Fake Socialist Farmer To Be One Of Over 40 Speakers Featured At Event Hosted By “Food Tank” – Which Is (Wait For It) A Non-Profit Grift Run By OTHER Fake Farmers!

You really can’t make this stuff up.

I think my new hobby is basically doing deep dives into bullshit non-profits and exposing them for being utter jokes despite their airs of authority. I would have made a GREAT insurance claims investigator for fraudulent workman’s comp claims. I absolutely detest grifters and I’m good at patiently digging down and putting clues together from lots of social media garbage posts.

Our local socialist cockroach, of course, has his fingers in many grifter pies. This latest is no different.

Yeah, I remember the LAST time you were a “speaker” at an event. There was the pipe dream of this…

Then the reality of THIS: random street urchins grabbing the microphone to whine about how Daddy didn’t buy them a pony…

The first thing I think when I see a post like this is: Clayton Tucker is not qualified to speak about ANYTHING, let alone farming – so how did this happen? Who did he trick?

Can you imagine how his ‘speech’ would go?

“Hi, I’m Clayton Tucker! I founded a ranch seven weeks ago and I sold FOUR goats last year! I live with my mom. Derp derp!!”

Next speaker.

So then I have to assume the people running this must be grifters or morons or grifter morons. And I’m always right.

This time is no different.

The event is hosted by Food Tank. Get it?? Instead of “Think Tank” it is a “Food Tank“!  Its goal is to “highlight environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable ways of alleviating hunger, obesity and poverty,” according to Wikipedia.

Now you may ask how hunger/poverty and obesity exist in the same mission statement – because you are a smart and logical person. But those kinds of logical points will escape this crowd. Because they are ALL about the buzzwords and the grift. Throw in “equity” this and a dash of “sustainability” that and then put your grubby hands out for government grants. I’m just surprised that “gender” didn’t appear anywhere in the bylines.

The first way we know this is a massive grift, is that it is run by three clowns who are not farmers. They are idiot activists. Also, strangely, they are all Jews, which is weird as shit all by itself. Jews make up about 2.5% of the U.S. population, but seem to be behind a LOT of grifts and schemes to fuck this country up more.

Make of that what you will.

First we have Bernard Pollack. Bernard has the most punchable face I have ever seen outside of David Schwimmer.

Bernie (Hey! Just like Bernie Sanders! Another grifter Jewish man who has never worked a real day in his life!) has likely never gotten dirt under his well-manicured fingernails in his life. He was an AFL-CIO douchebag for most of his career.

According to his LinkedIn: He  is an expert at non-profit, political, and union campaigning, public relations, and strategy. He spent more than ten years organizing state and national campaigns for the National AFL-CIO that resulted in the election of dozens major pro-worker candidates and laws in three dozen states. He developed communication programs for union organizing, referendums, and elections all over the U.S. and worked extensively with media reporting on workers’ issues.

Yeah. I doubt he’s ever so much as grown a tomato in his entire grifter life.

Next up is Danielle Nierenbergshe is an “activist, journalist and author,” but also not a farmer. In fairness, according to her Wiki, she DID join the Peace Corps and went to the Dominican Republic where she “worked with farmers and urban school kids.” Of course, that is hard, thankless work, so she got her ass back into college as fast as possible after that then joined a string of non-profits so she could grift in air-conditioned comfort, no doubt.

Finally we have Ellen Gustafson. She is a “businessperson” and also a “social entrepreneur,” whatever the fuck THAT means. Her main claim to fame seems to be starting ANOTHER grifter non-profit called FEED with Lauren Bush.

Yes, THAT Lauren Bush. Granddaughter of George H.W. Bush and niece of George W. Bush.

Gee, I wonder if she has any connections to free government shit and ‘environmental’ scams? I guess we’ll never know. I’m sure Lauren, the fashion model and designer, does a LOT of farming on the side, too. Probably loves spreading turkey shit on all the crops she grows.

This is the life that Comrade Clayton DREAMS of – going around lying about being a farmer, but getting PAID for it. Right now, he only has the first part down cold. But by god, he is working his hardest to kiss the right asses so he can get PAID to lie about his farming expertise!

