Clayton Tucker Now A Fake Lobbyist As Well!

Comrade Clayton sure does wear a lot of fake hats! First it was cowboy, then farmer and now rancher. But he added another fake feather to his cap: fake lobbyist!

This is from his annual postcard bragging about all the stuff he didn’t really do, like “protect folks from bad international trade deals,” as if he was some international envoy and the Biden administration was consulting him and using his vast knowledge of international business – which is possibly the most preposterous bullshit ever to come out of his mouth, considering he’s actually a 34-year-old under-employed loser who lives with his mom in Lampasas.

But even more alarming is his declaration that he “lobbied to pass new laws” to help family farmers and ranchers. Why is this alarming? Because if he ACTUALLY DID lobby anyone at the state or federal level (he doesn’t say which), then he is in big trouble. That’s because lobbyists are REQUIRED to register themselves as a lobbyist!

Unfortunately, there is no record anywhere I could find of Clayton Tucker being registered as a lobbyist!

Ruh roh! According to Google:

The punishment for lobbying politicians without registering as a lobbyist can include significant civil fines, potentially reaching up to $200,000, depending on the jurisdiction and severity of the violation, and in extreme cases, could even involve criminal penalties like imprisonment….

So which is it, Comrade?? Do you admit you lied AGAIN about being something you are not (cowboy, farmer, water researcher, energy expert, ranch founder, lobbyist)? Or do you stick to your guns and get in big trouble for lobbying politicians without registering?

Tough call.

Just kidding, we all know you didn’t lobby shit. Just another of the many, many lies that the communist spews as easily as drawing a breath.