Welcome to the first Baby Seal Bashing of the new year! There will be another soon enough…
Local socialist vermin and open-borders champion Clayton Tucker was recently asked by a follower what the name of his ranch was and where she could go to buy some beef. You know, since they have “always been a cattle family,” according to him.
The “fifth-generation” “rancher” was forced to admit that there wasn’t really an official name except what his grandpa called it: RX Ranch. But they might change it. Or maybe not. Easy to do when it doesn’t officially exist on paper anywhere that I can find:

So the five-generation cattle ranch (that would be approximately 130 years) that supposedly has deep, deep roots in Lampasas doesn’t really have an official name, doesn’t have a website and has never sold an ounce of meat around here. Comrade Clayton, who graduated college over ten years ago with a useless degree in “International Relations” is just now getting around to the whole “selling some meat” thing.

That makes sense!
REAL ranchers, like my friends Amy and George Winters at Winters Beef, have had an on-line presence for YEARS now with a VERY slick website. They sell product, talk about genetics (she is a trained biologist) and sell their meats at several farmers’ markets several hours away from their ranch in Brady. Amy is actually the SIXTH generation to work their land. These are what REAL ranchers look like and do.

Comrade Clayton can’t even sell a single stick of beef jerky at the Lampasas Farmers’ Market that is two blocks from his mom’s house! LOL!!!
I knew this was all bullshit a long time ago, of course. The peak hilarity of his ranching lie came in May last year when Comrade Clayton tried to virtue signal his concern for the poorz by buying them shitty, sugary Froot-Loops instead of giving them some healthy, fresh ground beef or steaks off of his “ranch.”

Comrade Clayton KNOWS that his bags of processed shit are bad for you, because he was just crying about it a few weeks ago! But apparently that crap is good enough for the poorz as he is too greedy to give away any healthy beef from his “ranch” – either that or there IS no beef produced on the “ranch.”

A search for RX Ranch in Lampasas yields one result: a YouTube video from 6.5 years ago posted by Howard Tucker – presumably Howard A. Tucker (grandpa who passed away in 2018) and not Howard C. Tucker, the presumed fourth generation of ranchers.
Hilariously, the supposed “4th-generation rancher” (Clayton’s dad) wasn’t really a rancher either – he “left Lampasas after high school to continue further education and went on in having a rewarding career working with several large aerospace companies,” according to his own personal bio on his Pontiac Plus Facebook page. Zero mentions of ranching. Whoops! Another Clayton lie exposed!
We’ll have more soon as we review Comrade Clayton’s 2023: Another Year Of Lies and Nonsense