Communist Milksop Clayton Tucker Jumps Firmly Into Pro-Palestine Camp.

It was only a matter of time before Comrade Trust Fund Clayton Tucker (SDEC-24 TX) jumped into the fray. After all, he drives down to UT all the time to try and rile up the other communists. He thinks of UT as “his place” even though he never went there…

What “basic right” is that? The ‘right’ of masked goons and morons with nose rings to block public streets? To disrupt campus operations?

The Dean of UT (NOT Abbott, NOT GOP) had canceled the event beforehand, due to the organizing group breaking university rules. They were warned and still wouldn’t leave:

All of these losers blocking roads and creating chaos are just the same clowns from BLM back in 2020 and from Occupy Wall Street before that. They are communists creating chaos. Not surprising a communist like Clayton Tucker sides with them.

Oh! Almost half of them were “not affiliated with UT”? You mean, like, trespassing professional agitators??

Rich trust fund kids have been the vanguard of virtually every communist revolution in history. From Che to Mao to Pol Pot to….pretty much all of them. It has always been a rich kid movement based on the anger of the malcontents.

(Marx was the original OG spoiled rich kid douchebag: son of a lawyer, wasted 700 thaler at school one year getting drunk. Married a petty noble – tried to pawn her silverware. Wanted mom to die for inheritance (about $100k in 2024 dollars – sound familiar?) Borrowed 5000 florins from his uncle and lived off Engels’ factory wealth.)

University campuses aren’t your country anymore. They’re the brain tumor that’s killing your country. Let them burn. Bring marshmallows. My enemy has not become my friend just because he finds himself in trouble.

Unsurprisingly, all roads lead to Soros….

George Soros Paying Student Agitators To Whip Up Anti-Israel Protests

Watching street communists savage the cities and institutions that nurture them is going to be one of the few enjoyable parts of our cultural revolution. Don’t let anyone steal that joy from you. I hope this expands to every blue city and campus in America.

Oh yeah. ActBlue…remember them??

Clayton Tucker at pro-Palestine event….