Why Is Lampasas Democratic Party Chairman Clayton Tucker Lying On FEC Contribution Forms?

Oh goodness. Local socialist bum Clayton Tucker has been caught in a whopper of a lie once again. This time, he is telling his lies on Federal Election Commission political contribution forms.

He just can’t seem to decide who his employer is and what job title he holds!

Comrade Clayton gives a whopping $10 every month to ActBlue, a far-left PAC. He has donated seven times this year, on a monthly basis. Last donation was in June.

But under “Employer” he decides to lie and put “Our Revolution Texas” – listing himself as “Statewide Coordinator.” Our Revolution Texas was a far-left commie splinter group of Bernie Sanders for President.

The problem is, Comrade Clayton either left or was fired from that job in December of 2021: two years ago. He told us this himself AND listed it on his LinkedIn page.

December 18, 2021 – Tucker fired or resigned
Our Revolution (commie organization) employment terminated in December 2021

The other problem is that it appears that Our Revolution Texas doesn’t even EXIST as a going concern anymore! If you go to the Our Revolution Texas page and click “Contact Revolution Texas To Get Involved,” you will be directed to a dead page….


Furthermore, Comrade Clayton has told us REPEATEDLY that he works for the tiny, pissant organization called the Trade Justice Education Fund – in fact, he just flew out to Seattle AND San Francisco for this “job” that pays no money! So he certainly couldn’t have forgotten who he “works” for, right?

Fake Rancher/Real Socialist Goes To San Francisco For “Work.” His “Job” Actually Pays $0.00.

In fact, you can see that he DID list his employer last October, November and December as the Trade Justice Education Fund – before inexplicably switching to the lie that he works for Our Revolution this year…

He also bizarrely throws in a couple of “self-employed” in there as well – but ONLY when he donates to the Texas Democratic Party.

Of course, he is NOT self-employed at all. I have exposed his lies here repeatedly about being a rancher/farmer/cowboy or whatever he calls himself this week. He even has the nerve to call himself a “small business owner” now!

Comrade Clayton Tucker is most assuredly NOT a small business owner – as we can see when we search OpenCorporates for Texas businesses.

The only place you find Clayton Tucker’s name on anything other than a non-profit political shell corporation is his “Grassroots Nation,” which is simply an LLC on paper. He filled out some forms, named himself founder and that’s the end of it. That is not a small business. A small business has customers, a product, some assets, and income. Cherry On Top is a small business. Lampasas Beer Market is a small business.

Grassroots Nation LLC was ‘hired’ a few times by one of Tucker’s OTHER shell companies to do social media. That’s it. He literally ‘hired’ himself:

Commie-funded Bluebonnet PAC (founded by Clayton Tucker) used Grassroots Nation – also a Tucker shell company

Clayton Tucker ALSO owns no land in Lampasas CountyOR in Burnet County. Kind of hard to own a ranch as a “small business” when you own no land. But mommy’s parents do! It’s a great place to go and pretend.

Further confusing his tangled trail of lies is the fact that when he posts pictures of “the ranch” and talks about goat or donkey purchases, it’s always “we” bought some goats and “we” sold our donkey.

So who is “we”? I thought you were the owner? How many employees do you have? Or are YOU the employee? If you were the employee, why didn’t you list THAT as your job on the Federal campaign forms? If you own a small business, why not put THAT down on ALL your FEC forms – not just for the donations to the Texas Democratic Party?

So many questions! Perhaps the compliance officers at the FEC can answer them for me. I bet they know what the rules are and what the fines are for knowingly violating them.

Fake Rancher/Real Socialist Goes To San Francisco For “Work.” His “Job” Actually Pays $0.00. STILL Wearing Covid Muzzle Like a Pussy.

Another day, another 3,000-mile-round-trip junket to another socialist shithole city. First it was Seattle…now San Francisco.

Now, why would a rancher in Lampasas go to San Francisco for “work”? Was he visiting the fudge packers? Whoops, I mean the MEAT packers. Seems odd for a “rancher” with only 18 goats to fly to San Francisco for “work.” I mean, he HAS told us for the last 3 years that he is a fifth-generation rancher – so what other “work” could he be talking about??

Actually, it is impossible for “Big Business” to “overrule the will of the people” in a free market. If you don’t like what they are selling, don’t buy it, fucko.

AGAIN with the blue shirt? Did some handsome young boy tell you once that it was “your color” or something?

There are a lot of big words up there. Words like “algorithm accountability” and “building EVs” and “data privacy.” One thing is for sure – Comrade Clayton knows ZERO about any of that shit he listed. He’s just a commie grifter who lives with mom and pretends to be a rancher on grandpa’s land every now and then.

I suspect he goes to shit like this to feel important for a day or two. Maybe forget about the abject failure his REAL life is. Out in SF, he can tell all the fawning college boys he’s a “Texas rancher” and those dummies will never know better.

But of greater interest to me is that he calls this “work.” Most people, when they say “I have to travel for work” it implies they have a real job that, like, COMPENSATES them for their time and energy, with money and stuff.

