Eco-Flex False Press Release – Part II

I gave you all the set up in Part I: Eco-Flex sending out false press releases at the exact same time the LEDC and City council were spinning their wheels in mid-May trying to figure out how to proceed on scrounging up ANOTHER $1.9 million dollars in tax money to incinerate on the ‘business’ park. … Continue reading “Eco-Flex False Press Release – Part II”

Somebody Has Some ‘Splaining To Do Regarding Eco-Strong, Mike Cour and the ‘Business’ Park Money Pit

[There is a LOT of nonsense and lies to sort through in this story. This will be PART I of III] So it’s time to find out once and for all who is lying through their teeth. Is it the LEDC (Lampasas Economic Development Corp)? Mike Cour of Eco-Strong? Alan Champagne the asshole Canadian CEO? … Continue reading “Somebody Has Some ‘Splaining To Do Regarding Eco-Strong, Mike Cour and the ‘Business’ Park Money Pit”

Accurate Covid Reporting Is Extremely Important – Even If Our Mayor Doesn’t Think So

Plenty of tricks are being played with Covid reporting all over the country. Take Florida, as just one example: The median age of yesterday’s deaths was 93. In case you haven’t studied math in a while, that means that half of the 149 deaths reported – HALF! – were older than 93. The earliest date … Continue reading “Accurate Covid Reporting Is Extremely Important – Even If Our Mayor Doesn’t Think So”

Moron Socialist Asks Valid Question – Inadvertently Shows Idiocy Of Mask Rules

An Austin imbecile asked a question of our mayor the last week: Gee…don’t ask me. I’m just the mayor! Michael Duvall is a Bernie-Sanders-loving clown horn, but he raises a good point: all of the stupid mask rules and sports rules are a mish-mash of shit that contradict each other. What’s stopping this “deadly plague” … Continue reading “Moron Socialist Asks Valid Question – Inadvertently Shows Idiocy Of Mask Rules”

Serious Question For Mayor and City Council: How Long Are You Going To Let This Bullshit Go On?

Really. I’d love an answer. How long are we going to tally the fall of every sparrow? Another month? A year? Forever? Why not add in cancer deaths? Or pneumonia? Maybe start one for heart attacks too? I thought 20 active cases was the magic number. We are under that. Why are we STILL yapping … Continue reading “Serious Question For Mayor and City Council: How Long Are You Going To Let This Bullshit Go On?”

Wading Through Mandy Walsh’s Hip-Deep Horse Shit – PART I

As promised, I want to go through the latest Dispatch puff-piece about the Lampasas Economic Dunces Club (LEDC) ‘business park’ and their attempt to fleece the United States Federal government to fund it further. I have highlighted particularly odious piles of horse shit for further discussion: Right off the bat, they TWICE repeat the lie … Continue reading “Wading Through Mandy Walsh’s Hip-Deep Horse Shit – PART I”

Freddy Oversteegen – The Art Of Projection

One thing you can always count on with loons like Freddie Oversteegen (who uses a fake name): besides being hypocrites, they are MASTERS at projection. ‘Projection’ is when you are guilty of something yourself but accuse others baselessly and relentlessly of the same thing. Kinda like the dems whipping up the “Trump is in bed … Continue reading “Freddy Oversteegen – The Art Of Projection”

Whoooooo Doggie!

So funny. People dump all over each other’s heads on Facebook all day long in a never-ending argument of insults over forced mask wearing. Karen Spivey-Cummings posts pro-mask propaganda from 7am til bedtime. Bruce Haywood gets an erection every time the government makes a hint that they may make wearing masks MANDATORY – ALSO posting … Continue reading “Whoooooo Doggie!”

And The Academy Award Goes To….

Misti Talbert! For her subdued yet poignant “why can’t we all just get along” pleading video message on Facebook during her announcement that she has caught the lethal plague flu. I haven’t seen forced half-crying like that since she dedicated the Jack Calvert $1.5 Million Dollar Municipal Fishbowl back in December 2019. The virus she … Continue reading “And The Academy Award Goes To….”