Old City Hall and Azbell Screw Job – Part VI (2018 – The Current Mess)

At the end of the last chapter, you could see Finley lubing up his fist and instructing City Council to bend over.  He has some new info on the Old City Hall Hose Job….here is the home stretch leading us to today: May 14th, 2018: Finley dumps the 1.4 million pound anvil onto Council’s pointy … Continue reading “Old City Hall and Azbell Screw Job – Part VI (2018 – The Current Mess)”

Timeline and Questions for Azbell $100,000.00 A/V Rip-off – PART I (Birth of a Bad Idea)

OK – so, I have spent about 48 hours reading through every single page of every city council minutes since January 1, 2013 (first available online) to try and piece together this Azbell debacle.  That means I have probably spent about 45 more hours than city council has spent on this to date. Here is … Continue reading “Timeline and Questions for Azbell $100,000.00 A/V Rip-off – PART I (Birth of a Bad Idea)”

Document Dump – Part II (Unethical or Incompetent?)

Between the 88-page “Personnel Policies for the City of Lampasas” and the last few budgets, I was able to piece together a VERY close estimate of salaries in the IT Department. And, I’m sorry to tell Monica’s mommy, but I was quite right about her being overpaid.  I was far too conservative with my $100,000 … Continue reading “Document Dump – Part II (Unethical or Incompetent?)”

The Twisted Logic of Councilman Mike White

During a 30 minute phone call (screaming match) with Mike White last month over the $100,000.00 Azbell Electronics debacle, other issues came up.  Like how overpaid our city employees are and how they seem to get an automatic raise every single year, when those of us in the private sector (who pay their bloated salaries) … Continue reading “The Twisted Logic of Councilman Mike White”