I love how the shitlibs are screaming and crying that the mean old Republicans just refuse to hand over more money to inept, incompetent and wasteful FEMA whenever they demand it!
Homeland Security figures show that Federal Emergency Management Agency set aside $4.9 billion on COVID-19 relief projects in September, dwarfing the $210 million spent so far on Hurricane Helene.
“According to FEMA, the agency will spend an estimated $19.8 billion on COVID-19 in the 2024 fiscal year, which runs from October 2023 to September 2024, equating to a monthly average of just under $1.7 billion. The figure, representing just over 40 percent of FEMA’s total $47.6 billion obligations for 2024, is well above that spent on other disasters.“
So the CORRECT response for these scumbags when they come begging for more money is “where the FUCK is the $30 BILLION dollars we allocate to you EVERY YEAR?? This hurricane season has been exceptionally quiet! Where did all the money go, you fucking retards??“
But not if you are a parasite who lives with his mom at age 34 and doesn’t work a real job or pay any property taxes. If you are a parasite who thinks money grows on trees because that’s how your own life has looked with mom as your money tree, you start yammering about the mean old Republicans who refuse to open their checkbook.
Never mind we are already $36 trillion in debt. Never mind the deficit last year was $2.6 TRILLION during peacetime and a supposedly robust economy. Just give us MORE, MORE, MORE!!
The communist doesn’t care about the Constitution, freedom, the truth, or America. The communist only cares about power. Clayton Tucker is the founder of the Texas Communist Caucus. He makes no bones about his intentions.
How did he end up like this? Well, he’s a short and scrawny specimen, a compulsive liar, childless, has never had a real job and instead pretends to be a rancher on grandpa’s property, he lives with mom and likely has never had a girlfriend. No matter how you slice it, he’s a loser of biblical proportions.
He is determined to grab power and get his revenge on the successful people of the world….
No, men with hammers and saws house the homeless, you useless sack of shit.
Note the ridiculous statement that is their “Guiding Philosophy”: he literally says that “only communism and power can feed the hungry or house the homeless.” That is a fucking SCARY worldview to have as it is 1000% demonstrably wrong.
The fact that Comrade Clayton holds this worldview means he knows ZERO about history and the tales of disaster that have followed EVERY SINGLE communist regime in human history. You know who did the WORST job of “feeding the hungry”? Communist dictators like Mao, Pol Pot, Chavez, Maduro, Kim and Stalin. They are responsible for the starvation of HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS. Those are the facts. The U.S. will follow the EXACT SAME PATH if dangerous morons like Clayton Tucker are ever allowed control over anything.
Hell, it’s already starting in our U.S. Congress! After spending like drunken sailors on foreign invaders and welfare, we have see inflation skyrocket. The communist will never admit THEY are to blame. So they blame “greedy corporations.” You know what comes after that?
Price controls. And the biggest commie retards in Congress are already talking about it:
In other words – they want King Biden, the tyrant, to start dictating food prices. To FORCE producers to sell at a lower price.
You know what comes after that? Massive shortages. Ask Venezuela about those. Pretty soon the shelves are bare are producers can’t make a profit selling at artificially low prices.
You know what comes after that? The government taking over industries to “run them for the people” – which is EXACTLY how it went down in Venezuela. They were a rich nation with a lot of oil money until that moron Chavez took over.
The U.S. will go down this exact same path. It might take another 20 years, but I can guarantee you it’s going to happen. Don’t forget: the U.S. university system is churning out about two million new communists every single year. A tsunami of 22-year-old idiots who can’t think for themselves and have been brainwashed by Clayton Tucker types with manbuns into thinking capitalism is pure evil and they are oppressed by The Man.
Actually, in my little orchard out here on my property, it kind of DOES work like that. I see the rain hit the leaves, then it trickles down to the soil. After that, it trickles down through the soil and gets to the roots – which absorb the water and makes the tree grow with more help from the leaves up above, actually. It’s called photosynthesis. Pull every single one of those leaves up top off, and see how your tree does in June, you complete clown horn.
