Socialist Maggot is Queen Of Bad Analogies

You can always count on the socialist maggot to throw out a completely idiotic “comparison” that misses every point and makes no sense. What else do you expect from the brain-dead?

A few months ago, she compared paying back what you agreed to borrow to “drinking polluted water”:

Now she’s back, trying (like every lefty scumbag in the country right now) to explain how the Jan 6th “armed insurrection” was the “worst threat to democracy in American history”, when newly-released video clearly shows the cops opening doors, giving tours, and the great majority of people behaving themselves.

It depends. Will you all have a police escort, too? Like Q Anon Shaman did?

This concern about entering places you aren’t supposed to be is especially rich, coming from Comrade Clayton – who thinks border walls are evil and racist. She is fine with illiterates and criminals from Haiti and Honduras waltzing into the U.S. and being handed free shit. I wonder how many illegals Comrade Clayton has invited to live at his parents’ house for free – like he does.

First of all, the Capitol building is a public space. My house is not. You can’t trespass on public property, bro. My name is on the mortgage, so to speak, if you want to use this analogy, so I’ll walk in there if I damn well please.

Secondly, I don’t think anyone on the right ever said it was “no big deal”. I’ve heard them say that a lot of the people were let into the building. I’ve also heard them say the protesters had no chance of actually affecting the election. I’ve also heard them say that holding people indefinitely without trial is tyranny. I’ve never heard anyone say it was no big deal.

When shitheads riot and vandalize and destroy property, you arrest them. Well, unless they are with Antifa – then you let them out immediately and Kamala Harris pays your bail.

But you charge THEM with vandalism – not every single person who happened to be wandering around in the 100,000 square feet around them.

And our point wasn’t that you shouldn’t punish the people who destroyed stuff. It was that you lefty morons called this an “armed insurrection” and “deadly insurrection” and anyone who was there was a “traitor” or terrorist and had to be thrown into solitary for years without a trial.

So now if you protest at the Capitol, you are a “traitor”. You know who the REAL traitors are? Socialist scumbags who are working non-stop to destroy America with bullshit stories about “insurrections”.

No officers died that day at the hands of the “mob” despite the left repeating that lie 1000 times since. No guns or rifles or even knives were brandished by the crowd. The lone murder was that of an innocent unarmed woman by a Capitol police officer – let’s see THAT video, btw.

I’ll admit it was very odd that so many Capitol police officers committed suicide in the weeks and months afterwards – close to 1000x the national average. This tells me they were either wracked with guilt over perpetuating the “insurrection” lies their scumbag bosses (Pelosi/Schumer) made them tell…OR they were murdered to clean up any loose ends, like in Goodfellas after the Lufthansa Heist.

Either way, we all saw the video. We all know the left are the biggest pieces of shit in human history. Most of us knew this already. The question now is whose ass is going to be kicked over all of this. Every single piece of shit who sat on than Jan 6th committee should be thrown into solitary confinement for the next 2 years.

That’s just for starters.

Socialist Bum Clayton “Baby Seal” Tucker Offering Lessons On How to Get Clubbed

Now I have truly seen it all!

Local socialist bum Clayton Tucker is running for SDEC (as we covered HERE). This means he would be in charge of trying to get Marxist scum elected in Texas.

Yes, you are reading that right: the unemployed socialist bum who has gotten beaten like a rented mule in every race he’s entered (3 of them) AND been denied several appointed positions (City council and LEDC) is now going to teach other Marxist scum how to get elected!

Clayton Tucker likes to brag about how his family has been here since the 1970s and he STILL can’t get elected or appointed to anything in this area. What does that tell you?


Like all commie scum, Comrade Clayton has a Plan to pull this off.

Comrade Clayton’s Plan to Elect More Marxist Scum

I think my favorite part of Comrade Clayton’s plan is #2:

this plan must include ways to boost our wins in urban areas, secure more wins in suburban areas, and cut our losses in rural areas. We cannot put all of our eggs into one basket by relying on any single geographical area to flip Texas.….

Wait, what? Comrade Clayton is giving up on rural Texas? Hilariously, it was literally about 180 days ago that Comrade Clayton was in the papers doing his best Jed Clampett imitation and telling us that “we are here, we are present, and we ain’t scared of no one…”

Correction: he is NOT a rancher

Of course, Comrade Clayton is so brave and committed to winning races in this rural area, that he was too chicken shit to run for City council again this time – perhaps finally realizing nobody wants his brand of Marxist trash around here.

What a complete pussy.

Hey man, save some chicks for the rest of us!!