Skate Park Cost Shoots Ever-Higher. Looks Like We May Get Ripped Off. Again.

When they first started selling us on the skate park, the estimated cost was around $200,000. Pretty small potatoes, in the grand scheme of things – considering City council wasted over ONE POINT FIVE MILLION dollars (or almost EIGHT TIMES MORE) just to renovate the Old City Hall building that nobody (except City council and … Continue reading “Skate Park Cost Shoots Ever-Higher. Looks Like We May Get Ripped Off. Again.”

Janet “Crazier” Crozier Falls For “Old Russian Cripple” Prank. Sorry Janet: Haywood Jablowmi Is Actually Me.

My issues with local locust Janet “Crazier” Crozier are well documented (HERE and HERE) over the last couple years. She has cost the City a small fortune with her hare-brained schemes, and is currently in the process of trying to sponge ANOTHER $13,000 or so off of the City for her “community garden”. The moment … Continue reading “Janet “Crazier” Crozier Falls For “Old Russian Cripple” Prank. Sorry Janet: Haywood Jablowmi Is Actually Me.”

LEDC Literally Has No Idea What To Do With The Business Pork

Funny what you find in the archives sometimes. It’s been hilarious watching the LEDC and Talbert trying to make a case for why blowing ANOTHER $2.7 million on the Business Pork is so awesome and necessary. FIRST it was all about “jobs” it would bring. HUNDREDS of them, probably! THEN it was all about the … Continue reading “LEDC Literally Has No Idea What To Do With The Business Pork”

Clayton “Baby Seal” Tucker Taps Out. Will Not Run For City Council

I have to say, I’m a little disappointed. Our local socialist seal has apparently had enough clubbing for a while. In the infamous words of Roberto Duran: “no mas!” This is confusing to me, because just a few months ago, Tucker was talking tough about bringing his shitty, Marxist/commie nonsense to rural areas: “We ain’t … Continue reading “Clayton “Baby Seal” Tucker Taps Out. Will Not Run For City Council”

Synopsis Of Huge Cost Increase For LEDC ‘Business’ Park

Last May, the LEDC told City council they needed ANOTHER$1.974 millionto REALLY finish the job they started back in 2004 (and claimed to have completed in 2015). The cost totals for “Phase I” (which is actually Phase II) can be seen on pages 14 and 15 linked HERE – and here are the snapshots: Remember: … Continue reading “Synopsis Of Huge Cost Increase For LEDC ‘Business’ Park”

Local Business Owner Genci Krasniqi Skewering City Hall. It Is Glorious.

Local business owner Genci Krasniqi is not holding back on City Hall. Nor should he. I remember talking to him the day Lampasas Beer Market opened and he gave me a huge earful about what morons the City were and how hard they made it to get anything done. I have also heard this sentiment … Continue reading “Local Business Owner Genci Krasniqi Skewering City Hall. It Is Glorious.”

LEDC Swallowing More Bullshit and Hype. Will They Never Learn??

Looks like the Lampasas Economic Dunces Club is at it again. Not since Jack sold his cow for some magic beans have we seen economic wizardry like they practice over at the LEDC. First it was Mike Cour and his Eco-Turd scam. The LEDC (desperate to make a deal and finally get a tenant for … Continue reading “LEDC Swallowing More Bullshit and Hype. Will They Never Learn??”

Council Meeting: Surprise $1.5 Million Electric Fund Cost Discussed.

The Goldfish swam last night – the first meeting of the year and first in nearly a month: Finley presented council with an 89-page fiscal year 2021 financial report. He didn’t want to go into too much detail or “bore you with this”, except to say that “it was a tough year” and mentioned the … Continue reading “Council Meeting: Surprise $1.5 Million Electric Fund Cost Discussed.”

How Our Bloated IT Department Spends Their Time

Time for a deep dive into what our $426,000 Information Technology Department does all month. When IT Director Monica Wright submits her monthly reports, we are treated to a ticket count. Every time something happens over there, a ticket is generated and that task is then completed by either Monica Wright (Department head with no … Continue reading “How Our Bloated IT Department Spends Their Time”