Health ‘Authority’ Speaks Out Both Sides Of Her Mouth

Saturday, June 27th Radiogram page 1: An announcement on the Spring Ho website said the Spring Ho Committee, along with Lampasas County Local Health Authority Dr. Georgia Hay, County Judge Randy Hoyer and Lampasas Mayor Misti Talbert, “unanimously agreed that in the interest of the health and safety of our community” the 2020 Spring Ho … Continue reading “Health ‘Authority’ Speaks Out Both Sides Of Her Mouth”

Mandy Walsh and LEDC Go Full Federal: Will Become Welfare Queens By Scamming Federal Government “Covid Money” For Their Business Park Boondoggle

For those of you who live under a rock, the Lampasas Economic Development Corp (LEDC) has been wasting millions on a “business park” for YEARS now, with nothing to show for it. They have owned the 165-acre weed patch for about 17 years and plowed about $1 million dollars just in “improvements” into it back … Continue reading “Mandy Walsh and LEDC Go Full Federal: Will Become Welfare Queens By Scamming Federal Government “Covid Money” For Their Business Park Boondoggle”

City Manager Gets A Secret $10,000 Raise. Seriously.

Last week, the local radio station asked [City manager] Finley deGraffenreid if he had gotten a $10,000 raise from City council recently and he had no comment. I don’t know how in the hell the radio guy found out about it, but Finley did not deny it. Wha-what?? Finley got a $10,000 raise? First I’ve … Continue reading “City Manager Gets A Secret $10,000 Raise. Seriously.”

Stephanie Fitzharris Is The Type of Marxist Moron We Need Far Less Of

In honor of Memorial Day. Many men have fought and died battling socialist/communist scum of the earth over the last century. Unfortunately, our own country (nay, our own STATE) is now seeing increasing numbers of socialist/commie scum trying to overturn all that has been fought for. Today, we profile one right here in Texas. Stephanie … Continue reading “Stephanie Fitzharris Is The Type of Marxist Moron We Need Far Less Of”

**SCOOP ALERT** Are The LEDC and City Council Making Secret Deals? Handing Out Subsidies To Canadian Tire Recycler? *UPDATE*

Did you know Eco-Strong LLC (the distribution arm of Canadian company Eco-Flex) will be breaking ground on a plant here in Lampasas in 16 days? Neither did I. Neither did the Lampasas Dispatch, apparently. All Dispatch archive searches for “Eco-Strong”, “Eco-Flex” and CEO “Mike Cour” came up empty! Supposedly a 25,000 sq/ft tire recycling plant … Continue reading “**SCOOP ALERT** Are The LEDC and City Council Making Secret Deals? Handing Out Subsidies To Canadian Tire Recycler? *UPDATE*”

Council Meeting Tonight – Live Updates

Don’t forget tonight’s council meeting! Sounds like there could be something afoot, according to today’s Radiogram: “The City Council will meet in Executive Session after the regular meeting, “to receive and evaluate financial information received from a business prospect” and to discuss or deliberate financial information that the city has received from a business prospect that the … Continue reading “Council Meeting Tonight – Live Updates”

City Council Special Session Tonight at 5:30pm – ** Updated As We Go!!

I’ll be live updating again. Can’t wait to hear all the details of Mandy’s ‘free LEDC money’ proposal! Log in HERE to watch! 5:35pm – Council being fashionably late. A whopping 14 people are waiting on-line to watch. About the same as last live-stream. Good thing you built that $1.5 million vanity project to hold … Continue reading “City Council Special Session Tonight at 5:30pm – ** Updated As We Go!!”

Peanut Gallery Dummies Get It Wrong…As Usual

I awoke to texts from a number of my sources around town that Misti Talbert’s ‘official’ FB page as mayor was shut down for some reason. Naturally, some of the less-than-intelligent Misti lovers immediately suggested that this was the work of that nefarious (look it up, peanut gallery) Lampasshole. I have to laugh. For two … Continue reading “Peanut Gallery Dummies Get It Wrong…As Usual”

Yet Another City Promise Turns Out To Be A Lie

From today’s Dispatch: In another upcoming event, the city will hold a town hall meeting April 6 to discuss recycling, a potential landscape/tree policy and a potential requirement for a form survey for new construction projects. The town hall meeting will be at 6 p.m. at the former Lampasas Middle School cafeteria on Western Avenue. … Continue reading “Yet Another City Promise Turns Out To Be A Lie”