He’s always crying about SOMETHING, and he went from crying about “Big Ag” to “Big Egg” in about 3 seconds flat:

Funny how dummies like Clayton ignored inflation for the last four years but then became very concerned right around January 21st of this year.
Big Egg! Monopoly! Corporate greed!!!
Oh wait – anyone can buy some chicks at Tractor Supply and then have eggs in about 4.5 months. Doesn’t sound like much of a monopoly to me, with zero barriers to entry! I’d think a ‘farmer‘ would know that!

I’ve been raising chickens for 13 years now. I’m not a fake farmer like Clayton Tucker, but I’ve forgotten more about raising chickens than he’ll ever know.
There is ONE major input to the cost of eggs out here at my place: the cost of feed. Feed has doubled in price since I started in 2012 – like every other product on earth, basically. The real culprit is the Federal Reserve, money printing and massive government spending by left-wing douchebags.
Also, why does Comrade Clayton even care about the price of eggs? He chooses shitty glyophate-riddled Froot Loops for breakfast, not healthy eggs!
I know this because when he virtue signaled that one time about helping the poor, he went and bought them a box of crap and didn’t give them ANY eggs!

What an absolute shit head.