The Party Of Weak Men And Angry, Bitter Women.

It’s been obvious for a while that the Democrat party is increasingly the party of bitter, angry, mentally ill women and weak men.

The manipulation methods used by libshits are all based on emotional blind spots.

First you have the large percentage of 20-something females hooked on social media and trapped in their own echo chambers being deluded into thinking they are attractive and powerful when they are, in fact, clueless morons and average basic bitches. They are essentially wards of the state relying heavily on government for their jobs and their money. They adopt “they/them” pronouns and work as DEI hires doing nothing useful all day. Many have a PhD in something completely made-up and useless like Gender Studies.

Then you have the older women on anti-depressants. They just get fatter and stop dating. They have no husbands or boyfriends to give them proper intellectual debate and make them really rethink their political insanity.

Or their kids left the nest long ago and they no longer have a purpose. Many of their children have been manipulated by mom into being gay or tranny – so they have no grandkids to ever look forward to…which is sad.

They are easily manipulated emotionally to turn their nurturing instincts towards nefarious purposes (“The poor illegal immigrant! The poor misunderstood gender confused person! The poor criminal who had a mean daddy! Global warming will kill us all if I don’t do something!”).

If you look at the comment section of a weak Marxist ‘man’ like this….

You will notice it is 98% female. Many older and lonely. Almost ALL of them fall into one of the following categories: ‘artist’, former government worker, college ‘professor’ in a joke subject, or works for non-profit that sponges off the government.

A HUGE percentage of them are originally from a libshit state like NJ, MA, CT, CA or NY.

They ALL had the “I’ve been vaxxed” social media filter at some point or another, to show they’re ‘part of the gang’ and can be a part of something bigger than themselves…because in reality, they have nothing else to live for.

Here is just a small sample of what I call the D.O.L.Ls who follow our local socialist – Dumb Old Liberal Ladies:

Orwell warned us about this long ago….

As have others….

Blame Women (Disproportionately) for the Collapse of Western Civilization

Take a close look. Brainwashed dumb fucks like THIS are why your country is going down the toilet: