Sophia DeLoretto-Chudy Is a Scumbag Commie “Teacher” Who Should Be Thrown Into a Wood Chipper.

Every day it gets crazier with these commies. This lunatic was in the news lately… The purple hair, the nose ring, the hyphenated last name, the crazy eyes. Always. Anyways, according to her TikTok (always with the TikTok), this “Austin teacher” was just innocently trying to teach her 3rd graders about their “legal and constitutional … Continue reading “Sophia DeLoretto-Chudy Is a Scumbag Commie “Teacher” Who Should Be Thrown Into a Wood Chipper.”

City Employee Health Insurance “Cost Of Claims” Skyrockets 63.9% In Two Years. Now at $12,000 Per Employee!

Wow. Hmmm….weird. That is just about the period of time when the “vaccines” were introduced. I wonder what percentage of City employees took that jab…and if the exploding claims are related somehow. Those would be the generous benefits City employees get but which Finley and Ryan never mention every year when they are up there … Continue reading “City Employee Health Insurance “Cost Of Claims” Skyrockets 63.9% In Two Years. Now at $12,000 Per Employee!”

Socialist Crybaby Whines About His Lucky Charms Being too Expensive

Nothing more amusing than someone who voted for Biden crying about inflation. What a life! Living at home with mommy at age 32 as an able-bodied, childless male and whining about the price of cereal on Twitter. Mom must have demanded that Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX go out and pay for his own damn cereal … Continue reading “Socialist Crybaby Whines About His Lucky Charms Being too Expensive”

Burnet School Superintendent Makes $205,000 Per Year. BEFORE All The Recent Raises!

But yeah…keep telling me that the schools are underfunded. Tell me again when you get your property tax estimates in a couple of weeks. You might remember Keith McBurnett. I wrote about him a while back: Keith McBurnett, Superintendent Of Burnet CISD, Is a Wildly Overpaid, Opportunistic, Worm-Filled Turd. Well, that was then. This is … Continue reading “Burnet School Superintendent Makes $205,000 Per Year. BEFORE All The Recent Raises!”

America-Hating Kraut Christine Seefeldt Whines About Abortion – Which Is ALSO Illegal In Her Beloved Germany Under Most Circumstances

This chick just won’t stop! There may be no more retarded comparison to make than abortion and Viagra. So of course, she makes it. Because improving blood flow to your cock is exactly the same as killing a baby, right? How is abortion treated in Germany – the land of cheap Pringles and African immigrants … Continue reading “America-Hating Kraut Christine Seefeldt Whines About Abortion – Which Is ALSO Illegal In Her Beloved Germany Under Most Circumstances”

High School Dummies Protesting Guns…Or Something. I Doubt Even THEY Know

Inspiring to see our young people so deeply committed to missing a chunk of class time. Today over 100 schools across the country are walking out to demand gun reform. Here are your future Clayton Tuckers and Cade Snyder/Hilgenbergs. Your Christine Seefeldts. Morons who don’t appreciate the Constitution and the sacrifices made in forming this … Continue reading “High School Dummies Protesting Guns…Or Something. I Doubt Even THEY Know”

Oxford Mathematician and Physicist Explains Why Wind Power Makes ZERO Sense

 Professor Emeritus Wade Allison (who is also a researcher at CERN) is smarter than AOC, Al Gore, Clayton Tucker, Bruce Haywood, John Kerry and all the other greentards combined. He understands math and physics – which is to say, he understands reality. The reality is that wind power makes ZERO sense economically, environmentally or any other … Continue reading “Oxford Mathematician and Physicist Explains Why Wind Power Makes ZERO Sense”

Blame Women (Disproportionately) for the Collapse of Western Civilization

[I wish I could say I wrote this, but I didn’t. Aaron Clarey did about 7.5 years ago. It’s one of the best pieces I’ve ever read and I’ve been trying to find it for months. I finally found it. I plan on leaving this here all weekend because it is THAT good. It’s what … Continue reading “Blame Women (Disproportionately) for the Collapse of Western Civilization”

Community Garden President Crazier Refuses to Make Her Non-Profit Tax Filings Available. “I Do Not Have Time For Your Nonsense”

After my polite email request to the President of the Lampasas Community Gardens to take a gander at their non-profit tax filings, I was told to get lost: Lampasas Community Garden President Janet “Crazier” Crozier has taken many gifts from the taxpayer over the last couple of years. She is either not bright enough or … Continue reading “Community Garden President Crazier Refuses to Make Her Non-Profit Tax Filings Available. “I Do Not Have Time For Your Nonsense””

This Is The Post Where I Take a Dump On The Industrial Park Agreement.

I asked Finley several clarifying questions about the Industrial Park agreement by email. Of course, he “didn’t have the agreement right in front of [him]”, so I didn’t get an answer to most of it. Weird, because I only read it a couple times and I think I remember all the major points….and I’m not … Continue reading “This Is The Post Where I Take a Dump On The Industrial Park Agreement.”