Is City Hiding Something Once Again, Or Is Becky Sims Just Getting Lazy?

City secretary Becky Sims used to be Johnny-on-the-spot. Quick to respond and with an attention to detail. Not anymore. I asked her TEN DAYS ago who the company is that supposedly announced “20 to 35 jobs” and a $700,000 capital investment. Now she takes her sweet time answering ORRs (Open Records Requests) and when she … Continue reading “Is City Hiding Something Once Again, Or Is Becky Sims Just Getting Lazy?”

City’s Hack Lawyer JC Brown Must Have Manure For Her Brain.

City attorney JC Brown recently informed my lawyer that she would be DELIGHTED to serve up all the information I have requested (from emails written by CITY EMPLOYEES on the CITY’S taxpayer-funded email servers) just as soon as I pay $1,220 to the City. How did they arrive at that ridiculous $1,220 figure? Why, they … Continue reading “City’s Hack Lawyer JC Brown Must Have Manure For Her Brain.”

Robert Francis O’Rourke Takes Money From Companies That Support “Anti-Gay Politicians” – Whatever That Means

The little commie is stirred up today! Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX, Chairman of Lampasas Democratic Party (who may or may not be gay) is ANGRY that some big corporations donate to “anti-gay politicians” – whatever that means. I’m guessing it means politicians who have come out publicly against child mutilation – a barbaric practice that … Continue reading “Robert Francis O’Rourke Takes Money From Companies That Support “Anti-Gay Politicians” – Whatever That Means”

Bloom Off The Skate Park Rose Already?

Strange! I seem to remember Mike White telling City council that the skate park would be “used every single day” when the pro-skate-park people were making their case before City council! That was before the price jumped from $200,000 to $400,000, of course. Maybe they’ll come out when the sun is down. Makes it easier … Continue reading “Bloom Off The Skate Park Rose Already?”

“The Wind Always Blows” – Except When It Sucks

Just another one of those days the other day when there was zero wind…. All those billions and billions in hardware sitting there and wind producing a measly 1.58 gigawatts! Of course, the state needed 60 gigawatts to power itself that day… Which means wind was contributing a massive 2.6% of our power needs… All … Continue reading ““The Wind Always Blows” – Except When It Sucks”

Climate Idiots Will Be The End of Western Civilization

Instead of fighting anti-civilization lunacy, corporations are taking their money off the table, along with their life-affirming affordable fuel… “We need to criticize the people who got us here,” says Alex Epstein, founder of the Center for Industrial Progress and author of Fossil Future. “We can’t keep treating these designated experts as real experts. They are not real experts, … Continue reading “Climate Idiots Will Be The End of Western Civilization”

LEDC Requested Impact Study For Secret Biz Pork Prospect. Study Is Completed. Will They Allow Taxpayer Peons To See Results?

So the LEDC requested a study on the economic impact of their secret Business Park prospect (very likely Eco-Strong or Eco-Flex – depending on how they have structured themselves after the last fiasco). They must have done this a while ago because the study is apparently complete. They went back to Impact Data Source. Remember … Continue reading “LEDC Requested Impact Study For Secret Biz Pork Prospect. Study Is Completed. Will They Allow Taxpayer Peons To See Results?”

City Council Meeting Tonight 5-8-23. Electric Rates, Water Rates, Garbage Rates – All Going UP!

Well, a LOT of good stuff coming up! #1 – Waste Connections wants to “adjust” (this means “increase”) their prices to the City. Now, I understood this last time they jacked prices because diesel had skyrocketed to around $5.50 a gallon and it takes a LOT of fuel to run those trucks. BUT, diesel has … Continue reading “City Council Meeting Tonight 5-8-23. Electric Rates, Water Rates, Garbage Rates – All Going UP!”

LEDC, Talbert, Monroe and City Attorney JC Brown All Playing Games To Avoid Releasing Name of Business Pork Prospect.

What a joke. Remember when former-mayor Talbert (now the President of the Lampasas Economic Dunces Club and pilferer of $971,000 in City funds for her Business Pork) blabbered on about how “transparent” her administration was? “I feel like (City) staff and Council oughta be tasked with being accountable to answer on the spot…and..uh…I would be … Continue reading “LEDC, Talbert, Monroe and City Attorney JC Brown All Playing Games To Avoid Releasing Name of Business Pork Prospect.”