pages Of Notes.”

City Council Decides to NOT Use The $1.5 Million Building They Wanted Because They Needed More Room

Tonight’s council/town hall meeting will NOT be held at the $1.5 million dollar Fishbowl Vanity project. I have no idea why – except, perhaps, they don’t want an official record (audio and video) of their discussions about the $120,000 Halff Associates “Comprehensive Plan”. Considering the massive sums wasted on the City council chambers and the … Continue reading “City Council Decides to NOT Use The $1.5 Million Building They Wanted Because They Needed More Room”

Tim-Walz-Worshipping Socialist Worm Clayton Tucker FINALLY Speaks a True Sentence.

Clayton SURE does love that communist, insane piece of shit Tim Walz! They have so much in common – right down to drinking the semen of barnyard animals, I’ll bet! Fake rancher Clayton Tucker has words of advice for his fellow Gen Z numb nuts out there! “Never doubt they mean what they say” – … Continue reading “Tim-Walz-Worshipping Socialist Worm Clayton Tucker FINALLY Speaks a True Sentence.”

Why The Electoral College Is Important. Why Shitlibs Hate It.

Authored by Jeffrey A. Tucker via The Epoch Times We’ve all experienced something like the following. The topic of politics comes up at a party, and someone in the group, seeking some way to say something smart but not divisive, will just toss out that we need to get rid of the Electoral College, the … Continue reading “Why The Electoral College Is Important. Why Shitlibs Hate It.”

“Crime Is Going Down! Derp Derp” Says Soy Boy Who Lives In Mom’s Womb and Believes Gov Propaganda.

It’s hard to believe anyone is so uninformed or naive as local socialist Clayton Tucker, but evidence abounds daily: What Comrade Clayton either doesn’t know or doesn’t bother to tell you (probably the former) is that fully ONE THIRD of national police agencies (6,097 of them) have not bothered to report their numbers since 2021. … Continue reading ““Crime Is Going Down! Derp Derp” Says Soy Boy Who Lives In Mom’s Womb and Believes Gov Propaganda.”

This Is What Loser Scumbag Socialists Do: Sit Around Making Rules Instead Of Working

Comrade Clayton is sitting upstairs in mom’s bedroom complaining on Twitter in the middle of a work day. A true socialist. Things Clayton Tucker COULD be doing instead: Create the website you promised you were working on NINE MONTHS ago to “sell meats locally.” Stop wasting all your time traveling to idiotic conferences and actually … Continue reading “This Is What Loser Scumbag Socialists Do: Sit Around Making Rules Instead Of Working”

Crazy Cunt Carol Goes On Unhinged Drunken Rant – Calls For Trump To Be Killed.

Oh, did I type “cunt”? I meant “aunt” – my bad. Must have hit the wrong key. Crazy Cunt Carol just called for Trump to be “excised from the world” – in other words, killed. She has also previously called for Tucker Carlson to be arrested because she doesn’t like his views. She is a … Continue reading “Crazy Cunt Carol Goes On Unhinged Drunken Rant – Calls For Trump To Be Killed.”