Trade Justice Fund = bunch of idiot 20-somethings still wearing Covid masks.

Not Comrade Clayton. He gets $0.00 for all this gallivanting around to Seattle and San Francisco. How do I know this?

Well, first of all, Trade Justice Education Fund is a tiny pissant organization that has only been around about three years – and they only have 306 followers on Twitter. Highly unlikely they can afford tons of paid positions.

Secondly, everyone on the Team Bios page has a real title like President, Treasurer, Senior Advisor, Director of Operations, Organizing Director, etc. But poor Comrade Clayton is just a “Program Associate,” which sounds a lot to me like “unpaid intern” or “useful douchebag who will work for nothing.”

Finally, a quick look at the non-profit tax filings of his latest grifter organization shows us that NOBODY gets paid, according to their tax filings!

The list of top seven people in charge of the organization (Part VII, page 7) shows ALL of them receive ZERO compensation, benefits or salaries.

Part IX line 7 lists “other salaries and wages” – ZERO DOLLARS all across the board!

Also, Schedule O states specifically: “No one on the board of directors received any financial compensation from the organization directly or indirectly.


If the Trade Justice Education Fund’s tax filings show ZERO expense for salaries/benefits/compensation over and over again, then there is NO WAY they could be paying Comrade Clayton a thin dime for all of his “work.” Either that, or they lied on their tax filings.


P.S. – also, Comrade Clayton is STILL petrified of a cold virus – despite being “vaxxed” and “boosted” multiple times! What a complete pussy. You can see the mask draped over his arm while he inexplicably takes a picture of himself taking a picture.

November 2023 – still wearing mask
Spring 2021 – vaxxed and boosted!!

Local Socialist Bum Now Sponging Mom’s Truck?

Comrade Clayton Tucker – who is the Chairman of the Lampasas Democratic Party and SDEC-24 TX – appears to have sponged off his mother yet again.

It’s not enough that she gave him life, paid $80,000 for his useless “International Relations” college degree AND lets him live in her house at the ripe old age of almost 33 years old. I think she may have also handed him her truck…

Yeah, because high-speed rail makes SO much sense out in rural areas. Fucking moron.

Wait a sec – “YOUR” truck? You don’t have a truck. You drive this laughable turd that only a female would be caught dead in…

Now, I KNOW that Comrade Clayton didn’t go out and buy a truck on his own. He can’t even afford his own place to live and doesn’t have a real job. So either Daddy sold him Red Thunder (the truck he tried to sell photos of) for $1 and now Red Thunder is HIS (very doubtful)…


Mommy signed over her little orange truck to Comrade Clayton so he can look the part of Fake Rancher. I guess the 2014 diesel died on him. This will be VERY easy to find out. I’m going to be bored with the rain ruining outside work this week, so I think I’ll do a little research into WHO exactly owns the trucks over there.

What’s really embarrassing is that Comrade Clayton – who never shuts up about saving the planet and thinks heavily subsidized pinwheels are a great idea – lives in a family that owns THREE vehicles, TWO of which are “gas guzzling” internal combustion engine trucks! It’s especially hilarious because mom is retired from her cushy government job and Comrade Clayton “works virtually – so why do they need so many vehicles in the first place? Just another example of liberal greentard hypocrisy.

World’s first Virtual Rancher!

How awful for Mother Earth. Shouldn’t you be driving some electric fagmobile like a Prius or something? Douche bag.

Today is Tax Day

The day when greedy unemployed bums like Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX shout at you to “pay your fair share” while they pay NOTHING AT ALL.

  • The average income tax rate in 2020 was 13.6 percent. The top 1 percent of taxpayers paid a 25.99 percent average rate, more than eight times higher than the 3.1 percent average rate paid by the bottom half of taxpayers.

  • The top 1 percent’s income share rose from 20.1 percent in 2019 to 22.2 percent in 2020 and its share of federal income taxes paid rose from 38.8 percent to 42.3 percent.

  • The top 50 percent of all taxpayers paid 97.7 percent of all federal individual income taxes, while the bottom 50 percent paid the remaining 2.3 percent.

Remember: mouthy Marxist asswipes like Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX are in the BOTTOM 50 percent – paying practically nothing.

Ass Hat, No Cattle

Time for yet another Baby Seal Bashing. I do this for the same reason chicks go to the spa and get massages and facials. It’s therapeutic and makes them feel rejuvenated.

I also do this so that when this idiot runs for office again someday, his opponent has a massive treasure trove of evidence about how full of shit he really is and what a pathetic socialist bum he really is.

CHALLENGE: Pick out the “5th generation rancher” in the photo. The one who “always wears his iconic cowboy hat” and is a farmer, rancher AND cowboy!

Kristi Lara = HUGE Bernie-loving commie loser

What’s that? There IS no rancher in the photo? Give the man a cigar! You are 100% correct!

You see, this was in 2019, BEFORE he had invented his fake rancher persona. Back THEN, he was just a spoiled trust fund commie nerd who went to Bernie Sanders rallies with other dorks, while living with mommy.

Don’t believe it? Allow me to show you hard evidence….

