Idiot Socialist Makes More Bad Analogies. Is Clearly Clueless About Cost/Benefit Analysis.

As she has shown many times in the past, the socialist chairman of the Lampasas Democratic Party has zero understanding of economics, cost/benefit analysis or pretty much anything else in the real world. That’s what happens when you live with your mother at age 33 and she pays for everything.

Here’s the latest renewable energy “lesson” from a dunce:

Wow! What a burn! You sure proved your point! We should definitely spend another $50 billion to put more panels onto our already-unreliable grid!

Oh wait…you left a ton of stuff out of your “analysis”:

#1 – Nobody ever said solar panels don’t work in the cold. In fact, they work BETTER in the cold weather than they do in the blistering heat of summer, when efficiency gets reduced up to 20%.

#2 – Those solar panels on the ISS cost upwards of $300 million dollars – yes, I looked it up. So if you have $300 million laying around, by all means – toss up some solar panels that work when it’s minus 451 degrees. Oh, and they only last about 15 years – that works out to $20 million per year. Your tax dollars at work. OH – and they cost MORE to launch into space than they do to manufacture. So call it $600 million. For 15 years. What a deal!!

#3 – The problem with solar panels in Texas in the winter during massive storms like the Feb 2021 fiasco isn’t the COLD, it’s the fact that they were covered with two inches of ice – blocking photons. It also tends to be very cloudy during those storms. So even without the ice, the sun is blocked. I shouldn’t have to tell you this, but there are no clouds in space and no ice storms either. Moron.

#4 – Since the earth rotates on its axis every 24 hours and is tilted at 23 degrees to the plane of the ecliptic, the days in Texas during the winter are very short – about 10 hours. That gives you about 7 hours of strong sun and thus usable energy (IF there are no clouds or rain) – which means your billions of dollars of solar panels produce ZERO energy for the remaining 17 hours, or 66% of the time. Not a very good ROI for your money. This is not a problem in space either. Moron.

But besides all the completely wrong analogies and shit you left out, you really made your point.

I’ll also remind everyone that Clayton Tucker, despite his non-stop promotion of solar panels as being a great power source for an industrialized, First-World nation (it isn’t) COMRADE CLAYTON HAS NO SOLAR PANELS ON HIS OWN HOUSE!

There are ZERO solar panels at grandpa’s house/ranch either – that’s where Comrade Clayton goes to pretend he is a rancher. I’ll bet a shiny new dime there aren’t any windmills out there producing energy either.

Of course, Comrade Clayton would have to ask mom first about putting panels up on the roof, because he actually lives in HER house and under HER roof. He’d have to ask mom to pay for it too, since he is unemployed and penniless (and apparently ‘working’ for an organization that doesn’t even exist) and a decent solar setup would run him around $40,000. If he had $40,000 laying around, he wouldn’t be sponging off mom and living in her upstairs bedroom, now would he?

But besides all that, his promotion of solar panels makes a ton of sense. Well argued, Comrade!!

Comrade Clayton Falls For Every Line Of Covid Nonsense

I expect nothing less from a guy who majored in “International Relations”, has never had a real job and who lives with his mom and dad at age 31:

I mean, hell, if you actually believe socialism will work (like Comrade Clayton does), then you’ll believe ANYTHING!

Anyone want to guess why “99% of all hospitalized patients with Covid-19 are unvaccinated!”?

Because it’s policy NOT to test vaccinated people when they come in.


Remember, this is the same idiot who went from “I hate Big Pharma” to “you better get your shot or you’re killing grandma” in about two seconds flat. That’s what happens when you are a know-nothing clown horn with zero principles:

“I hate Pfizer!!!”

“I have Pfizer’s cock in my diapered mouth!!”

You keep telling the lies, Comrade Clayton….and I’ll keep debunking them.