Clayton Tucker Loves Semen.

Did I spell that right? Oops – I’m talking about SIEMENS – the German conglomerate that is losing billions making idiotic pinwheels.

There has been this narrative that wind-farm costs are falling and will keep falling, but the reality is these prices are too low. Turbine manufacturers have effectively been selling at a loss – and those losses have become huge.

That is why Comrade Clayton just ADORES semen…I mean SIEMENS. They are just like an old socialist Soviet-style company that produces dogshit product commanded by political morons instead of the free market. Siemens would be bankrupt without massive subsidies (YOUR tax dollars) propping it up.

Oh, and on top of it all, their turbines are failing at an alarming rate.

The company announced late Thursday that a review of issues at subsidiary Siemens Gamesa had found a “substantial increase in failure rates of wind turbine components.”

Massive Energy Corporation Says Up To 30% Of Its Wind Turbines Could Be Malfunctioning

So to recap:

Pinwheels use a MASSIVE amount of concrete, iron, copper, neodymium (4400 pounds per pinwheel) and other mined-metals and rare earth metals to construct.

Their fiberglass blades wear out in 20 years or so and are then LANDFILLED. Nice.

Each pinwheel needs evil OIL to stay lubricated and requires a LOT of maintenance.

They cost so much that they have to be subsidized by YOU to the tune of tens of billions of dollars.

Their power output varies WILDLY with wind speed, making grid balance much harder to maintain. This destablizes the grid and requires a SECOND entire duplicate powergeneration infrastructure.

Power output is ZERO is the wind is not blowing – which happens plenty. Therefore an EQUAL amount of reliable gas/oil powered generation equipment has to be built in case the wind isn’t blowing – thus costs increase dramatically.

At any given time, 30% of those pinwheels which make no sense and you overpaid for AREN’T EVEN FUNCTIONAL!

Sure sounds like a shitty deal to me. When your electric bills keep rising further and further over the next decade, you can thank THIS unemployed, socialist Siemen-loving moron for emptying your wallet:

Remember – all this “carbon zero” horseshit and trillions in spending is supposedly to MAYBE lower the temperature 100 years from now by a degree or two. Of course, they’ve been wrong about everything else…what makes you think they have any clue this time??

1960s – Oil gone in 10 yrs

1970s – Ice age in 10 yrs

1980s – Acid rain will kill all crops in 10 yrs

1990s – Ozone layer will disappear in 10 yrs

2000s – Ice caps will be gone in 10 yrs

NONE of these things happened – but ALL of them resulted in more taxes and less liberty.

Ass Hat, No Cattle

Time for yet another Baby Seal Bashing. I do this for the same reason chicks go to the spa and get massages and facials. It’s therapeutic and makes them feel rejuvenated.

I also do this so that when this idiot runs for office again someday, his opponent has a massive treasure trove of evidence about how full of shit he really is and what a pathetic socialist bum he really is.

CHALLENGE: Pick out the “5th generation rancher” in the photo. The one who “always wears his iconic cowboy hat” and is a farmer, rancher AND cowboy!

Kristi Lara = HUGE Bernie-loving commie loser

What’s that? There IS no rancher in the photo? Give the man a cigar! You are 100% correct!

You see, this was in 2019, BEFORE he had invented his fake rancher persona. Back THEN, he was just a spoiled trust fund commie nerd who went to Bernie Sanders rallies with other dorks, while living with mommy.

Don’t believe it? Allow me to show you hard evidence….

#1 – he forgot he was a rancher when he ran against Dawn Buckingham and got his dick kicked in the dirt…

He IS (present tense) a socialist agitator living in rural Texas. No mention of ranching. Water researcher? More bullshit.

#2 – here is more evidence from June 2nd, 2017 when Trust Fund Tucker tried to get appointed to an open City council seat and told The Dispatch all about himself [fourth column, bottom]. Know what he said?

“Clayton Tucker has lived in the city about one year. A 2013 graduate of Southwestern University, he is a teacher and writer.”

