Old City Hall 2.0: Hostess House Costs EXPLODE To $1.88 Million! Up 44% From Last Estimate!!

Hey, what’s another$570,000between friends?? These people are insane. I warned you! I warned you over and over and over. I laughed when the Hostess House “minor repairs” were first talked about…. That was exactly three years ago. Just some “minor repairs” and “minor decorations”. Yeah, sure. I called bullshit. I reminded you of the Old … Continue reading “Old City Hall 2.0: Hostess House Costs EXPLODE To $1.88 Million! Up 44% From Last Estimate!!”

City Council Meeting 10-10-22 Recap

Haven’t been keeping up as much as I’d like with CC meetings. Here is a recap of tonight’s meeting: Finley made his Manager’s Report. When he got to the “LEDC” line item, he babbled a bit about how the Business Pork has some paved roads now! Halleluiah! No doubt, it will be filled to the … Continue reading “City Council Meeting 10-10-22 Recap”

Studies Prove Yet Again That ‘Renewable’ Energy Is a Disaster When Deployed at Large Scale

[Morons like AOC, Joe Biden, Robert O’Rourke and Clayton Tucker need to read stuff like this and comprehend it so we can avoid destroying our country’s economy – but, of course, they won’t. Because it’s not about ‘saving the planet’. It’s about control. Small-time dummies like Tucker and Haywood are just too blind to see … Continue reading “Studies Prove Yet Again That ‘Renewable’ Energy Is a Disaster When Deployed at Large Scale”

There Is No Climate Crisis. History Shows Us The Earth Has Seen FAR Worse.

Whenever high temperatures are reported in the US or Europe the news is hyperinflated into wild theories of climate Apocalypse by the media, but weather history suggests that the panic is fabricated rather than justified.  In fact, any hot weather event you can pick out in recent years is likely overshadowed by a much worse … Continue reading “There Is No Climate Crisis. History Shows Us The Earth Has Seen FAR Worse.”

Didya Know?? LEDC Wasted $52,000 On Internet Study Which Accomplished Nothing

I saw this posted yesterday and had to laugh… I’m not sure if the LEDC is trying to take credit for this, but the truth is they have had absolutely ZERO to do with Internet in this town besides wasting piles of money with no results. Kinda like the Business Pork Project. Nextlink would have … Continue reading “Didya Know?? LEDC Wasted $52,000 On Internet Study Which Accomplished Nothing”

Bruce Haywood Is Such A Moron and Hypocrite It Makes My Eyeballs Hurt

I seriously think this idiot needs to be institutionalized. Can manatees be rabid? Because this one definitely is. Somebody in his family needs to take him to the vet at the closest aquarium and have him put down before he hurts himself. I’ve never seen such a profound case of Trump Derangement Syndrome as I’ve … Continue reading “Bruce Haywood Is Such A Moron and Hypocrite It Makes My Eyeballs Hurt”

ATTCM Ryan ‘Dwight Schrute’ Ward Suggests MORE Ridiculous Benefits For City Employees. Including Paid Time Off For Losing Weight and $5 Rounds of Golf. Are Shrutebucks Up Next?

I’m crapping you negative. I think Assistant To The City Manager (ATTCM) Ryan “Dwight Schrute” Ward has way too much time on his hands if he’s sitting around dreaming up this shit. I think the only thing he has done so far in his six-month tenure is (1) come up with more and more ridiculous … Continue reading “ATTCM Ryan ‘Dwight Schrute’ Ward Suggests MORE Ridiculous Benefits For City Employees. Including Paid Time Off For Losing Weight and $5 Rounds of Golf. Are Shrutebucks Up Next?”

Even ‘Overpaid’ City Employees Get To Sip the COLA. Including Ryan ‘Dwight Schrute’ Ward, Who Has Only Been On the Job For Six Months.

Well, I called that one. From my January 5th blog post: I’d make a small wager that Finley promised him a quick raise after 6 months or so. Even money says we see Mr Ward get a bump in salary before the year is out. Any takers?? Well, it wasn’t really a “raise”, per se, … Continue reading “Even ‘Overpaid’ City Employees Get To Sip the COLA. Including Ryan ‘Dwight Schrute’ Ward, Who Has Only Been On the Job For Six Months.”

I’m Not Sure Mandy Walsh Knows How Sales Tax Figures Work

At the last City council meeting, Mandy and the LEDC went asking for a LOT more money (and got it, of course!). Oh sure, there was a small question or two about massive increases in spending of 66% or 108% or 300% for certain categories – but that was just part of the rubber stamping … Continue reading “I’m Not Sure Mandy Walsh Knows How Sales Tax Figures Work”

SPA Skateparks Hands City Council a Shit Sandwich. Council Gobbles It Down.

Color me shocked. The same clown horns that bungled the skatepark, leading to massive delays and cost increases (SPA Skateparks) have now ALREADY broken their latest promise to begin construction in 90 days. From the 6/17/22 Dispatch article: “During the regular session, the council voted to proceed with the design and construction of the park, … Continue reading “SPA Skateparks Hands City Council a Shit Sandwich. Council Gobbles It Down.”