Idiot Socialist Makes More Bad Analogies. Is Clearly Clueless About Cost/Benefit Analysis.

As she has shown many times in the past, the socialist chairman of the Lampasas Democratic Party has zero understanding of economics, cost/benefit analysis or pretty much anything else in the real world. That’s what happens when you live with your mother at age 33 and she pays for everything. Here’s the latest renewable energy … Continue reading “Idiot Socialist Makes More Bad Analogies. Is Clearly Clueless About Cost/Benefit Analysis.”

Insane Local Hermit: Melissa “Crazy Cane Lady” Johnson Still Scared Of Her Own Shadow. Craps On Cool Christmas Idea.

I used to joke that all the Covidiots back in 2020, 2021, and even 2022 (many were still wearing masks then) were “scared rabbits” afraid of their own shadows. Turns out, they were always like that. It’s just that Covid gave them an excuse to turn their insane hypochondria and neuroses into a “virtue” in … Continue reading “Insane Local Hermit: Melissa “Crazy Cane Lady” Johnson Still Scared Of Her Own Shadow. Craps On Cool Christmas Idea.”

If You Refused To Be Forced Into a Mask For Covid, Stephanie Fitzharris Called You “Selfish, Arrogant, Simple, Self-Consumed, Defiant and a Yahoo”

[We continue “Never Forget or Forgive Covid Loons Week”] Stephanie Fitzharris spent a LOT of time on Facebook in 2020, 2021 and 2022 chastising anyone who refused to wear a useless mask. Those of us with a brain who could read medical research from the last 100 years knew back in April of 2020 that … Continue reading “If You Refused To Be Forced Into a Mask For Covid, Stephanie Fitzharris Called You “Selfish, Arrogant, Simple, Self-Consumed, Defiant and a Yahoo””

HCQ Highly Effective: Remember When Marxists Like Stephanie Fitzharris Demanded We Shut Down Free Speech On Covid Treatments? I Do.

Time to mash some potatoes. Far-left Covid loons like Stephanie Fitzharris, Bruce Haywood and Clayton Tucker did a LOT of damage back in 2020 and 2021 with their disgusting anti-American and anti-free-speech behavior. It is not an exaggeration to say that because of far-left roaches like them, a LOT of people died unnecessarily – likely … Continue reading “HCQ Highly Effective: Remember When Marxists Like Stephanie Fitzharris Demanded We Shut Down Free Speech On Covid Treatments? I Do.”

Little Socialist Consumed With Envy Is Lying About Prop 3. Wants To Legalize Even MORE Theft Through Wealth Tax.

What a life. Living with mom. No job. No girl guy. No prospects. Walking around looking up at everyone getting a crick in your neck because you got cheated in the height department. You try to be a rancher and all your goat kids get destroyed by those damned Texas vulturebuzzards. Just a complete failure … Continue reading “Little Socialist Consumed With Envy Is Lying About Prop 3. Wants To Legalize Even MORE Theft Through Wealth Tax.”

Local Commie Pervert Grady Lucas (Who Can’t Spell) Ridicules Poor Spelling

There are few people in town with a bigger gap between how smart they THINK they are, and how smart they ACTUALLY are than local drag-queen-lover and gay porn pusher Grady Lucas. Grady spends most of his time on social media badmouthing “Texas rednecks” and “Nazis” and “stupid MAGA idiots” in general: Today Grady is … Continue reading “Local Commie Pervert Grady Lucas (Who Can’t Spell) Ridicules Poor Spelling”

Biz Pork Implosion Begins. Finley Singing a Different Tune As Political Wind Changes. Hangs Ybarra Out To Dry Like The Weasel He Is.

First the Radiogram and now the FRONT PAGE of the local newspaper. Ouch. I never thought I’d see them turn on the Business Park like this. Funny how things change in just a few years. Previously, Finley deGraffenreid was one of the biggest cheerleaders of the Business Pork project. Here’s what he had to say … Continue reading “Biz Pork Implosion Begins. Finley Singing a Different Tune As Political Wind Changes. Hangs Ybarra Out To Dry Like The Weasel He Is.”

Local Socialist Parasite Excited About Biden (Illegally) Creating Climate Red Guards.

Ah yes. No commie government is complete without a bunch of brainwashed, easily manipulated kids running around spying on and ratting out their parents and neighbors. “I saw Mister Smith next door eating MEAT! That’s bad for the environment! Big Brother told me so!” Mao had his Red Guards. Hitler had the brown shirts and … Continue reading “Local Socialist Parasite Excited About Biden (Illegally) Creating Climate Red Guards.”

Socialist “Virtual” Rancher Learning That REAL Ranching Is Hard Work. Vultures Eating His Product. Or Maybe Coyotes.

Gee, working out in the REAL world to create something out of nothing is hard work, isn’t it? It’s not like a little virtual computer farm on your Facebook page. Shit doesn’t go your way a lot of the time. The donkeys you bought to protect your goats don’t do their job. Kids disappear. Maybe … Continue reading “Socialist “Virtual” Rancher Learning That REAL Ranching Is Hard Work. Vultures Eating His Product. Or Maybe Coyotes.”

LEDC Tucks Tail: Eliminates Lies About “Jobs Created” and “Project Wins” From Silly-Assed “Economic Matrix” Spreadsheet.

Small victories. I’ll take them. Maybe Ybarra finally got a tap on the shoulder from the City’s hack attorney JC Brown telling her to lay off all the bullshit and lies because it was making it harder and harder to keep denying me information. Here is the OLD “economic matrix” – complete with the horseshit … Continue reading “LEDC Tucks Tail: Eliminates Lies About “Jobs Created” and “Project Wins” From Silly-Assed “Economic Matrix” Spreadsheet.”