Hostess House “Minor Repairs” Now at 10x Original Inflated Budget.

At the last council meeting, council members FINALLY put up a fight over what looks to be excessive costs. When Reliance Architecture said it would cost $38,000 to re-shuffle some paperwork, council actually put up a fight. It was nice to see. We certainly NEVER saw that type of thing during the Talbert and Monroe … Continue reading “Hostess House “Minor Repairs” Now at 10x Original Inflated Budget.”

Presidential Election Odds

Odds to be elected president in 2024. Current bid/ask markets on a $100 payout: Biden: 25-34 (2-1 odds) Trump: 23-31 (5-2 odds) Newsome: 5-10 (13-1 odds) DeSantis: 4-8 (14-1 odds) RFK: 3-7 (15-1 odds) Ramaswamy: 3-7 (20-1 odds) Big Mike Obama: 1.5 – 4 (25-1 odds) Camel Toe Harris: 1 – 3 (35-1 odds) Field: … Continue reading “Presidential Election Odds”

Teachers’ Unions Busy Grooming Kids For Destruction.

The past week the National Education Association, the largest teachers union in the US, issued guidance on the use of leftist activist symbols in public school classrooms. As part of their advice to teachers, they recommended violating district and state rules and hanging items such as pride flags and BLM flags. This is generally cited as a means … Continue reading “Teachers’ Unions Busy Grooming Kids For Destruction.”

City Manager Suggests 4% to 5% Pay Increases For Some Employees. Overpaid Police Chief Agrees. Uses Age-Old Bullshit To Justify.

In a totally unexpected move, City manager (current salary and benefits of roughly $210,000 or over $4,000 per week) suggested 4% to 5% pay raises during this budget cycle. This on TOP of raises and COLAs last year. I find this odd, because according to local democrats, the CPI is only 3% now. As you … Continue reading “City Manager Suggests 4% to 5% Pay Increases For Some Employees. Overpaid Police Chief Agrees. Uses Age-Old Bullshit To Justify.”

Moron Libs Tell Us These “Diverse” Border Jumpers, “Refugees” and “Asylum Seekers” Are a Benefit To Our Economy. That Is Utter Horseshit.

These stories enrage me more than just about anything else. A bunch of third-world illiterates being shipped 8,000 miles over here thanks to idiot liberals who keep repeating the lie that they are somehow good for the economy. They aren’t. They are deadbeats are freeloaders. We have enough of those already. Refugees Feel Abandoned After … Continue reading “Moron Libs Tell Us These “Diverse” Border Jumpers, “Refugees” and “Asylum Seekers” Are a Benefit To Our Economy. That Is Utter Horseshit.”

City Dinged For Another $38,000 For “Architectural Fees” On Hostess House Debacle – New Total $168,570 (That’s Just The FEES For Project)

Somewhere on this blog I had a running total going for the Hostess House debacle. It’s hard to keep track of because they keep changing things. Once the cost ballooned out of control (as I predicted it would), they had to “revise the scope.” That means they had to take out all of their ridiculous … Continue reading “City Dinged For Another $38,000 For “Architectural Fees” On Hostess House Debacle – New Total $168,570 (That’s Just The FEES For Project)”

Locals Ask a Very Good Question. The Answer Lies With Misti Talbert’s Handouts To Developers.

In case you missed this discussion on Facebook… Outstanding observation ladies! You should direct your queries (and anger) towards former mayors and City council members TJ Monroe and Misti Talbert, for starters. Chuck Williamson is also on the list: I Hope Deorald Finney Invites TJ Monroe and Chuck Williamson Over For The Mansion Warming Party! … Continue reading “Locals Ask a Very Good Question. The Answer Lies With Misti Talbert’s Handouts To Developers.”

“Bidenomics” Has Supposedly Cured Inflation!

The dummy socialist is out with his in-depth analysis of the economy: Joe is saving us all! Thank you Bidenomics! But wait! Just three months ago, this same idiot socialist was blaming “greedy corporations” for all the inflation. It had nothing to do with Joe back then! I guess all those greedy CEOs flipped their … Continue reading ““Bidenomics” Has Supposedly Cured Inflation!”

Gross Black Tranny BLM Supporter Identified As Philly Mass Shooter

Kimbrady Watson Carriker has been identified and arrested as the shooter in the Philadelphia mass shooting that left 5 men dead and 2 children injured. Guess we’ll see this story disappear faster than an 8-ball in the White House. What were the libs yammering about again? Something about straight white guys doing all the mass … Continue reading “Gross Black Tranny BLM Supporter Identified As Philly Mass Shooter”