Big Wind Trying To Screw Rural America

On wind energy, we get a tax credit if we build a lot of wind farms. That’s the only reason to build them. They don’t make sense without the tax credit.” – Warren Buffett

In July 2022, the citizens of Madison County, Iowa celebrated the news that MidAmerican Energy would be abandoning its controversial plan to construct 30 additional wind turbines on their farmland. The proposed project had been years in the making but ran into stiff local opposition—part of an underreported trend of backlash against large renewable energy construction projects. While the prospect of limitless green energy from wind sounds wonderful in theory, it turns out that living amongst the turbines isn’t all that great. Locals tell stories of constant noise and light pollution, disruptions to farming, and significant damage to prime real estate.

As a Berkshire Hathaway company, MidAmerican Energy is ultimately controlled by Warren Buffett, a man who totally had nothing to do with killing the Keystone Pipeline and definitely isn’t talking down the health of regional banks these days in the hopes of profiting from their inevitable recapitalization. Mr. Aw-Shucks has long deployed aggressive legal tactics in a relentless pursuit of the state and federal tax loopholes that he had absolutely no role in creating.

Robert Bryce, author of the eponymous Substack and custodian of the Renewable Rejection Database that tracks the hundreds of wind and solar projects successfully opposed by disgruntled locals, shared comments via private correspondence (reproduced here with his permission; emphasis added throughout):

The context for MidAmerican Energy’s aggressive legal tactics against Madison County is important. In December 2020, the Madison County Board of Supervisors—responding to the anti-wind sentiment of county residents—passed an ordinance that prohibited the installation of wind projects within 1.5 miles of non-participating landowners, limited the height of turbines to less than 500 feet, imposed strict noise limits, and eliminated property-tax breaks. The next month, MidAmerican sued the county to try to force it to accept a wind project the county didn’t want. Why? It stood to lose $81 million in federal tax credits.

MidAmerican’s lawsuit shows yet again, the bare-knuckled legal strategy the wind industry is using against rural Americans as part of its effort to collect billions of dollars in tax credits. For a moment, imagine the media coverage if Exxon, or Chevron, had acted like MidAmerican in Madison County. It would’ve been front-page news in The New York Times. But because the lawsuit involved MidAmerican and the wind industry? Crickets.

That face when billions of tax credits are blowing your way | CNBC

The battle over property rights in Madison County speaks to a broad divide across the US that pits progressive elites from the large cities against their more conservative fellow citizens in the less densely populated expanses of the country. The two sides routinely talk past each other on all manner of issues cultural, financial, and spiritual. For decades, the social contract between these factions was relatively straightforward: in exchange for providing the food and much of the resources needed by urbanites to persist, the residents of “flyover country” would be mostly left alone.

The pursuit of a green energy utopia, in its current incarnation, will aggressively disrupt this delicate détente.

For reasons that can be traced to the fundamentals of physics, the implementation of renewable energy mandates simply cannot occur without significant changes to the rural way of life. The acrimony? Many rural Americans think the risks associated with climate change are vastly overstated, while most urban progressive douchebags believe the world is heading for a catastrophe absent substantial intervention. According to a recent study published by the Duke Nicolas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions at the University of Rhode Island, “climate change attitudes are polarized across the urban/rural divide. Urban/suburban voters were more supportive of climate action than rural voters, even controlling for partisanship and other demographics.” This sets up a significant impasse, one that threatens to further upend the already strained relationship between these otherwise symbiotic camps. 

They Think You Are Stupid

So the recent surge of young people and world-class athletes dropping dead is from…wait for it….global warming!

Is there a competition going on for the most insane reason for sudden deaths since 2021 they can get into print? Here is another one – which also manages to slip the global warming horseshit into there as well…

Really? You mean the same health issues some people are experiencing after receiving the jab? Wow!! What a coincidence.

They will literally make up ANY bullshit they can to avoid mentioning the obvious one: vaccines were rolled out in 2021.

Then they throw in their usual “global warming” bullshit for good measure.