It is also hilarious because socialist bodaggit Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX owes his ENTIRE existence to “trickle down” in one way or another:
#1 – the land you prance around on a couple times a week taking gay pictures of yourself with goats actually belongs to your grandparents. You don’t own it. You’re lucky they let a little bit of that land “trickle down” to you so you can pretend to be a ‘rancher’ for the little old communist ladies on Facebook.
#2 – the upstairs bedroom you live in is actually your parents’ house. You are lucky they let a little bit of their house “trickle down” to a parasite like yourself or you’d be living on the streets.
I’m also wondering how many people you employ at the “ranch” that you supposedly founded and manage. Seems to me you should be employing people and giving them a generous share of your ‘profits’ (LOL!) you earn every year. No? Or maybe take some illegal Haitians and Africans onto your land and pay them a ‘fair and dignified’ $25 an hour with health insurance too! Do you do any of that??
Of course not. Because you can’t even put a roof over your OWN head. Mom does that for you.
Now, why don’t you go let Robert O’Rourke blow another load in your mouth so it can trickle down your chin, douchebag.
Welcome to the first Baby Seal Bashing of the new year! There will be another soon enough…
Local socialist vermin and open-borders champion Clayton Tucker was recently asked by a follower what the name of his ranch was and where she could go to buy some beef. You know, since they have “always been a cattle family,” according to him.
The “fifth-generation” “rancher” was forced to admit that there wasn’t really an official name except what his grandpa called it: RX Ranch. But they might change it. Or maybe not. Easy to do when it doesn’t officially exist on paper anywhere that I can find:
So the five-generation cattle ranch (that would be approximately 130 years) that supposedly has deep, deep roots in Lampasas doesn’t really have an official name, doesn’t have a website and has never sold an ounce of meat around here. Comrade Clayton, who graduated college over ten years ago with a useless degree in “International Relations” is just now getting around to the whole “selling some meat” thing.
Comrade Clayton KNOWS that his bags of processed shit are bad for you, because he was just crying about it a few weeks ago! But apparently that crap is good enough for the poorz as he is too greedy to give away any healthy beef from his “ranch” – either that or there IS no beef produced on the “ranch.”
You forgot the “Froot” Loops you bought once for the pantry
A search for RX Ranch in Lampasas yields one result: a YouTube video from 6.5 years ago posted by Howard Tucker – presumably Howard A. Tucker (grandpa who passed away in 2018) and not Howard C. Tucker, the presumed fourth generation of ranchers.
Hilariously, the supposed “4th-generation rancher” (Clayton’s dad) wasn’t really a rancher either – he “left Lampasas after high school to continue further education and went on in having a rewarding career working with several large aerospace companies,” according to his own personal bio on his Pontiac Plus Facebook page. Zero mentions of ranching. Whoops! Another Clayton lie exposed!
We’ll have more soon as we review Comrade Clayton’s 2023: Another Year Of Lies and Nonsense
What a life. Living with mom. No job. No girl guy. No prospects. Walking around looking up at everyone getting a crick in your neck because you got cheated in the height department. You try to be a rancher and all your goat kids get destroyed by those damned Texas vulturebuzzards. Just a complete failure in every single way.
Must be brutal. It’s a level of failure and uselessness that, frankly, I’m glad to never have experienced directly.
But it goes a LONG way towards explaining the bitter envy that consumes Comrade Clayton Tucker and drives him to work tirelessly to steal what YOU have earned. In his tiny brain that has marinated in envy for 33 years now, you can’t POSSIBLY have earned anything you have. He thinks the economy is a static pie and if you have MORE than him, then you must have cheated somehow. If you have MORE, then that must explain why he has LESS. It never occurs to him that his situation is due to his laziness, incompetence and inability to wake up before 10am every day.
Comrade Clayton Tucker (who is chairman of the Lampasas Democrats Marxists) is now pushing a “wealth tax” to remedy the situation:
This is straight-up socialism right here: theft and redistribution. Anyone who backs this shit is a domestic enemy and should be treated as such.
