You know who goes on fasts and posts about it?
Insecure, 14-year-old ones with eating disorders, mostly….

Also, only a young chick would need an app to tell her to start at 9pm and end at 9pm the next day.
Wow…an 18 hour fast every day of the week? Impressive. Then again, it is easy not to eat when you don’t have a job or anything else to do so you can sleep til noon and then just sit around at Mom’s house all day on your laptop.
[Not to mention: it’s all bullshit like many pseudoscientific fads that chicks believe in like gluten-free diets, fibromyalgia, long-Covid, palm reading, wearing masks to stop Covid, etc.]
I do a 15 hour fast every fucking night between dinner and breakfast the next morning, now that I think about it. So you basically eat a late breakfast and early dinner. But it sounds so much better to call it a “fast” and put it on an app. Just more evidence of the most pussified generation ever: patting yourself on the back for cramming all your meals into six hours.
Millennial pussies: never have lives less-lived been more-documented.
You know who does a lot of fasting? Every citizen in every country ruined by socialism. I hear the starving Venezuelans fasted so much they ended up eating zoo animals.
What’s next, Sally? Maybe a juice cleanse before grabbing mom’s Thigh Master? Or maybe post some photos of a dessert you had while out with the boyfriend? Maybe a strawberry daiquiri?
If I was Clayton Tucker’s dad and had this unemployed pussy living under my roof at age 32, I’d be over at Lampasas Beer Market getting hammered every night. Then I’d stagger home wasted and challenge her to feats of strength while poking her in the sternum and calling her an embarrassment to the family.
I might also yell at my wife for mollycoddling him and turning him into such a pussy in the first place. Mom probably gave him presents on OTHER kid’s birthdays when he started crying.
The guy who claims to be a rancher is going to fast to lose weight! LOL. You know how REAL ranchers lose weight? Doing their job everyday and busting their asses out in the real world. They don’t lay in bed at their parents’ house all day complaining about how faint they feel because they haven’t eaten all day.
Guess we need to add this to the pile of evidence that Clayton Tucker is, in fact, a woman.