Somebody Please Do A Wellness Check On Poor Bruce Haywood.

Poor Bruce.

Poor dumb, fat Bruce.

I expect to see his name in the Dispatch obituaries any day now. Has anyone checked in on that poor deluded slob to make sure he hasn’t had an aneurysm??

Bruce has had to absorb a LOT of bad news the last week or so. But none so damaging to his health as the realization that Trump will NOT be going to prison, after all!

We are coming up on the TWO YEAR anniversary of the Mar-A-Lago raid (8/8/22). Bruce was overjoyed and expected Trump to be behind bars any second. Here are some of his posts from that week….

Well. None of that is going to happen, Bruce. In fact, Donald Trump will likely be elected president in a few months. Are you sure your fat monkey heart can handle that? I don’t think it can.

Bruce made himself look like an even BIGGER asshat by posting THIS just one month ago pertaining to the June 27th presidential debate:

Not only is Trump not behind bars, as depicted in this moronic cartoon, but the debate turned into the biggest political disaster in human history. Trump delivered a knockout blow that killed Biden’s chances at the presidency, his very dignity and his entire career. Here we are almost a WEEK later and Biden is STILL petrified to go on TV and talk without a teleprompter. He’s STILL staggering around punch-drunk and the entire nest of democrat rats is in complete disarray. Trump knocked him into next week!

Then came the Chevron Deference case, then came the immunity ruling, and now there will be no Trump sentencing on July 11th after all!


And Trump will be your president for FOUR YEARS, you colossal shitbird! You make Stephanie Fitzharris look like a genius with all of your predictions.

Hey Bruce….do you like apples?

Local Communist Who Flies Foreign Flags On His (Mom’s) House Complaining About Obscure Pine Tree Flag.

You can’t make this stuff up…

I’ll be honest. I’d never heard of or seen this flag…and I consider myself pretty up-to-date on current events. I certainly never heard it was a “symbol” of January 6th. Says who? A bunch of idiot liberals who made that up after seeing it on Alilto’s flag pole?

Comrade Clayton prefers to fly the flag of a corrupt foreign country on HIS (mom’s) house…

That would be the same “democratic” country that just last week cancelled elections – allowing the corrupt, gay midget Zelenskyy to remain in power.

Ukraine President Zelensky Says Time Not Right for Elections

Oh, and what’s this??? More hypocrisy and subterfuge. Truly, liberals are nothing more than dogshit.

Hmmm…Who Should I Believe?

I am facing a terrible conundrum. I can’t decide who to listen to about the economy. One side says it’s the best economy EVER! Another side says it’s dogshit and we’re about to go down the toilet into a worldwide recession.


On one side, we have the CEO of FedEx.

FedEx is a $53 billion company. Well, it was until this morning, anyway. They have 547,000 employees, have been around for 50 years, and are basically the lifeblood of the United States. They have 18,000 locations all over the planet. They have about 700 transport jets and 80,000 vehicles in their fleet.

On the other side we have this:

A 370-pound human skin tag named Bruce Haywood. Haywood has never run a business in his life, has zero employees, doesn’t work at the ripe old age of 58, is a parasite who lives on government checks and who stays up til 1am posting anti-American screeds on Facebook and then sleeping until noon. He exists thanks to the generosity of the taxpayer and his only contact with the “real” economy are the cashiers at Whataburger and Krab Kingz.

HE says the economy is kicking ass!

Hmmmmm. Very tough call. I think I’m gonna have to go with the guy who is NOT a retarded parade float.