It will not surprise you to know that everything in this post is a lie and/or completely wrong – which is par for the course from a guy who thinks buzzards live in Texas and only eat dead animals.
Prop 3 is NOT about “giving billionaires tax breaks” – not even close. Here is the ACTUAL synopsis from Ballotpedia:
A YES vote means you do NOT want socialist scumbags being able to tax your wealth – wealth you have accumulated over years and years AFTER ALREADY being taxed to death on it when you earned it. You see, there aren’t enough taxes yet, according to lazy parasites like Clayton Tucker. Income tax, property tax, sales tax, capital gains tax and then the estate tax when you die, to try and grab even more. Not enough. Pieces of shit like Clayton Tucker want to be able to send you a bill EVERY YEAR for what you have. It’s like the property tax – only on EVERYTHING YOU OWN.
A NO vote will allow socialist scumbags to tax ANYONE’s wealth. It says nothing about billionaires.
The fact is that EVERY citizen should be shielded from a wealth tax – which is just a penalty for owning things. Comrade Clayton’s endless desire to take other peoples money by force is disgusting.
Reminder: the federal income tax was only going to be on “millionaires” too. That’s how they sold it. Don’t worry! YOU won’t have to pay it! Just “the rich.”
Today, pretty much EVERYONE pays it except for lazy parasites with no real job. Like Clayton Tucker.
MORE FALSEHOODS from Comrade Clayton’s drivel:
“When billionaires get tax breaks….”: Prop 3 has nothing to do with tax breaks for billionaires. Now, if you want to stop handing billions in SUBSIDIES to billionaires like Elon Musk, I am 100% for that, but Prop 3 has absolutely nothing to do with that. So Comrade Clayton is lying, as usual.
Funny that scumbags like Clayton Tucker have been completely silent for the last 10 years while Elon Musk hoovered up tens of billions of tax dollars in subsidies for his electric fagmobiles sold to rich people. Comrade Clayton was also silent while tens of billions in subsidies went to useless and unreliable pinwheels for generating power.
“Our property taxes rise…” – that is rich coming from a douchebag who (1) does not pay any property taxes because he lives in mommy’s house and (2) who is screaming NON-STOP for higher teacher salaries and “free” breakfast, lunch and dinner for every kid in school. How the FUCK do you think that gets paid for, you moron? Clearly you don’t REALLY care about property taxes rising because they don’t affect you one bit and they mostly go to pay for YOUR pet causes!
Yeah, Ramon there looks really hungry! Probably hasn’t eaten in several minutes!
“Sales tax on gas…” – another lie. There IS no sales tax on gas or diesel. There is a motor fuel tax of 20 cents per gallon. I don’t even consider this a tax, since it is for the very roads we drive on. It’s more of a user fee. I’m fine with that – as long as ALL the money goes towards roads and not towards retarded light-rail pipe dreams, like Comrade Clayton Tucker wants.
There is ALSO no sales tax on most healthy grocery items. Comrade Clayton is unaware of this because his mom probably does all the grocery shopping and brings the food home to Comrade Clayton Tucker – her son who lives in her upstairs bedroom over there on Western Ave at age 33.
So to recap:
Comrade Clayton is most certainly an envious and lazy piece of shit who loves the idea of a wealth tax and wants to take your accumulated hard labor. He is willing to outright LIE about Prop 3 to stir up envy in other bitter little unemployed midgets around the state.
Comrade Clayton is either (1) too stupid to know how things work with sales taxes or (2) willfully lying about it all to trick the other envious little twerps in Texas. Like THIS douchebag from the past – another bitter, envious little failure:
I can pretty much guarantee you that lazy socialist scumbags like Cade Snyder Hilgerberg will ALSO vote NO on Prop 3. See, he ALSO thinks that landlords just had a building dropped into their laps. They didn’t work and save and sacrifice for it for 15 years, or anything. It was all stolen from Cade Hilgenberg somehow. Cade Hilgenberg who “doesn’t like labor,” by his own admission.