Unfortunately, about 25% to 30% of the population (like Clayton Tucker and Bruce Haywood) eat this bullshit up and ask for more, because they lack critical thinking skills and are weak-minded imbeciles who are easily brainwashed and unable to think for themselves.

We are well and truly fucked when the population is polluted with that many morons.

Business Park Grant Application Resolution Contains Giant Lie

The Dispatch published a giant puff-piece (which I will pick apart in my next post) on the LEDC “business park” and their current attempt to grab federal tax dollars they are NOT (in my opinion) entitled to. It is a welfare queen move and a complete scumbag move. It is no different than scumbag liberal politicians in California or Chicago begging for federal taxes to balance their budgets. Budgets that were ruined FAR before Wuhan Flu came onto the scene.

According to the Dispatch articls:

Projects that respond to “ECONOMIC INJURY as a result of coronavirus”

Funny – it sure doesn’t seem like the City has suffered any “economic injury” to me. Quite the opposite, in fact. They are sitting on a pile of money, according to City Manager Finley DeGraffenreid (who is paid $140,000 per year + roughly $30,000 in benefits):

Things are so good, in fact, Finley recommends giving the entire City workforce an across-the-board 3% raise IN ADDITION to another $40,000 in “salary adjustments” [see page 13 under “recommendations”].

Finley himself even got a $10,000 raise back in mid-May – right as the “pandemic” was supposedly raging and roughly 40 million Americans were being thrown out of work.

Furthermore, the City’s sales tax receipts have also shot upward – the complete OPPOSITE of the rest of the state of Texas.

For the month of March, the entire state of Texas sales tax revenue was DOWN approximately 5% but the City of Lampasas sales tax receipts were UP 11%!!!

For the month of April (the lock down month), Texas sales tax receipts were DOWN 12% BUT LAMPASAS SAW A NINE PERCENT INCREASE! Yes – a 9% increase year-over-year.

For the month of May (the partial re-opening month) the state of Texas as a whole saw sales tax receipts DOWN either 2.6% or 6.5% depending on which source you believe. But City of Lampasas tax receipts were UP AN ASTOUNDING 26%!!!

Yes, you read that correctly. UP TWENTY-SIX PERCENT!!!

** NEW INFO ** – For the Month of June, the state of Texas as a whole saw a 3.6% increase in sales tax receipts year-over-year – but Lampasas saw another MASSIVE JUMP AGAIN of 24%.

All these facts didn’t stop City council from lying through their teeth like scumbag welfare queens with their “Resolution Authorizing Application” for this grant – which will be made through Langford Community Management Services. You can find the entire resolution in the City council packets HERE on Page 44.

It partially reads:

“WHEREAS the ‘Applicant’ has determined that the economic activity generated from this project will positively impact the City economy, overall, which has been adversely affected by the COVID19 disaster;

City council then UNANIMOUSLY voted to approve this resolution. You can hear it HERE at the 25 minute mark.

No discussion. No questions. No comments. ALL SEVEN GOLDFISH agreed to this lie and think NOTHING of using that lie to grab federal tax dollars from innocent taxpayers in Kansas, Florida and every other state. Taxpayers who are now being forced to hand over their hard-earned money to fund the frantic fuck-up (pardon my French) that is the LEDC Business Park.

Just The Goldfish being goldfish, I guess. They have already forgotten (as Goldfish are wont to do) the 26% boom in sales tax, the $1.7 million budget surplus AND the boom in residential construction as Big City clowns rush to small towns like Lampasas to escape failed libtard policies, crime and mask police.

Furthermore, the ‘business park’ is hardly a project that “RESPONDS to economic injury’. How could it be a “response to Coronavirus injury” when it has been in existence for OVER A DECADE and Covid just appeared 7 months ago? It can’t be. So that’s yet another lie.

I’m no lawyer, but it seems to me that LYING to grab money from the government might be construed as fraud. Right Jo-Christy Brown? Not much different than disability fraud or welfare fraud, it seems to me.

I promised you all I would do everything I could to stop this theft. Remember?

