Libtards Have Stood In The Way Of Election Reform for Decades. Here’s How To Fix It.

Unsurprisingly, libtards are vehemently against any type of transparent and fair standard national system for elections. I wonder why that is: [Ironically, Potato Head’s mental health evaluations (no doubt conducted by quacks of her choosing) would have screened out Dementia Joe years ago. But I digress] Because it benefits them, of course! Every time a … Continue reading “Libtards Have Stood In The Way Of Election Reform for Decades. Here’s How To Fix It.”

City Blowing Over $12,000 To Study A “Mountain Bike Park”. No…Seriously.

You know…because of the many hundreds of cycling enthusiasts we have here. And the many hundreds of people who are super into exercise and fitness in Lampasas. I can’t go 10 minutes without seeing somebody peddling down the street or jogging up the road. That was sarcasm. Actually, it was just “one resident approached us” … Continue reading “City Blowing Over $12,000 To Study A “Mountain Bike Park”. No…Seriously.”

Another Batch Of Covid Numbers STILL Prove The Covid Cult Is Overreacting

Here are the last three reports as posted by our Mayor: Over a nine day period, they conducted 501 tests (55 tests per day) and the number of active cases DROPPED massively from 39 to 12. The only way this could happen is a bunch of “actives” dropped off the list as they recovered and … Continue reading “Another Batch Of Covid Numbers STILL Prove The Covid Cult Is Overreacting”

Remember When All The Teachers And Students Were Gonna Die Of Covid?

It was only about 3 months ago. A large group of dummies were screaming bloody murder that the schools should stay closed. That we couldn’t go back to normal because of the extreme danger to kids and teachers…even though kids and young women are more likely to die in a car accident on the WAY … Continue reading “Remember When All The Teachers And Students Were Gonna Die Of Covid?”

Council Meeting 9/28/20 – Live Updates

Haven’t been able to do THIS in a while. Tonight the budget will be adopted. The “proposed budget” that is not available to be seen on the city website – and hasn’t been since 2016. There were also rumblings in a Radiogram issue that the Goldfish will be in “executive session” talking about “economic incentives” … Continue reading “Council Meeting 9/28/20 – Live Updates”

Oops. Asymptomatic Infections Actually Very Unlikely To Spread.

I remember back in the old days of Covid (5 months ago) the hysterical ‘experts’ were trying to convince us that probably 50% of Covid infections were asymptomatic and that THOSE clueless asymptomatic people were unwittingly going around infecting everyone and their granny. It was part of the bullshit they used to scare gullible dummies … Continue reading “Oops. Asymptomatic Infections Actually Very Unlikely To Spread.”

Oh No! Some High School Kids Caught The Sniffles!

So we all know now that Homecoming was cancelled – and some football players tested positive for Covid. Misti posted an extremely condescending and arrogant order to everyone not to speculate or pontificate about any of this. Just shut your mouth and obey. Right? We’re too ignorant to make informed and educated assessments. Nah. I … Continue reading “Oh No! Some High School Kids Caught The Sniffles!”

Welfare Queen Mandy Walsh Pulling Every Sneaky Scumbag Move She Can To Grab Federal Money

New depths are being plumbed by Mandy, the LEDC and (by extension and tacit agreement) our Mayor and City council. They have sunk lower than the lowest level of prehistoric frog turds at the bottom of the New Jersey scum swamp. If you are new to this issue, Mandy and the Lampasas Economic Dunces Club … Continue reading “Welfare Queen Mandy Walsh Pulling Every Sneaky Scumbag Move She Can To Grab Federal Money”