“My high school co-workers” – I think that says it all, you fucking loser.
Lazy Gen Z pussies like Cade Snyder Hilgenberg ADMIT they have no interest in actually working – then cry when they don’t have anything and decide they want to take yours instead. Comrade Clayton may be a millennial at age 33, but he is truly a Gen Z pussy at heart. After deciding they want to play, fuck around, sleep til noon and “be a kid” for all these years, they then wake up empty-handed one day and try to take what other people worked hard to earn.
I would advise Clayton and Cade to go and read “The Ant and the Grasshopper.” We have WAY too many grasshoppers who need to be smashed into paste.
Shorty is in an absolute FRENZY of jealousy today!!
Socialism is built on the three-legged stool of envy, ignorance and faith. And boy, does local socialist Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX have the “envy” part in spades. He’s no slouch on ignorance either, as we have seen over the last several years. Today’s post shows both:
First of all, Chipotle’s CEO Brian Niccol did not get paid $38 million.
Many of these CEO’s get a salary of a million or two but then get stock-based bonuses if they perform well. When they perform well, it enriches ALL shareholders. Maybe if you ever got a job and invested, you’d appreciate that aspect.
According to proxy filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission Monday, Niccol earned a total of $17.2 million last year. That’s down from the $17.9 million in total compensation earned in 2021.
His Starbucks information is wrong as well:
Laxman Narasimhan started his tenure as CEO of Starbucks on Monday, nearly two weeks earlier than planned. He’s set to take home a hefty paycheck from his role. According to Securities and Exchange Commission filings from September, Narasimhan will start with a base salary of $1.3 million per year
I’m guessing Comrade Clayton doesn’t understand the difference between SALARY and other forms of compensation. This is where his IGNORANCE shows, once again.
Also telling is the fact that he doesn’t mention Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple. Tim Cook took home $98.7 million in 2021 and $99.4 million in 2022 – FAR more than anyone on your list.Why isn’t Tim on your list?
I myself will never own an iPhone because (a) only chicks own iPhones (b) they are wildly overpriced compared to similar phones and (c) that asshole Al Gore sits on the board of directors for Apple and I don’t want ONE PENNY of my money going to that douche bag. See how the free market works? I detest Al Gore but my money isn’t going towards his compensation, so why waste any time thinking about it? I have voted with my wallet. End of story.
But whether the CEO pay is $2 million or $50 million, the bigger question is this: WHY DO YOU GIVE A SHIT??? If you don’t like it, then don’t buy Chipotle stock, don’t buy Chipotle’s shitty overpriced burritos and don’t work at Chipotle. That should be the end of it. It’s really none of your business at all what anyone at that company makes.
The funny thing is, I can almost guarantee you that Comrade Clayton spends his parents’ money on almost all of these company products. You don’t get a manfupa like his without a lot of Burger King and McDonald’s. Plus, any dude who owns a iPhone probably also buys Starbucks “coffees” with whipped cream and caramel drizzles all over it:
Instead of ranting on the Internet at noon on a work-day about CEO pay of a company you have nothing to do with, here are some more important areas you can direct your bitter energies towards:
Hitting gym to eliminate manfupa.
Finding gainful employment in the private sectorso you can support yourself.
Saving enough money to move out of mom’s houseand get your own place.
Finding a girlfriend and maybe getting laid.
Learn how the real economy works (books by Adam Smith, F. A. Hayek, Thomas Sowell, Ludwig Von Mises) instead of regurgitating tweets from a 96-year-old freeloading moron like Bernie Sanders.
If you want to be a proper Democrat Marxist/socialist/commie these days, there are several issues you have to be 100% wrong about and you must be unthinking and unquestioning in your faith supporting these wrong ideas .
