Tree Police Just Won’t Stop

Like the civic center, the Tree Police idea is apparently one of those turds that just refuse to stay buried. It has come up AGAIN at the last two City council meetings. I previously went into what hypocrites some of the Goldfish are for even dreaming up this idea: they hand out “free” stuff (Stone … Continue reading “Tree Police Just Won’t Stop”

‘Business Park’ Is Huge Piece of Pork. Pope Eckermann and Others Feasting On Taxpayer Ass

I’m considering changing the name of the ‘Business Park’ from ‘Corpse Repository‘ to ‘Eckermann Retirement Fund’. The LEDC has blown WAY over a million dollars on that weed patch with nothing to show for it, but Pope Eckermann seems to have the nicest monthly skim on this thing. Between 2/21/14 and 6/15/16 Pope Eckermann took … Continue reading “‘Business Park’ Is Huge Piece of Pork. Pope Eckermann and Others Feasting On Taxpayer Ass”

More Proof That The LEDC Is Wasting Their $120,000.00 On The Halff Associates Consulting Contract

As I’ve reported here before, the City is currently in the midst of wasting $120,000.00 on a ‘consulting contract’ with Halff Associates to ’empower the community’ and ‘give everyone a voice’ in the future of Lampasas. This is a fool’s errand, as I have ALSO pointed out before….but I offer more proof here today. A … Continue reading “More Proof That The LEDC Is Wasting Their $120,000.00 On The Halff Associates Consulting Contract”

City Employee Benefits AGAIN Top $250,000 Per Month – A 75% Increase In Five Years

It happened back in May of this year and it just happened again in September: City employee benefit costs exceeded a quarter of a million dollars in a single month. I expect to see this occur regularly as the new fiscal year starts: Scott and White Health Plan: $118,776.92 [check #152959] Texas Municipal Retirement System: … Continue reading “City Employee Benefits AGAIN Top $250,000 Per Month – A 75% Increase In Five Years”

City Monkeys Pay SurveyMonkey $120,000.00 For FREE Service. Seriously.

For those of you living under a rock, the geniuses at City Hall (and the LEDC) have recently retained Halff Associates, a ‘consulting’ firm, to help “plan the future of Lampasas”. I have largely ignored this fiasco because it is such a terrible idea and a colossal waste of time. The kinds of people who … Continue reading “City Monkeys Pay SurveyMonkey $120,000.00 For FREE Service. Seriously.”

Hiring Scumbags To Beg For Government Money Always Pays Off In Lampasas

“Greasy” Chris Harrison pulled it off! After turning down a request from PRIVATE developer S2M2 Inc for free money back in May, City Council changed their tune and decided to hand S2M2 Inc “a maximum of $150,000 for the company’s actual costs of surveying, engineering and building a rainwater detention pond in the subdivision,” now … Continue reading “Hiring Scumbags To Beg For Government Money Always Pays Off In Lampasas”

Wow! Factor Vanity Project Just Keeps Going, And Going, And Going….

The current delay for the $1.5 million Vanity Project? The elevator, of course! As I had speculated all along. This is the Energizer Bunny of construction projects, apparently. Let’s look at the string of missed deadlines for this disaster: November 14, 2016: Finley “Spinley” deGraffenried brings bids to Council on elevator equipment and installation.  Bids … Continue reading “Wow! Factor Vanity Project Just Keeps Going, And Going, And Going….”

Weed Patch Blasts From The Past

Since I was digging through the Dispatch archives anyways, I thought it would be humorous to copy down all of the hilariously inaccurate promises about the weed patch corpse repository Business Park. Here are some good ones: “Ms. Toups said she wants to continue to provide infrastructure to develop the business park — which she … Continue reading “Weed Patch Blasts From The Past”

City Attorney Stonewalls My Request For Ransomware Attack Details.

Far from being questioned or chastised about the recent IT Department screw-up which left the City’s computers open to attack, Monica Can’t-Wright and her accomplice Kristy “The Joker” Acevedo were PRAISED for their “hard work during the ransomware attack”! Seriously – there were ZERO questions from City Council about how the attack happened or why … Continue reading “City Attorney Stonewalls My Request For Ransomware Attack Details.”

Look At Those Throngs of People…All Urine-ing For A Restroom

Since the City insists we need a $185,000 no-bid restroom at Campbell Park to handle all the throngs of people, I decided to go see how big the Labor Day holiday crowds were. I happen to drive by Campbell Park all the time and never see a soul. I thought maybe a holiday weekend might … Continue reading “Look At Those Throngs of People…All Urine-ing For A Restroom”