Mark Langford Probably Takes a Morning Shit That Is Bigger Than Clayton Tucker.

I love reading about the cattle industry in the Lampasas Dispatch. They have an in-depth article a few times a year, like they do today on page five.

I’ve probably read dozens of these articles over the last decade. I’m fascinated with that stuff. The economics of it. The many factors that go into being a successful rancher. You have to know a LOT about a lot of things: animals, soils, grass, business. Those guys are the backbone of America and Texas (along with the oil guys). A tough and thankless job, really.

In ALL those articles I’ve read where they talk to experts and others in the industry around this area, you know what I have never, ever seen? The name Clayton Tucker! For some reason, the Dispatch never calls up local socialist Comrade Clayton Tucker to ask him about the pulse of the cattle industry – even though he has claimed to be a fifth-generation rancher for many years now.

That’s because Clayton Tucker is a fake rancher. He has also been a fake cowboy and a fake farmer in the past, but today we will focus on his fake ranching.

Let’s compare these two humans (I refuse to call Comrade Clayton a ‘man’)

Disclaimer: I have never met Mark Langford nor am I a relative or employee….these are all guesses plus what I could find on the Internet

First we have a REAL rancher….

Mark Langford, owner of Langford Ranch Enterprises: has been ranching for 40 years. Bachelor of science in Agricultural Economics. Is quoted in newspaper as an expert. He probably employs DOZENS of people. Does NOT have seven different social media platforms where he wastes hours taking pictures of and naming goats. Probably understands how to use the CME cattle futures market to manage price risk.

Probably married to a babe with awesome kids. Probably can wrestle a bear and drink five beers without getting a buzz. I doubt he ever wore a mask or got the “vaccine” when it came out. He doesn’t get sick.

Probably drives big-ass truck with 180,000 miles on it. Probably deer hunts in his spare time. Probably has hands like hams and an American flag on his sprawling property that HE owns, not mom. Probably friends with other local bad-asses like Rickie Roy and Van Berry. Would not be surprised if he has killed a number of coyotes with his bare hands.

Then we have…..

Comrade Clayton Tucker, ‘founder’ of RX Ranch: has only been ‘ranching’ since December 21, 2023. Has never employed anyone in his life. RX Ranch employs zero people. Is a pathological liar. Majored in “International Relations” at joke school in Georgetown. Is a moron who probably has never even HEARD of the cattle futures market nor able to understand price risk hedging.

Couldn’t get into A&M if he tried. Just recently took several beginner ranching courses. Is never quoted by newspapers as ranching expert but instead rants on street corners with other commies demanding free shit like a parasite…

Is more worried about having 1,000 followers on Instacrap than producing any beef for sale…

….drives girl car (Chevy Equinox).

Wants to ban rifles. Hands are likely soft as baby shit. Uses girl machine at gym. Lives with mom. Was petrified of Wuhan virus that was no threat to him and complained for two years that nobody was wearing a mask – even as he wore one in his car.

Forgets he is a rancher much of the time….

Rarely seen in the company of women. Carries a purse and has a fupa….

REAL ranchers do NOT have fupas.

Hangs out with scumbags who hate America and then puts a Ukraine flag on his mom’s house where he lives!

Did I mention “lives with mom”?

So, as you can see: it is no wonder that every single Dispatch article on REAL ranchers in Lampasas over the last decade has failed to mention, quote or contact Comrade Clayton or RX Ranch.

They understand he is a poseur and clown horn.