You have to support throwing hundreds of billions at a corrupt country like Ukraine while egging on WW III, you have to be “vaxxed” and boosted with a “medicine” that has proven to be far more harmful than Covid in most people, you have to call January 6th a “violent insurrection” despite video evidence to the contrary, you have to support sick, perverted men dressing like strippers and grinding their hips in front of little kids, and you have to support the idea that little kids as young as 5 and 6 years old “know” that they are in the wrong body and you must support them chopping off their penises and breasts and then you must call that mutilation “gender affirming care”.
Like this lunatic.
Long Covid is a fake affliction invented by middle-aged female hypochondriacs. It’s the new fibromyalgia.
[Why are they always teachers?? Hopefully she teaches something fake like art or psychology. There is no way in hell she teaches math or science]
Our local socialist maggot Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 never misses a chance to check any of those boxes – as he did this morning, not 24 hours after a mentally ill female who thought she was a male murdered six people in Nashville.
In reality, it is “gender DENYING” and it is hardly care. Anywhere you see “access to gender affirming care” replace it with “mutilation of children’s genitals” so you know exactly what is going on.
A trans terrorist massacred Christian children but the real victims, according to our insane media, are trans people.
The ‘Trans Resistance Network’ has released a statement that Audrey Hale is the real victim in the Christian school shooting.
If I understand this correctly: If a shooter has right-wing views, then the right’s rhetoric is responsible. If the shooter has left-wing views, then the right’s policiesare responsible.
Very convenient.
This is what they all believe. That’s what people need to understand. They all think this.
Another local socialist cockroach has been supporting this nonsense for a looong time. Our old friend Cade Snyder/Hilgenberg – who is HIMSELF a very confused and unintelligent soy milk drinker. He uses pronouns, dyes his hair blue, has a nose ring, changes his sexual orientation weekly, and thinks anyone who questions mutilating kids is a “transphobe”:
Confused child who has been wrong about everything in life
Gee. I wonder where these kids get all the brainwashing and propaganda that confuses them for the rest of their lives??
Thank you to all the brilliant MEN who explore for oil and gas, who are clever and tough enough to get it out of the ground through miles of rock, who use complex chemistry and physics to refine it into useful products, who build and maintain the incredible machines and dynamos that spin day and night to produce power and heat for fat, lazy, greentard morons who sit comfortably in their house doing nothing but complaining.
Does not work at all – let alone outside in the cold. Sits in the comfort provided by oil and gas
Texas is using close to 60 gigawatts right this moment. Solar is kicking in only 1%. Wind is not doing much better (6%).
Solar producing 0.6 gigawatts right now.
Luckily, we have big, beautiful, gas-powered turbines to keep us warm and alive.
Clayton Tucker not even qualified to polish the brass on these incredible machines.
If I had my way, any person who has publicly championed pinwheels and solar as part of our grid system would have their power turned off this entire week. Then they would be deported to Venezuela with the word “Asshole” tattooed on their foreheads.
While pinwheels and solar vaporize tens of billions of dollars in subsidies, oil and gas get taxed to death. Tell me again, Comrade Clayton, how oil and gas are subsidized, you absolute moron.
Local deadbeat and socialist barnacle Clayton Tucker is demanding people get soaked HARDER to fix the Social Security trust fund that has been plundered and drained by Big Government idiots (like Clayton Tucker) over the last few decades….
I’m not sure what’s funnier: the fact it says “Social Security Works!” on the very same page where they are admitting it is nearly insolvent and demanding that SOME people get soaked harder to pay for the entire debacle….
That’s right, Clayton. You have to WORK first before you can collect – even for Social Security. Seeing as how you turn 32 next month and have literally never had a real job, you better get cracking, shit bird!
I think the very first comment on his post says it best:
Clayton Tucker of Lampasas was sent to college (paid for by his parents) for the princely sum of around $80,000 for a worthless degree in “International Relations”. He has done absolutely nothing with his life in the TEN YEARS since then except ‘work’ at lame political groups like “Ground Game Texas” hand out campaign literature for OTHER socialist cockroach losers like Beto O’Rourke, Greg Casar and Julie Oliver.
