It Took Less Than 60 Days For Local Socialist Moron To Contradict Himself Once Again.

Local socialist Clayton Tucker (Chairman of the Lampasas Democratic Party SDEC-24 TX) is absolutely amazed by the things the free market creates. Things that ass-backwards socialist regimes like the USSR, North Korea and Cuba would never in a million years create…. As usual, Clayton Tucker is about 6 years behind the times. Back in 2018, … Continue reading “It Took Less Than 60 Days For Local Socialist Moron To Contradict Himself Once Again.”

Comparing Salaries – City Manager Edition.

Well, we already compared salaries for ASSISTANT to the City manager and found that ours is overpaid by roughly 35% Now let’s take a gander at the Head Cheese himself. Finley will be pulling down $162,240 after the latest round of 4% raises for everyone. A quick search of gives us some answers: Uh … Continue reading “Comparing Salaries – City Manager Edition.”

Assistant To The City Manager Ryan Ward Says ALL City Employees Will Get 4% Raise. Absolutely Outrageous.

Once again, City council gives Finley exactly what he asks for. Apparently no wheeling or dealing or discussion. Just ANOTHER raise – one that is in excess of inflation. Sales tax receipts are DOWN for three months straight, bankruptcies are RISING and layoffs are happening at a rapid rate out here in the real world. … Continue reading “Assistant To The City Manager Ryan Ward Says ALL City Employees Will Get 4% Raise. Absolutely Outrageous.”

Climate “Scientist” Admits To Lying To Get Government Grants.

Finally – someone with the balls to admit what’s going on: you have thousands of otherwise-unemployable “scientists” floating around who need to make their mark and get funds. What better way than to tell the government what they want to hear. Incredible story: I Left Out the Full Truth to Get My Climate Change Paper … Continue reading “Climate “Scientist” Admits To Lying To Get Government Grants.”

“Economic Development” Director Grabbing Lots Of Goodies At Budget Time. Part II – Advertising The Goat Pasture.

We already saw a lot of goodies in Part I. Now let’s look at the money being grabbed for “advertising” the corpse repository/goat pasture/Business Pork for the next fiscal year. Keep in mind, the LEDC has spent over $50,000 advertising this thing already. The money wasting goes back even before the profligate Toups administration. Here … Continue reading ““Economic Development” Director Grabbing Lots Of Goodies At Budget Time. Part II – Advertising The Goat Pasture.”

ERCOT Now Projecting Demand Exceeding Supply Of Energy This Evening. Thanks To Shitty Pinwheels Sitting Idle

Green Energy morons strike again! With the sun starting to fall in the sky (as it does every day around now), clouds forming and the wind dying – all of the Green Energy morons’ favorite ways to make unreliable energy and an exorbitant cost are shitting the bed simultaneously. Demand forecast at 79.1 gigawatts and … Continue reading “ERCOT Now Projecting Demand Exceeding Supply Of Energy This Evening. Thanks To Shitty Pinwheels Sitting Idle”

The Clayton Tucker Fake Rancher Fraud Timeline – Part III

So now we are up to the final two years or so of the fake rancher game – when it all falls apart and a new grift is sought out. When we left off in Part II, it became clear that Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX and Chairman of the Lampasas Democratic Party would NEVER win … Continue reading “The Clayton Tucker Fake Rancher Fraud Timeline – Part III”

More Sad Milestones Hit By LEDC and Failed Business Park

It’s hard to believe it has been TWO WHOLE YEARS since Misti Talbert was installed as president of the LEDC. Inbred LEDC Decides To Inbreed Some More – Talbert Takes The Wheel It has been 18 months since Talbert and the LEDC stood before City council and begged for another $2 million to incinerate at … Continue reading “More Sad Milestones Hit By LEDC and Failed Business Park”

Lampasas Democratic Party Chairman Web Of Lies. The Definitive Timeline Of A Fraud. Part II.

So, we got a good look at the CURRENT resume in Part I. This is the resume that shows he is finally abandoning the Fake Rancher Persona, at least as far as his on-line persona goes. Oh, he’ll still wear a cowboy hat and play “rancher” for the little old ladies with the goat pictures, … Continue reading “Lampasas Democratic Party Chairman Web Of Lies. The Definitive Timeline Of A Fraud. Part II.”

Yet Another Study Shows Covid Cult Idiots Wrong About School Transmission of Virus

Remember two years ago when a lot of morons were losing their minds over Covid and were trying desperately to prevent a return to normal in-person learning? Your son was terrified because of YOUR stupidity, Veronica! Nice job. As usual, the ridiculous hysteria was generated by mostly middle-aged, dim-witted liberal females…plus Bruce Haywood: City council … Continue reading “Yet Another Study Shows Covid Cult Idiots Wrong About School Transmission of Virus”