Eliminate Wind and Solar Subsidies Now – Before We Become Like Europe.

Since the push for renewables in Texas began in 1999, electric generators have spent about $66 billion building wind and solar farms that have a generation capacity today of 46,949 megawatts, with wind accounting for 35,162 of those megawatts. Yet as temperatures and Texans’ need for electricity were soaring, wind turbines across the state were still; and … Continue reading “Eliminate Wind and Solar Subsidies Now – Before We Become Like Europe.”

Clayton Tucker: World’s First Virtual Rancher/Farmer/Cowboy

When you have a low IQ, you make a lot of dumb mistakes. For instance, you forget which lies you previously told in newspaper interviews, you forget what your current fake job supposedly is, and you completely forget to put fake jobs on your resume and have to go back and do it later. Here … Continue reading “Clayton Tucker: World’s First Virtual Rancher/Farmer/Cowboy”

Finley Tries To Copy Lampasshole Skatepark Timeline To Cover Ass. Omits Important Items.

Well, City manager Finley DeGraffenreid appears to be trying to cover his rear end with this skate park debacle. I went into a detailed timeline on this two weeks ago – and now it appears that Finley is (coincidentally!) trying to do the very same with his OWN timeline to try and explain the mess … Continue reading “Finley Tries To Copy Lampasshole Skatepark Timeline To Cover Ass. Omits Important Items.”

More Thoughts On City Employee Salaries…

We already saw some of the very questionable (and self-serving) statements by ACM Ryan Ward and Finley deGraffenreid when it comes to some of our “underpaid” City Nerf job holders at the top of the City employee food chain – like (supposedly) Assistant City Managers and IT Directors. I’d like to look at some remarks … Continue reading “More Thoughts On City Employee Salaries…”

Former Mayor Hetherly Was Right About ONE Thing…

I found a lovely nugget in the LEDC minutes from years ago. It shows you just how much has changed. Judy Hetherly was a failure as an LEDC board president AND as a mayor, but listen to what she had to say in August 2005 before she became Mayor but while she sat on City … Continue reading “Former Mayor Hetherly Was Right About ONE Thing…”

As You Get Your Outrageous Property Tax Bills, Remember Kathy Staruska

This is Kathy Staruska of Lampasas: Yes, she does look like Odo from Deep Space Nine, but that’s not why we are here today… She is employed by the Lampasas Independent School District: She holds the title of “Educational Diagnostician”. I am trying to think of a bigger joke of a job, but having a … Continue reading “As You Get Your Outrageous Property Tax Bills, Remember Kathy Staruska”

In The Pantheon of Gullible Morons, Stephanie Fitzharris Stands Above All Others

There are useful idiots and then there is Austin resident Stephanie “Potato Head” Fitzharris, who overshadows ALL other idiots. Haywood? Tucker? Mere amateurs. When it comes to falling for bullshit (masks and social distancing), not understanding science (vaccines that don’t work), or cheering loudly and stupidly for the Next Thing (BLM, defund police, Ukraine), nobody … Continue reading “In The Pantheon of Gullible Morons, Stephanie Fitzharris Stands Above All Others”

Did Lampasas Build A Biz Park In The 1970s??

Here is a nugget from 2014 about how Lampasas was at a “crossroads” as it tried to decide whether to waste another $1.7 million on utilities for the Business Pork.….complete with a bizarre blurb about a Business Park built in the 1970s that “is 41% full, currently – according to officials”. Wait. What? From June … Continue reading “Did Lampasas Build A Biz Park In The 1970s??”