Local Socialist Maggot Clayton Tucker Smears Texas Congressman

The 30-year-old, able-bodied unemployed bum who lives upstairs at his parents’ house at 208 S Western Street STILL thinks there was an “insurrection” on January 6th. He thinks Louis Gohmert is an “embarrassment” who “needs to go”: Why would he think this? Why does socialist Clayton Tucker cling to the falsehood that there was an … Continue reading “Local Socialist Maggot Clayton Tucker Smears Texas Congressman”

Piss-Poor Dispatch Piece Has James Cain Spewing Unquestioned Covid Nonsense and Half-Truths (Part I)

Jesus what a shitty article. So much data left out. So many questions left unasked. No offense, Monique Brand, but you should do a little more digging in ALL of your articles. “We’re All Tired” First of all, James Cain has ZERO respect for naturally acquired immunity – he acts like it doesn’t exist. Perhaps … Continue reading “Piss-Poor Dispatch Piece Has James Cain Spewing Unquestioned Covid Nonsense and Half-Truths (Part I)”

Cathy “Porkchop” Kuehne Tries to Look Smart – Fails Spectacularly. Also Forgets She Already Had Covid.

There are few things funnier to me than a moron trying to look like a genius. Kinda like local lemonade stand hobbyist Julie Landrum yapping about quantum physics: Except maybe a chimp riding a Segway…..that’s funnier: Speaking of primates looking ridiculous….. Cathy Kuehne tried hard to look smart at the last council meeting. Unfortunately, she … Continue reading “Cathy “Porkchop” Kuehne Tries to Look Smart – Fails Spectacularly. Also Forgets She Already Had Covid.”

I Finally Shook Off Covid. Now It’s Time To Take a Shit On Julie Cain Landrum’s Hobby Lemonade Stand

Well, Covid makes you tired as hell and robs you of your taste (still gone) but I never thought I was going to die. Funny how I never got sick for 18 months despite no mask or vax, but the minute a bunch of young people NOT at risk of dying from Covid (like THIS … Continue reading “I Finally Shook Off Covid. Now It’s Time To Take a Shit On Julie Cain Landrum’s Hobby Lemonade Stand”

Yes, Potato Head Stephanie Fitazharris, These Kids Are Pussies

“It has come to my attention”. Jesus lady, you really think you’re in charge of the planet, don’t you? A year and a half of telling everyone to wear a mask and get vaccinated and generally playing a mini-Hitler douche will do that to a person, I guess. Hedge a bet? I think you mean … Continue reading “Yes, Potato Head Stephanie Fitazharris, These Kids Are Pussies”

IT/Communications Nerf Position Not Needed – Part II

So, we’ve already seen that a new “communications” position is a complete waste of money. But maybe we need a new IT person? Ummm…no. I’ve already spilled a lot of ink on this, but here are the basics: We ALREADY have two employees (nearly $200,000 in salary and benefits – see page 24) and essentially … Continue reading “IT/Communications Nerf Position Not Needed – Part II”

Deja Vu: LEDC Made The EXACT Same Case To Council Seven Years Ago When Begging For Business Park Millions

It’s amazing what you find rummaging through the old archives. The people running the LEDC should try it some time. A few days ago, Mandy and Misti stood up and implored council to let them blow ANOTHER $2 million on the “business” park. Her main point was: “We receive RFIs from the governors office on … Continue reading “Deja Vu: LEDC Made The EXACT Same Case To Council Seven Years Ago When Begging For Business Park Millions”

Virtue Signaling Doc in Alabama Makes Up Obvious Lie About Young Healthy People Dying From COVID

These are doctors Miles and Brytney Cobia: Brytney made a Facebook post that went viral earlier in the week that is one of the most fantastic pieces of fiction you will ever read: I’ve seen a lot of obvious lies go viral on social media, but can’t remember one that was this obviously made up … Continue reading “Virtue Signaling Doc in Alabama Makes Up Obvious Lie About Young Healthy People Dying From COVID”

Rhonda Witcher Spreading Delta Variant Fear. Don’t Listen To The Old Fart.

The supposed former “college professor” (who can’t spell correctly) is now an expert on the “delta variant” and the unapproved vaccine they are trying to shove down everyone’s throats. Between her and local moron Christopher McDaniel, it is clear that news of the death of the Covid Cult was greatly exaggerated. They are back and … Continue reading “Rhonda Witcher Spreading Delta Variant Fear. Don’t Listen To The Old Fart.”