Was NOT a teacher OR a rancher in 2017 – just an unemployed bum. No mention here of being a “rancher”…again.

Wait, what??? He had only been in the City for “about one year”? How was he ranching if he wasn’t here in Lampasas on the family farm/ranch? The “5th generation rancher” only arrived in Lampasas in 2016?? How confusing.

Luckily, Trust Fund Tucker clears it all up in the next sentence when he tells us he is a “teacher and writer”. Oops! Zero mention of being a 5th generation rancher! Must have slipped his mind.

[He was not a teacher either, but that doesn’t stop him from lying to the Dispatch]

That is THRICE now he has been caught red-handed telling the public he is something OTHER than rancher or farmer. The third time was when he filled out the form to run for City council in 2021 and filled out the OCCUPATION box with “Political Organizer” – apparently forgetting AGAIN that he was a rancher!

So as it turns out, this moron is no hat AND no cattle!

Well, he may have NO hat and NO cattle, but he has “several goats“! Surely THAT is proof you are a real rancher.

Tell me you aren’t a rancher without telling me you aren’t a rancher!

Yeah, lots of “5th generation ranchers” who have been ranching for years and years go ape shit over a few baby goats being born. They can’t contain themselves and they name them all and then post endless photos on their social media accounts, too!

Surely a “5th generation rancher” has seen hundreds, nay THOUSANDS, of animals born. Yet she posted non-stop on social media about this like a 13-year-old girl from the Big City spotting her first deer out in the countryside.

Last year was a brutal one, if you made your living off of the land. We had 100-degree temps in early May, non-stop wind in April and May, close to zero rain in April and May also. By August, REAL ranchers were hurting badly.

REAL ranchers were posting stuff like this:

FAKE ranchers were posting stuff like THIS…

Clayton Tucker of Lampasas: fake hat, no cattle, “several goats” and many, many, many lies.

Say, that reminds me of a joke I heard once…

Two fake ranchers, Clayton and Beto, are driving down a dirt road when they come across Penny the donkey with her head stuck in the fence.

Beto says “Man I haven’t had any pussy in months!” He jumps out of the truck Prius and just starts banging the donkey like there’s no tomorrow.

Then Beto looks over at Clayton and says “Hey, do you want any of this?” Clayton replies “Sure….but do I have to put my head in the fence?”

Local Socialist Cockroach Who Has Never Had a Job or Run Any Business is Now an Expert On Wages

Clayton Tucker of Lampasas was sent to college (paid for by his parents) for the princely sum of around $80,000 for a worthless degree in “International Relations”. He has done absolutely nothing with his life in the TEN YEARS since then except ‘work’ at lame political groups like “Ground Game Texas” hand out campaign literature for OTHER socialist cockroach losers like Beto O’Rourke, Greg Casar and Julie Oliver.

He will be 32 years old next month and still lives with his parents without a real job. He pretends to be a rancher, a farmer and a cowboy. He is actually none of these things.

He is a bum.

Like all socialist bums, he has no clue how anything works but thinks he is an expert. He reposts complete rubbish on social media all day long – usually during working hours, like he did today around noon….

Clayton posting garbage at noon on a work day

Clayton Tucker has never worked in a McDonald’s. I doubt he would qualify. The manager would look at the giant blank sheet of paper he calls a resume and laugh at him.

Clayton Tucker has never owned a McDonald’s restaurant or employed a single person in his life in ANY capacity. He has created ZERO jobs in his entire shitty life at ANY wage, let alone a “livable” one.

Clayton Tucker does not own any stock in McDonald’s, I would be willing to wager.

So the first question is: why the FUCK do you care what a company pays any of its workers? It is none of your business. If you don’t like the wages they (supposedly) pay, then don’t work there, don’t eat there, and don’t own stock in the company. End of story.