#1 – he forgot he was a rancher when he ran against Dawn Buckingham and got his dick kicked in the dirt…

He IS (present tense) a socialist agitator living in rural Texas. No mention of ranching. Water researcher? More bullshit.

#2 – here is more evidence from June 2nd, 2017 when Trust Fund Tucker tried to get appointed to an open City council seat and told The Dispatch all about himself [fourth column, bottom]. Know what he said?

“Clayton Tucker has lived in the city about one year. A 2013 graduate of Southwestern University, he is a teacher and writer.”

Was NOT a teacher OR a rancher in 2017 – just an unemployed bum. No mention here of being a “rancher”…again.

Wait, what??? He had only been in the City for “about one year”? How was he ranching if he wasn’t here in Lampasas on the family farm/ranch? The “5th generation rancher” only arrived in Lampasas in 2016?? How confusing.

Luckily, Trust Fund Tucker clears it all up in the next sentence when he tells us he is a “teacher and writer”. Oops! Zero mention of being a 5th generation rancher! Must have slipped his mind.

[He was not a teacher either, but that doesn’t stop him from lying to the Dispatch]

That is THRICE now he has been caught red-handed telling the public he is something OTHER than rancher or farmer. The third time was when he filled out the form to run for City council in 2021 and filled out the OCCUPATION box with “Political Organizer” – apparently forgetting AGAIN that he was a rancher!

So as it turns out, this moron is no hat AND no cattle!

Well, he may have NO hat and NO cattle, but he has “several goats“! Surely THAT is proof you are a real rancher.

Tell me you aren’t a rancher without telling me you aren’t a rancher!

Yeah, lots of “5th generation ranchers” who have been ranching for years and years go ape shit over a few baby goats being born. They can’t contain themselves and they name them all and then post endless photos on their social media accounts, too!

Surely a “5th generation rancher” has seen hundreds, nay THOUSANDS, of animals born. Yet she posted non-stop on social media about this like a 13-year-old girl from the Big City spotting her first deer out in the countryside.

Last year was a brutal one, if you made your living off of the land. We had 100-degree temps in early May, non-stop wind in April and May, close to zero rain in April and May also. By August, REAL ranchers were hurting badly.

REAL ranchers were posting stuff like this:

FAKE ranchers were posting stuff like THIS…

Clayton Tucker of Lampasas: fake hat, no cattle, “several goats” and many, many, many lies.

Say, that reminds me of a joke I heard once…

Two fake ranchers, Clayton and Beto, are driving down a dirt road when they come across Penny the donkey with her head stuck in the fence.

Beto says “Man I haven’t had any pussy in months!” He jumps out of the truck Prius and just starts banging the donkey like there’s no tomorrow.

Then Beto looks over at Clayton and says “Hey, do you want any of this?” Clayton replies “Sure….but do I have to put my head in the fence?”

Local Socialist Maggot Clayton Tucker Smears Texas Congressman

The 30-year-old, able-bodied unemployed bum who lives upstairs at his parents’ house at 208 S Western Street STILL thinks there was an “insurrection” on January 6th. He thinks Louis Gohmert is an “embarrassment” who “needs to go”:

Why would he think this? Why does socialist Clayton Tucker cling to the falsehood that there was an “insurrection” on January 6th? After all, none other than the nation’s Attorney General admitted a few days ago that not a SINGLE ONE of the people charged on Jan 6th were charged with “insurrection” after Louis Gohmert himself made Garland look like a complete fool on national TV. Not one. That is a pile of made-up bullshit the dems keep repeating like parrots in order to draw away from the fact they stole an election last November.

He believes it because he is a very, very dumb person.

Socialist bum Clayton Tucker gets his information from a website called “Texas Signal” – a sad liberal fishwrapper run by fellow commies. THEY got THEIR information from a Rolling Stone article that was sourced by….wait for it…”anonymous sources”:

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-1) was one of several Republican members of Congress who helped plan the January 6 pro-Trump rally that led to an insurrection, according to a bombshell report by Rolling Stone. The report cited two anonymous sources, one of whom was referred to as a “rally organizer” and the other as “a planner,” who claimed they participated in planning meetings involving members of Congress and White House staff ahead of the attack. 

BAHAHAHAHA. AGAIN with the anonymous sources? Didn’t you dummies learn your lesson with the whole “Trump is a Putin agent” and the Steele dossier? You spent YEARS repeating an obvious falsehood then looked like complete fools when it all unraveled.

Of course, socialist dummies like Clayton Tucker will believe anything – which is why he runs around in a mask despite being vaccinated.

This isn’t the first time socialist bum Clayton Tucker (who is also the Chairman of Lampasas County Democrats) has made baseless and false accusations against Texas politicians. He was mad at Ted Cruz for the same reason and wanted everyone to sign a petition to get rid of him:

Unemployed maggot libels a sitting U.S. Senator by accusing him of engaging in insurrection

You make me laugh, Clayton Tucker, you socialist bum and Bernie Sanders lover. You remind me of a teenaged girl running for class president who tries to get everyone to sign a petition to make the cafeteria serve more pizza at lunch or something. LOL. Total loser.