The pathological liar is back at it again!
Mouse-jiggling moron Clayton Tucker FINALLY posted on his Substack – something he hasn’t bothered with in about nine months. This was worth the wait, because it is filled with even more preposterous stories of his humble beginnings.
Previously he just lied about being a “fifth-generation rancher,” a cowboy, a farmer etc. In fact, he STILL doesn’t know if his family owns a ranch or a farm!

Despite the fact they “have always been a cattle family”…

So confusing!
He also mentions Sid Miller AGAIN. Which makes me 99.5% sure he is going to run for Ag Commissioner in 2025. I cannot wait!
But all of the above bullshit pales in comparison to his latest ridiculous whopper of a lie!

Yeah, those cotton-pickin, squirrel-shootin Tuckers! I heard it was great-grandfather Jed Clampett Tucker who began the whole ranching business! You know, the “RX Ranch” ranching business that was founded five generations ago by Clayton himself but which didn’t even have an official name until last December. LOL!!

Now which grandfather was that? The grandfather you said was a pharmacist, so you called it “RX”? Or the OTHER grandfather who was in the military his entire life and whose obituary makes ZERO mention of any ranching – let alone cotton picking or scraping a living off the squirrel population??

What a shame. Grandpa Howard A. Tucker sounds like a decorated war hero and was a registered Republican. But his idiot grandson Clayton is busy trying to import communism into the very country his grandfather fought to keep it out of. What a total asshole.
Or is the “cotton picker” maybe your grandma you claimed came over here from England? Gwen? You know, the one you claimed it took 26 years for her to get her citizenship? Pretty sure there isn’t a lot of cotton picking going on in the English countryside.
Or is it the OTHER grandpa? Grandpa Bob who actually owns the property. I’m not sure how HE is the one who grew up in abject poverty since you said he was a pharmacist his entire life – thus the “RX” name, you utter clown.
Maybe you’re talking about GREAT grandpa Ollie Prentice Tucker? Ummm…that doesn’t work either! Looks like HE was a career Navy man as well – who died pretty young at age 58. Here he is in his uniform:

[In fact, more than a few Tuckers dangling from the branches of your family tree dropped dead at a fairly young age. Something to think about as you keep injecting yourself with Covid “vaccines” every year!]
Could you have meant his wife, great-grandma Elizabeth? Mmmmm….no. Looks like she was a switchboard operator! Pretty high-tech shit for the early 1900s. I doubt she had time to pick the cotton or shoot any squirrels after finishing her non-physically-taxing, white-collar job for the day.

No Clayton, I’m afraid the ridiculous story of your poverty-stricken, sharecropping origins just doesn’t hold water at all. Yet another fabrication in preparation of you getting your ass kicked when you run for Ag Commissioner.
If you’re going back to the 1700s or 1800s to find a relative to make this “rough times” claim then I have news for you: EVERYONE was a fucking farmer 300 years ago, you clown. EVERYONE pretty much grew their own food back then and broke their back with manual labor. That’s how life was – the Tuckers weren’t special.
Here are the REAL facts: you are the only child of Terry Tucker (who had a cushy government job with the Railroad Commission of Texas) and Howard C. Tucker – who by his own admission on Facebook made a comfortable living in the aerospace industry! In fact, Comrade Clayton has sported a “Firefly” t-shirt once or twice – which is likely who his dad worked for at some point. And you know those giant “big, greedy” aerospace companies: always feasting on fat government contracts and selling $600 hammers to NASA! Yet Comrade Clayton NEVER mentions them in his ranting about greedy CEOs, does he?
[It also maybe explains why you want to spend “MUCH more” money on NASA and not on a “racist” border wall! Daddy works in aerospace and HE’S the one who buys brand new shiny tractors for Comrade Clayton to play on for social media!]

You were the only child of TWO comfortably-employed parents – both of whom owe their paychecks to the taxpayer. They then paid around $80,000 for you to go to Southwestern University and collect a useless major in International Relations and THEN paid for you to go galivant around Asia with a fancy camera and pretend to be a kindergarten teacher for 9 whole months!

They have allowed you to live in their house EVEN TODAY as you approach your 34th birthday.
Right up to the moment you decided to run for office, you were just another baseball-cap wearing, tuba-playing, incel dork who lived with mom and believed in Bernie Sanders. You only invented all this “rancher” shit when you decided to try and glom onto a government position for a living.

Grandpa Bob Wright is the one who owns the land – perhaps purchased with his pharmacy wages, lol. You just go over there and play make-believe rancher a couple times a week and take photos for old ladies on Facebook.

In short, you’ve been handed every opportunity by doting parents as an only child. And you STILL can’t support yourself in the real world! Grandpa Howard must be spinning in his grave.
Far from being the rancher you claim to be, you actually spend your time traipsing around to ridiculous conventions and rallies or working for free on the campaigns of losers like Julie Oliver, Chris Perri and Robert O’Rourke.
If you’re the product of cotton-pickin, squirrel-shootin’ hardscrabble farmers and ranchers then I’m the fucking queen of England.
Lying douchebag.
RELATED: The Definitive Timeline Of a Ranching Fraud (3 part series)