Short of that? Shut the fuck up about it. It doesn’t affect you in the least. You literally cannot even take care of yourself, so stop worrying about people who choose to work at McDonald’s for the prevailing wage. That pimply teen handing out Big Macs is ten times the man you will ever be. Don’t question his choices. A bum and a loser like yourself is not allowed to question the work choices of anybody else.

The second point is this: there are TONS of entry-level jobs around for more than $9 an hour RIGHT NOW. Clayton Tucker wouldn’t know this because he has never actually looked for gainful employment. Instead, he likely waits for mom to throw him some gas money if he goes and mows the lawn at grandpa’s property, which Clayton calls “being a rancher”.

Here is a post from the Lampasas County Breaking News page literally from TODAY!!!

Highly motivated? You can count Clayton Tucker out of that one! He is not a morning person, by his own admission. He’d rather sit at mom’s house and bitch online all day about how unfair wages are in the United States compared to his Nordic utopias. So, literally about two miles from Clayton’s parent’s house is a job available for 55% higher than the $9 he is whining about.

Last year, our very own LEDC told us there were piles of jobs out there paying $20 and $30 an hour! How many did you apply for, Clayton? Oh that’s right. None of them. You twat.

Thirdly: if Denmark is so fucking awesome, why don’t you move there? Oh that’s right: their immigration policies are highly restrictive. You couldn’t go live there even if you wanted to. They are also 96% white and don’t have millions of illiterate Honduran and Haitian riff-raff illegally entering their country every year sucking them dry and driving crime through the roof. Denmark is about 85% smaller than just the state of Texas. They are very small, homogenous, and don’t really allow anyone else to crash the border and ruin their country. So there is that. Not even CLOSE to the situation here in the U.S.

Fourth: Taxes in Denmark are outrageous. That $22 you think you are making will be whittled down considerably by the time you pay for all that welfare. Turns out it will be more like $10, after taxes. There is no such thing as a free lunch – even in your beloved Denmark.

While handing over 55% of what you earn so a bunch of government retards can take care of you from cradle to grave might sound awesome to a frightened, lazy pussy like Clayton Tucker, it sounds like a ripoff to me. No thanks. I want to make my own way in the world. Go fuck yourself.

Fifth: Those same massive taxes stifle innovation, creativity and business creation. Even wonder why every awesome thing on the planet is invented in the United States? The Internet, Apple, Google, Facebook, Netflix, Microsoft, YouTube, cell phones and every other kick ass invention on the planet comes from us…not Denmark. Danes are too busy sitting around smoking cigs, drinking coffee and shitting on capitalism to actually create anything worth a damn.

Sixth: Not every McDonald’s employee makes $9. I’m sure there are plenty who make triple that as managers. It’s called “working your way up” and it is a foreign concept to lazy socialist twats like Clayton Tucker who think they should be paid $100,000 on their first day of work, despite having zero skills or brains.

In closing…

No matter what the job is or where in the world it is, when you first start out you are low man on the totem pole. You eat some shit, prove yourself and work your way up. THAT is how you get ahead in life. People who think they are above all that are the ones who are the losers in life and end up living in mom’s upstairs bedroom….like Clayton Tucker.

Socialist Nerd Continues Tradition of Posing in Front of Vehicles That Don’t Belong to Him.

Hi! I’m Clayton Tucker. I don’t own a blue truck OR a red truck…or ANY kind of truck, for that matter. Turns out you don’t really need a truck when you are a virtual/fake rancher!

But I do these little photo shoots every now and then to give the impression I am a hard-working rancher – when in actuality, I am unemployed and live with my mom at age 32….

Old staged photo in front of truck that isn’t mine!
New staged photo in front of truck that isn’t mine!

For someone who brags so much on social media about “intermittent fasting”, it sure looks like he is hitting the jelly doughnuts pretty hard. I’m guessing his favorite filling flavor is “semen”.

You know who takes pictures in front of vehicles what aren’t theirs? Chicks.

Guess we can add ANOTHER item to my “proof Clayton Tucker is actually a woman” post from a few months ago!