Another Day In Biden’s America – Thanks, You Liberal Morons

WARNING: more swearing than usual in this rant Boy, what a day! 11:17am: No gas to be had at the Circle-K/Valero at the corner of Key and 190. This happens pretty much every day now, but usually later in the day. 11:24am: Drive up to Stripes – they have gas, but the cheapest grade is … Continue reading “Another Day In Biden’s America – Thanks, You Liberal Morons”

Checking The Math Shows Us Finley Has ALREADY Billed Us For “Growth”

As I posted the other day, Finley is already putting a bug into the ears of City council that with all the “new rooftops” (built by developers subsidized with YOUR tax dollars) we may need to grow the size of the City payroll, add more people and spend more money. These costs of growth, of … Continue reading “Checking The Math Shows Us Finley Has ALREADY Billed Us For “Growth””

Local Socialist Bum Clayton Tucker Mad That Texas Won’t Allow “Critical Race Theory” Bullshit In Schools

Local failed City council candidate Clayton Tucker is at it again. Wow! So deep! Truth? That’s a good one. To Marxist progressive trash like Clayton Tucker and his buddies, “truth” is provable nonsense like “a human with a penis can be a woman” or “global warming will kill us all in 12 years” or “there … Continue reading “Local Socialist Bum Clayton Tucker Mad That Texas Won’t Allow “Critical Race Theory” Bullshit In Schools”

*UPDATE* – LEDC Loan Costs Now Much Higher For Taxpayer Thanks To Idiotic Extension Of Original Loan

So, I have the NEW amortization schedule in my hands, thanks to a very efficient City secretary. As I stated before, the OLD loan only had about $133,000 remaining in interest payments over the next 9 years (total interest of $377,000 minus the $244,000 already paid over the last 6 years). That is now out … Continue reading “*UPDATE* – LEDC Loan Costs Now Much Higher For Taxpayer Thanks To Idiotic Extension Of Original Loan”

Talbert Administration Report Card: F

As promised, here is a list of the foolish and profligate spending that took place under the Talbert administration (May 2017 through May 2021) as well as some projects while she was a City council member AND LEDC member. Being the Head Goldfish, her memory is so short she has likely forgotten all of these … Continue reading “Talbert Administration Report Card: F”

“We Have a Gardener Down! Repeat – A Gardener Down!”

Well, THAT didn’t take long! I knew Janet Yoder “Crazier” Crozier was a bungling moron, but thought it would take longer for the Community Gardens to see an incident like this: Oopsie. Apparently a visitor (and reportedly a friend of local libtard locust Janet “Crazier” Crozier from out of town) slipped on wood chips at … Continue reading ““We Have a Gardener Down! Repeat – A Gardener Down!””

City Pays $7,500 For Grant Application That Was Never Submitted

Just a reminder: the same City council that refuses to cough up $10,000 or $20,000 extra to pay lifeguards a NORMAL wage this summer so they can open the pools ALSO wasted $7,500 on a grant that has yet to be submitted….mainly because Mike Cour of Eco-Strong is a scam artist and scum bag. Mandy … Continue reading “City Pays $7,500 For Grant Application That Was Never Submitted”

Mayor Transparency STILL Holding Up Documents FOUR WEEKS After Attorney General Orders City To Hand Them Over

Months and months ago, I requested documents related to the “economic impact” report for the LEDC ‘business’ park prospect Eco-Strong. The City did everything in their power to obstruct me. I got my lawyer involved (yet again) and tried several different tactics to make those documents public. One of my tactics (which worked previously in … Continue reading “Mayor Transparency STILL Holding Up Documents FOUR WEEKS After Attorney General Orders City To Hand Them Over”

Clayton Tucker: “If Austin Wants To Be A Sanctuary City, Then Let It”

Quote of the day, from Clayton Tucker’s interview with liberal fish wrapper Austin American-Statesman from only six months ago. He was asked about sanctuary cities. Here is what he said about SB 4 [requires local law enforcement to cooperate with the feds and turn over illegal border jumpers who commit crimes – effectively outlawing sanctuary … Continue reading “Clayton Tucker: “If Austin Wants To Be A Sanctuary City, Then Let It””

Socialist Clayton Tucker: Solar Energy ‘Expert’

Four years ago when socialist Clayton Tucker tried to weasel his way into a vacant City council seat, he postured himself as some kind of energy expert. He also had a loony idea for the City of Lampasas to build a solar farm and “sell the electricity to Austin”, lol. From The Dispatch June 2, … Continue reading “Socialist Clayton Tucker: Solar Energy ‘Expert’”