Does Potato Head Stephanie Fitzharris Hate All Her Liberal Friends? Or Did She Simply Lie To My Face?

I had a fairly bizarre run-in with local BLM-loving, Biden-adoring, cop-bashing, forced-masking, fake-vax-loving screwball Stephanie Fitzharris a few weeks ago.

She waved me down outside of M&M Butcher Block and tried to explain to me that she’s “not into politics anymore” so it’s all cool, man.

Oh! Well, I guess I’ll forget all the damage you and people like you did (and continue to do) with all the authoritarian bullshit, the “misinformation” nonsense, and the censoring and de-platforming of anyone who questioned the narrative.

Not to mention the fake Covid election rules that allowed mail-in ballots and drop boxes to enable massive fraud and propel a retard into the White House – thus basically destroying the greatest country on earth for no reason.

All because you want to pretend that NOW you’re just an apple-pie-loving champion of freedom and the Constitution, so locals don’t give you the stink eye.

No, I don’t think so.

If You Refused To Be Forced Into a Mask For Covid, Stephanie Fitzharris Called You “Selfish, Arrogant, Simple, Self-Consumed, Defiant and a Yahoo”

Mind you, this is the same idiot who has called me a liar repeatedly despite the fact I have posted screenshots of HER OWN WORDS dozens of times. I’m not a big fan of being called a liar when I am clearly telling the truth.

They weren’t asked. They were forced – under threat of job loss. Kids had ZERO choice in the schools. Also forced.

All her desperation does is show me that maybe I am poisoning the well here for her in her new town. This only encourages me. I want LESS Stephanie Fitzharrises in Lampasas. Not more. Besides, I thought she was going to move out to Oregon. Whatever happened to that? More bullshit like writing the screenplay?

Pretty sure someone beat you to your story in 1951. It was called The Idiot.

Anyways, during her rambling, as part of her “we’re on the same side” bullshit, she even told me “I was injured by the vaccine.”

That is a HUGE admission from Potato Head. Unfortunately, I don’t believe it.

Now, I’ pretty sure I told her “I don’t believe a word you’re telling me” at LEAST five times during this conversation in response to her various claims. But of all the nonsense she told me, THAT was the least believable of all.


Because if she was REALLY vaccine injured, she should be trumpeting that fact loud and repeatedly on the social media she loves so much. Much the same way people trumpet warnings about scumbag contractors or scammers in town. You do it for the common good so others don’t get fucked over like you did.

She’d be alerting her libtard friends like Carol Garner Doughty, Clayton Tucker, Grady Lucas, Bruce Haywood and Garry Brown to think twice about the “vaccine” and admit that it fucked her up. Maybe she’d link to one of the DOZENS of studies showing many, many horrible outcomes of the “vaccine” as well.

But she didn’t. So there are only three possibilities here:

#1 – she secretly hates all her liberal friends and wants to see them take more boosters.

#2 – she is embarrassed she got snookered by Fauci and can’t bear to admit any of this publicly after her non-stop shaming of the unvaccinated three years ago…and thus, she is a massive coward. She’d rather have people get hurt than take a shot to her ego and admit she was 100% wrong.

#3 – She lied to my face to make her life easier here in town.

I’m going to have to go with #3.