He will be 32 years old next month and still lives with his parents without a real job. He pretends to be a rancher, a farmer and a cowboy. He is actually none of these things.
He is a bum.
Like all socialist bums, he has no clue how anything works but thinks he is an expert. He reposts complete rubbish on social media all day long – usually during working hours, like he did today around noon….
Clayton posting garbage at noon on a work day
Clayton Tucker has never worked in a McDonald’s. I doubt he would qualify. The manager would look at the giant blank sheet of paper he calls a resume and laugh at him.
Clayton Tucker has never owned a McDonald’s restaurant or employed a single person in his life in ANY capacity. He has created ZERO jobs in his entire shitty life at ANY wage, let alone a “livable” one.
Clayton Tucker does not own any stock in McDonald’s, I would be willing to wager.
So the first question is: why the FUCK do you care what a company pays any of its workers? It is none of your business. If you don’t like the wages they (supposedly) pay, then don’t work there, don’t eat there, and don’t own stock in the company. End of story.
Short of that? Shut the fuck up about it. It doesn’t affect you in the least. You literally cannot even take care of yourself, so stop worrying about people who choose to work at McDonald’s for the prevailing wage. That pimply teen handing out Big Macs is ten times the man you will ever be. Don’t question his choices. A bum and a loser like yourself is not allowed to question the work choices of anybody else.
The second point is this: there are TONS of entry-level jobs around for more than $9 an hour RIGHT NOW. Clayton Tucker wouldn’t know this because he has never actually looked for gainful employment. Instead, he likely waits for mom to throw him some gas money if he goes and mows the lawn at grandpa’s property, which Clayton calls “being a rancher”.
Here is a post from the Lampasas County Breaking News page literally from TODAY!!!
Highly motivated? You can count Clayton Tucker out of that one! He is not a morning person, by his own admission. He’d rather sit at mom’s house and bitch online all day about how unfair wages are in the United States compared to his Nordic utopias. So, literally about two miles from Clayton’s parent’s house is a job available for 55% higher than the $9 he is whining about.
Thirdly: if Denmark is so fucking awesome, why don’t you move there? Oh that’s right: their immigration policies are highly restrictive. You couldn’t go live there even if you wanted to. They are also 96% white and don’t have millions of illiterate Honduran and Haitian riff-raff illegally entering their country every year sucking them dry and driving crime through the roof. Denmark is about 85% smaller than just the state of Texas. They are very small, homogenous, and don’t really allow anyone else to crash the border and ruin their country. So there is that. Not even CLOSE to the situation here in the U.S.
Fourth: Taxes in Denmark are outrageous. That $22 you think you are making will be whittled down considerably by the time you pay for all that welfare. Turns out it will be more like $10, after taxes. There is no such thing as a free lunch – even in your beloved Denmark.
While handing over 55% of what you earn so a bunch of government retards can take care of you from cradle to grave might sound awesome to a frightened, lazy pussy like Clayton Tucker, it sounds like a ripoff to me. No thanks. I want to make my own way in the world. Go fuck yourself.
Fifth: Those same massive taxes stifle innovation, creativity and business creation. Even wonder why every awesome thing on the planet is invented in the United States? The Internet, Apple, Google, Facebook, Netflix, Microsoft, YouTube, cell phones and every other kick ass invention on the planet comes from us…not Denmark. Danes are too busy sitting around smoking cigs, drinking coffee and shitting on capitalism to actually create anything worth a damn.
Sixth: Not every McDonald’s employee makes $9. I’m sure there are plenty who make triple that as managers. It’s called “working your way up” and it is a foreign concept to lazy socialist twats like Clayton Tucker who think they should be paid $100,000 on their first day of work, despite having zero skills or brains.
In closing…
No matter what the job is or where in the world it is, when you first start out you are low man on the totem pole. You eat some shit, prove yourself and work your way up. THAT is how you get ahead in life. People who think they are above all that are the ones who are the losers in life and end up living in mom’s upstairs bedroom….like Clayton Tucker.