Yesterday Was Major Deadline Missed For Industrial Pork “Agreement” – Marking Another Massive Failure of Taxpayer-Sponsored ‘Development’

WAAAAY back in October of 2021, the City and Martin’s Rod & Custom hatched one of the most hare-brained plans the City has ever seen…second only to the Business Pork plan in terms of the level of mental retardation needed to believe it would ever pay off. Or even happen in the first place.

Distilleries! Microbreweries! Food trucks! Maybe a hot tub time machine and blowjobs for a nickel, too! We’ll do it all!

But believe it they did!

I have taken many, many shits on this whole thing starting from the very beginning. I was never worried for a moment about being wrong about this. That’s because I’m old enough to understand that the government ultimately fucks up everything they touch [see also: Brodie estates, Hostess House, Old City Hall remodel, business pork, Azbell contract, student loans, Medicare, Medicaid, wind turbines, electric cars]

I also understood that back in 2020/2021/2022 EVERYONE was super high on the massive, ridiculous LEDC farts that were being generated by Covid stimmy money being thrown around like kid’s candy. Massive sugar rushes like that make people do stupid things and misallocate piles of money – just ask UPS about that.

Anyhoo – me being 100% correct about the City fucking up at great expense again isn’t really news. Today’s news is the Industrial Pork agreement and the major deadline that came and went. Marking another major failure for government-run “development.”

I requested information about this from the City. As usual, there was no response. So I guess we can assume the usual: the City took it in the ass, the original “agreement” was ignored, the property is NOT sold and there will be no distilleries or microbreweries.

Is that about it? I think it is.