Can you imagine if you were a democrat in Lampasas and the chairman of your party was a loud-and-proud socialist AND a compulsive liar? It would be embarrassing and shameful. Then again, if you are a democrat in Lampasas (like Bruce Haywood or Stephanie Fitzharris or Grady Lucas) then concepts like pride and ethics are foreign to you anyways. So it’s pretty much impossible to feel any shame.
What is Comrade Clayton’s latest pile of shit he stepped in? Well, he travels through time again in order for his stated facts to make sense….

According to him, his grandpa died THEN he went to college. Only problem is Comrade Clayton graduated from college in 2013…

…BUT grandpa passed away in 2018 – right around the time Comrade Clayton found about $6,000 in windfall money to “publish” a book! Five years AFTER Comrade Clayton graduated!

Why lie about weird shit like this? The only explanation is that he’s a compulsive liar.
A compulsive liar is one who lies about everything for apparently no reason. You know, like being a farmer or founding a ranch that was actually founded decades earlier by someone else. Or lying about Windex in milk or the ingredients being different in oatmeal in UK versus America. Or placing hats all over the house for your webcam sessions to give the impression you are a “cowboy.” Or lying on FEC forms about who your employer is. Or lying to a gaggle of nerds at SXSW about why you decided to raise goats. Or lying about being a fifth-generation rancher and then lying later on and saying you are a third-generation rancher.
Stupid shit like that.
A pathological liar usually is more manipulative and goal oriented. They lie in order to achieve person gain, usually. There is at least something in it for them.
Trust Fund Tucker just seems to lie for zero reason. As easily as taking a breath of air. Sad, really. But I expect nothing more from a communist scumworm.