Kraut-For-Brains Seefeldt Proves Once Again That Lib Women Are Too Stupid To Be Trusted With Voting.

Tina Seefeldt (real estate agent for Coldwell in Killeen) never misses a chance to try and take a shit on America while also telling us how much better Europeans and Africans are. She tries to do so again here, but her facts are so laughably wrong (and her English writing skills so laughably poor) that … Continue reading “Kraut-For-Brains Seefeldt Proves Once Again That Lib Women Are Too Stupid To Be Trusted With Voting.”

The Party Of Weak Men And Angry, Bitter Women.

It’s been obvious for a while that the Democrat party is increasingly the party of bitter, angry, mentally ill women and weak men. The manipulation methods used by libshits are all based on emotional blind spots. First you have the large percentage of 20-something females hooked on social media and trapped in their own echo … Continue reading “The Party Of Weak Men And Angry, Bitter Women.”

Curiouser and Curiouser: Misti Talbert Used To Keep The Books For….Wait For It….Harrison Construction!

Yes, the very same Harrison Construction owned by Paul Christopher Harrison. Now why is that odd? Because a few years later, Harrison would be in front of MAYOR Misti Talbert asking for $145,000 in City money for a detention pond for his new employer: S2M2 – who had previously been turned down for that exact … Continue reading “Curiouser and Curiouser: Misti Talbert Used To Keep The Books For….Wait For It….Harrison Construction!”

Idiot Socialist Bleats For “More Money” For Failed Government School Monopoly. Quotes Article Written By Random Clown Horn.

Local braindead socialist Clayton Tucker HATES monopolies. Unless, of course, you are talking about the government-run school monopoly. He is all on board with that failed monstrosity. The problem (according to every socialist pushing every failed government program) is that they just need MORE MONEY!! Naturally, they ignore train wrecks like the Chicago public schools … Continue reading “Idiot Socialist Bleats For “More Money” For Failed Government School Monopoly. Quotes Article Written By Random Clown Horn.”

Texas-Hating, Tranny-Loving Woketard Cade Hilgenberg Snyder Finally Leaves Texas!

The little communist has finally left the nest and flown away up to Wisconsin! Fly, you fat little bird!! Fly! I sure will miss him bagging my groceries at the Burnet HEB. You’ll recall he ALREADY moved to ONE liberal Utopia (Austin), but of course, it didn’t measure up to his high standards in the … Continue reading “Texas-Hating, Tranny-Loving Woketard Cade Hilgenberg Snyder Finally Leaves Texas!”

These Are The Insane, Deluded White Liberal Chicks Destroying Western Civilization.

If Clayton Tucker and Carol Garner Doughty had a daughter…. She’s as fat as Haywood, uninformed, low IQ, lots of fake physical illnesses like “long covid” and “fibromyalgia,” lots of REAL mental illnesses, deluded into thinking she is somehow “oppressed” but can’t tell you how, probably tells everyone she has ADHD or is “on the … Continue reading “These Are The Insane, Deluded White Liberal Chicks Destroying Western Civilization.”

Comrade Clayton: Totally Wrong AND a Hypocrite All At The Same Time.

Poor Comrade Clayton. Always WAY behind on current events. That’s because he lives in an echo chamber of retards which is situated inside his mother’s womb – where he currently lives. He’s never exposed to any kind of reality like property taxes or home insurance. He doesn’t know the cost of anything with the exception … Continue reading “Comrade Clayton: Totally Wrong AND a Hypocrite All At The Same Time.”

33-Year-Old Socialist Who Lives In Mom’s Spare Bedroom Explains How Biden’s Economy Is Actually Awesome.

Local socialist numpty Clayton Tucker is on social media again telling us how AWESOME Bidenomics is! Look! Inflation is lower! It’s “only” 3% now! I guess if you are stupid enough to believe the cooked government CPI numbers (which were just rejiggered AGAIN last year) then that chart looks ok. Of course, since Clayton Tucker … Continue reading “33-Year-Old Socialist Who Lives In Mom’s Spare Bedroom Explains How Biden’s Economy Is Actually Awesome.”

Socialist Tapeworm Clayton Tucker Still Ignorant Of Basic Economics. Concerned About Soda Costs.

Local socialist and fake rancher Clayton Tucker (SDEC-24 TX) is busy once again explaining how inflation ISN’T the fault of massive government spending and money printing. According to him, it is all due to the greedy oligopolists! Apparently, all these cartels formed right around January of 2021. Of course, Comrade Clayton left out a HUGE … Continue reading “Socialist Tapeworm Clayton Tucker Still Ignorant Of Basic Economics. Concerned About Soda Costs.”

What Happens Next…

Even the most deluded radical lefties are now admitting Biden has lost his marbles. This was obvious years ago, but remember: the Angry White Female Liberals (AWFLs) like Stephanie Fitzharris, Julie Landrum and Carol Garner-Doughty cannot perceive reality. They ignore it in favor of their own warped ‘reality,’ such as “men can menstruate” or two … Continue reading “What Happens Next…”