Well, I will be sending ALL of this information to whomever reviews these grants at the federal level. Along with my opinion that this is outright fraud – since the City and the LEDC cannot (with a straight face) claim that the City of Lampasas was impacted negatively AT ALL by the Wuhan Flu.

Every one of you who nonchalantly voted for this lie is now officially a welfare queen and political scumbag. You are no better than a worm-like Chicago or Baltimore political parasite. It’s absolutely disgusting.

Hiring Scumbags To Beg For Government Money Always Pays Off In Lampasas

“Greasy” Chris Harrison pulled it off! After turning down a request from PRIVATE developer S2M2 Inc for free money back in May, City Council changed their tune and decided to hand S2M2 Inc “a maximum of $150,000 for the company’s actual costs of surveying, engineering and building a rainwater detention pond in the subdivision,” now that “Greasy” Chris (former City Council member) was the one doing the asking this time for his new employer S2M2 Inc.

But that’s not all: “the city will pay to extend electric service to each of Brodie Estates’ platted residential lots. The development agreement lists an estimated city cost of $24,500” – which sounds a LOT like the sweet deal Deorald Finney got for HIS subdivision earlier this year at a cost of around $72,000 for HIS 67 houses.

These “free” electrical hookups (paid for by YOU) run roughly $1100 per house. God forbid the developer pay this and pass it along to the actual homeowner who will benefit! It might cut into his profits! When he sells a $150,000 house, he might only make $24,000 profit instead of $25,000 profit! We cannot have that!

Here’s how I think it went down (this is my opinion – not fact): S2M2 Inc bought this land, figured they could put N number of houses on it, build those houses for $X and sell them for X+$25,000 or whatever the markup is for developers….so they made a deal with the land seller and got all ready to break ground. All well and good – maybe they make a $25,000 profit on 22 houses and pocket $550,000 after all is said and done.

But THEN, they cleared some brush out and cleaned up the land a bit and realized the drainage sucked and they would have to WASTE three of their precious lots building a detention pond! That would take the profit of THREE houses out of their pockets. Let’s say it was $25,000 each (again, I am not a developer, I am pulling number from my ass that sound like realistic ballpark figures). Taking a $75,000 hit for your own screw-up is what private businesses do all the time. But developers are special private businesses (just ask Greasy Chris). They can go to the morons at the City and explain to them how this detention pond is actually in the best interest of the CITY…and not of S2M2 Inc, who is merely trying to help them out.

[Moron politicians and City bureaucrats fall victim to this faulty ‘logic’ all the time. They extend all sorts of “free” shit in the name of “growth” and “expanding the tax base” and it NEVER works out. They do not understand this or care because (1) 90% of them have never run a business (2) they are severely math challenged and (3) it’s not their money they are giving away….it’s YOURS]

It’s the same kind of idiocy that leads towns to spend $100,000 on Christmas lights and say “people will come and visit and we’ll make it all back on sales tax revenue” – which is absolute unmitigated nonsense if you are familiar with third-grade math…which most of these bozos are not.

So – back to our story. A regular, honest, stand-up private business owner would eat the $75,000 and chalk it up to experience. But these scumbags figure, “hey! Let’s go ask the City to ‘cost share’ this with us…we might get $150,000 out of this to make up for our huge blunder!” – after all, the worst they can say is ‘no’, and we’re right back where we started. There is zero downside to begging, in other words.

So, ask the City is what they did. The City said “NO” back in May, as the Dispatch article reported….which was the proper thing to do. But these scumbags took it a step further. They didn’t give up! They then sent in FORMER CITY COUNCIL MEMBER Greasy Chris Harrison to ask AGAIN.

Lo and behold! Mayor Talbert then decided that “City officials need to think again about a detention pond“…because Misti “Drunken Sailor” Talbert apparently equates spending lots of money with being an effective Mayor, from what I’ve seen over the last two years.

Oh…and Chris Harrison owns a dirt works company as well. Lol. You really can’t make this stuff up. Will The Seven Goldfish look into who S2M2 Inc hires to do the dirt work? Will The Seven Goldfish ask to see how much it ACTUALLY cost instead of just accepting the $150,000 figure? Of course not. It ain’t their money.