Socialist Nerd Continues Tradition of Posing in Front of Vehicles That Don’t Belong to Him.

Hi! I’m Clayton Tucker. I don’t own a blue truck OR a red truck…or ANY kind of truck, for that matter. Turns out you don’t really need a truck when you are a virtual/fake rancher!

But I do these little photo shoots every now and then to give the impression I am a hard-working rancher – when in actuality, I am unemployed and live with my mom at age 32….

Old staged photo in front of truck that isn’t mine!
New staged photo in front of truck that isn’t mine!

For someone who brags so much on social media about “intermittent fasting”, it sure looks like he is hitting the jelly doughnuts pretty hard. I’m guessing his favorite filling flavor is “semen”.

You know who takes pictures in front of vehicles what aren’t theirs? Chicks.

Guess we can add ANOTHER item to my “proof Clayton Tucker is actually a woman” post from a few months ago!

He Wants To Be A Cowboy Baby!

Socialist bum Clayton Tucker (currently running for City council) has never had a real job, but he has a FAKE job that he tries REALLY REALLY hard to convince the world of.

He wants to be a cowboy, baby! Call him Kid Tuck:

I caught onto his favorite trick a while ago. It is both funny and pathetic. I’ve collected some photos to show you. Notice his “iconic cowboy hat” is present every time he pontificates about socialized medicine from his upstairs room at his parents house – he makes SURE it is ALWAYS in the camera frame. To do this, he pathetically moves his hat around the room as needed:

Of course, less than two years ago (before his transformation to fake hardworking cowboy for his political campaign) he was just an unemployed trust fund dork in a baseball cap.

Our Revolution is a socialist offshoot of Bernie Sanders’ campaign

Sad, sad little boy.