Now I have truly seen it all!
Local socialist bum Clayton Tucker is running for SDEC (as we covered HERE). This means he would be in charge of trying to get Marxist scum elected in Texas.
Yes, you are reading that right: the unemployed socialist bum who has gotten beaten like a rented mule in every race he’s entered (3 of them) AND been denied several appointed positions (City council and LEDC) is now going to teach other Marxist scum how to get elected!
Clayton Tucker likes to brag about how his family has been here since the 1970s and he STILL can’t get elected or appointed to anything in this area. What does that tell you?

Like all commie scum, Comrade Clayton has a Plan to pull this off.
Comrade Clayton’s Plan to Elect More Marxist Scum
I think my favorite part of Comrade Clayton’s plan is #2:
…this plan must include ways to boost our wins in urban areas, secure more wins in suburban areas, and cut our losses in rural areas. We cannot put all of our eggs into one basket by relying on any single geographical area to flip Texas.….
Wait, what? Comrade Clayton is giving up on rural Texas? Hilariously, it was literally about 180 days ago that Comrade Clayton was in the papers doing his best Jed Clampett imitation and telling us that “we are here, we are present, and we ain’t scared of no one…”

Of course, Comrade Clayton is so brave and committed to winning races in this rural area, that he was too chicken shit to run for City council again this time – perhaps finally realizing nobody wants his brand of Marxist trash around here.