You never know what inane and obscure cause our local socialist Comrade Clayton Tucker of Lampasas will take up next.
First it was free Covid vaccines for Africans or something. Now it’s the right to repair your own tractor.

This is hilarious for several reasons:
(1) This socialist asswipe has spent his WHOLE LIFE demanding bigger and more intrusive government. Government that can forcibly tell you what car to drive, what to eat (less meat!), how much ethanol you have to have in your gas, what kind of stove you can have, whether you are “allowed” to own an AR-15 (Tucker says NO to that), etc. Then he gets butthurt about his “rights” being taken away by John Deere!
So he’s fine with the government telling you what to do from cradle to grave, but John Deere imposing a rule on him is absolutely out of the question.
(2) Clayton is not a farmer OR a rancher. He sometimes poses on his “family” tractor (not his) and pretends to have an actual job as a rancher as part of his bullshit rural persona he feeds to gullible Austin twats. In reality, he holds unpaid joke positions in the Democratic party and lives with his parents.
(3) His family just bought a NEW tractor that isn’t even a Deere in the first place! Mind you, Clayton did not pay for this tractor, either – but he makes it sound like he had a hand in it….

(4) Clayton once did a hilarious video about this very issue a few years ago. He staged a maintenance issue out in a field while mowing with his grandpa’s tractor: “Hey look! My shear bolt broke! Say that reminds me…let’s talk about the right to repair!”
It was even more staged and fake than his cowboy hat trick!
Anyways, Clayton then proceeded to “fix” grandpa’s tractor for his video audience – which consisted of sliding a new bolt into the hole and then tightening the nut on top. But he even managed to fuck THAT up. He used his wrench like a 7-year-old girl might hold it, if she was slightly mentally retarded:

Yes, it is a good thing Lampasas socialist and fake farmer Clayton Tucker has a “memorandum of understanding” to “fix” “his” tractor! Otherwise all the crops might wither and die!
What a complete tool.