Hostess House Remodel Debacle: Already Wasting Money

The City foolishly took over the Hostess House at the end of 2019, you may recall. Apparently, they think they should be in the business of running an event center instead of just leaving that to the private sector. They apparently also learned ZERO from the $1.5 million they wasted on the Old City Hall … Continue reading “Hostess House Remodel Debacle: Already Wasting Money”

A YEAR After “Two Weeks To Flatten The Curve”, City Wants To Waste Money On Plexiglas Partitions For Council Chambers.

A YEAR after “two weeks to flatten the curve”, the City now wants to piss away money on plastic partitions for City council chambers. [Find link here and go to page 21 and 22] Talk about closing the barn door after the horse has already escaped! I can think of MANY reasons for NOT wasting … Continue reading “A YEAR After “Two Weeks To Flatten The Curve”, City Wants To Waste Money On Plexiglas Partitions For Council Chambers.”

We Just Got A Taste Of “The Green New Deal” – Failing Wind And Solar

Too much wind and solar on a grid and you will get “ERCOT” with your pants down. Every time. This chart of TX power generation shows you everything you need to know about trying to add lots of renewables to a grid. The enormous variability of wind generation becomes instantly apparent. Wind is not real … Continue reading “We Just Got A Taste Of “The Green New Deal” – Failing Wind And Solar”

More Scummy Covid Counting – Plus New “Orders” From Our Health Fuhrer

From today’s Radiogram: Dr. Georgia Hay shared with Lampasas Radio this morning that Lampasas County recorded another fatality due to Covid-19. A gentleman in his 80’s who is from Lampasas, but was in along term care facility in another county has passed away. His wife also passed away from Covid-19 in another county. What’s next? We get to count anyone who was … Continue reading “More Scummy Covid Counting – Plus New “Orders” From Our Health Fuhrer”

Keith McBurnett, Superintendent Of Burnet CISD, Is a Wildly Overpaid, Opportunistic, Worm-Filled Turd.

Is that too harsh? Nah. Not after what he did this week. First, let me first explain that Keith McBurnett is a ladder-climbing, government bureaucrat who makes more in a month than the average person in Burnet makes in a year. [Note: these are 2018 numbers. LARGE raises were doled out to EVERYONE in the … Continue reading “Keith McBurnett, Superintendent Of Burnet CISD, Is a Wildly Overpaid, Opportunistic, Worm-Filled Turd.”

Covid PCR Test Ruled Completely Unreliable

Yes, that would be the same PCR test that we use here in Texas and AMPLIFY FORTY-TWO TIMES! Portuguese court rules that a PCR test is not a reliable basis for “proving” a covid infection and cannot be the lawful basis for forced quarantine. They cite (gasp) actual science. The media reaction to this case … Continue reading “Covid PCR Test Ruled Completely Unreliable”

Mayor “Transparency” Talbert Is a Bald-Faced Liar. City REFUSES Transparency on LEDC Economic Impact Study Paid For With City Funds

Remember when Misti sat there in a council meeting and blathered about how the City should be ALL about transparency for the citizens and taxpayers? HERE IS THE LINK and below is the quote: “I feel like (City) staff and Council oughta be tasked with being accountable to answer on the spot…and..uh…I would be comfortable … Continue reading “Mayor “Transparency” Talbert Is a Bald-Faced Liar. City REFUSES Transparency on LEDC Economic Impact Study Paid For With City Funds”

Covid Cult God Spits In My Eye – But Point Remains True

No sooner had I pointed out we haven’t really had a Covid fatality in two months than we supposedly had a Covid fatality. I say “supposedly” because we have absolutely no clue about how this poor 70-year-old guy actually passed away. Did he die WITH Covid or FROM Covid? Don’t forget hospitals have MASSIVE financial … Continue reading “Covid Cult God Spits In My Eye – But Point Remains True”

Scared Rabbits Start Shaking In Their Cages Over Seasonal Flu

Having waited…shaking in their cages since April, the scared Covid rabbits are all in a tizzy thinking the long-awaited “winter surge” is supposedly starting! That’s according to several Chicken Little/Scared Rabbits in town – like head rabbit and mask Nazi Melissa Johnson. Apparently some young kids have – gasp – TESTED POSITIVE!! Of course it’s … Continue reading “Scared Rabbits Start Shaking In Their Cages Over Seasonal Flu”