Remember This When Perverts Like Grady Lucas Whine About “Book Banning”

More than a few hard-core lefty scum in this town have publicly come out against “book banning” – which isn’t about actually banning books but about keeping age-appropriate material away from little kids.

Just like the Marxist scum can’t tell the difference between LEGAL and ILLEGAL immigrants, they are also incapable of understanding the difference between “books kept away from 5-year-olds in a school library” and “banned book nobody is allowed to read.” The first one is what is actually happening. The second one is a lie. There ARE no “banned books” in America, you moron – you can get on Amazon right now and buy any book you want.

Cool story bro. Are those books in the libraries of German schools and available to 5-year-olds? Oh no they aren’t- they are in a regular bookstore.

Dipshit Lucas even ADMITS it in a post – “Every book you dumb asses are banning is freely available on the Internet” – which means, by definition, it isn’t banned.


Then again, what do you expect from a guy who thinks he has a “soar” throat…

That’s what happens when you swallow your husband’s sword all day, buddy

They are weirdly upset that very young kids are having porn filth kept out of their hands. Bruce Haywood is against it. Clayton Tucker is against it. Andrew Landrum is also against it.

But the most vociferous opponent of it is none other than Grady “Man Gravy” Lucas – a local creep who is also HUGE on letting grown men dress like whores and grind their junk into the faces of little kids.

No, it’s about drag queens and 6-year-olds

Here is some of the filth that DeSantis is keeping away from little kids. Remember this when you hear lefty scum like Lucas and Tucker cry about banning books.

Of 165 books “banned” (removed from promoted lists and under 3rd grade libraries) 161 were deemed pornographic. You can’t read them in PTA meetings or on YouTube.

Of course, if you look like this, I already know you are a creepy perv before you even open your mouth about loving drag shows and gay porn for 6-year-olds…

Grady Lucas wants 6-year-olds reading gay porn.

There once was a moron named Grady

Who preferred that his men dress like ladies

If you have a kid

I’d keep them well hid

‘Cause he looks like he’s pretty damned shady

Liberal white women: nature’s most destructive force

Just a reminder to perverts like Grady Lucas:

Homosexuals comprise just two percent of the population, yet are responsible for 33% of all child sexual abuse. They offend against children at 16 times the rate of the normal population.

This isn’t about books being “banned” or drag shows – it’s about perverted weirdos like Grady Lucas normalizing fucked-up behavior with kids. Be sure you understand their ulterior motives.

Fat Tranny-Lover and Sword Swallower Grady Lucas Excited Over Trump Indictment

He’ll be getting a “soar” throat from his husband tonight, I betcha!!

What Grady “Pass the Man Gravy” Lucas doesn’t understand is that you can indict a ham sandwich if you want to. Trump will never see the inside of a jail cell. But let him have his moment, I guess.

Funnier still are the fucking losers who are “friends” with Man Gravy Grady – like this dildo Scott Marflake. A bunch of hardos and clowns who have left shithole states like Ohio, freely moved to awesome states like Florida but then go on and on about how Ron Desantis is a “Nazi”.

Hilarious to me how all the scumbags complain about Florida and Texas but continue to live there. Kinda like Comrade Clayton.

Sure you will, you cum guzzler. We are all shaking in our boots.
Remember: this loser freely moved from crappy Ohio to the RED state of Florida

Look at this retard. Guarantee you he’s the kind of guy who has 150 “friends” on Facebook who are all young girls who had the misfortune of bartending for him one time after which he stalked and “friended” them.

Local Libscum Grady Lucas Seems To Be Obsessed With Defending Perverts

Just as libs accuse the right of “banning books” when they try to limit filth to age-appropriate groups, these pervs are trying to equate these sick drag shows to Robin Williams dressing up like Ms. Doubtfire or Barney Fife putting on a wig back in 1962.

You all remember local commie scumbag Grady Lucas and his “soar” throat?

According to morons like Grady “Pass the Man Gravy” Lucas, these actors dressed up as old ladies in movies (which are often rated PG-13) and TV shows…

….are the EXACT same thing as the perverted current drag shows where 6-year-old kids shove dollar bills into the pants of half-naked sickos wearing thongs and simulating oral sex in front of them…

Yeah. Exactly the same thing, Grady.

Apparently a man grabbing his dick and thrusting in front of a child, or beginning to take his pants off as part of a strip tease, is not considered sexual to Grady Lucas. If you don’t think it is sexualizing a child to bring them around men in lingerie emulating sex acts then you should never be allowed around children. That goes for Grady Lucas.

This is what they always do – pretend that the only people objecting to this sort of child abuse are conservatives. It’s so insulting to liberals more than anything. As if the core tenet of liberalism is accepting the sexualization of children by the age of 6. This is what Franklin Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy had in mind, right??

They’ll say “I get if drag performances aren’t your thing, you don’t have to go.”

So if fucking teenage girls isn’t your thing then you don’t have to go to Epstein Island, right? Is that how it works?

He’s doing the typical thing that degenerates like him do to defend the sexualization of children – framing an objection to it as an attack on the BLT-123-LGBTQ++ mafia:

These are the people pushing “diversity, equity, and inclusion” on everyone else, so that they can participate in sexual events for children and not feel like the grooming quasi-pedophiles that they are emulating. People like them will tell you that this it’s important to expose children to drag queens so that we can teach them to embrace people who look different from them. Except they never do this with burn victims, midgets, the blind, or other people who are different through no fault of their own. Drag queens CHOOSE to dress like hookers and mock womanhood. Bringing children to drag queen events to embrace diversity is like brining children to a strip club to embrace feminism.

The fact that Grady Lucas seems to spend a majority of his time defending perverted shit like this publicly means that Grady Lucas is the kind of guy I would NEVER want my kids around unattended.

There once was a moron named Grady

Who preferred that his men dress like ladies

If you have a kid

I’d keep them well hid

‘Cause he looks like he’s pretty damned shady

Definitely does NOT own a windowless van

Local Lib Queen and Drag Show Lover Grady Lucas (With “Soar” Throat) Still Blathering About His Covid.

Nobody cares about your “soar” throat and positive Covid tests. Get a life, nerd.

This guy is definitely dumber than Haywood.

“Minimal discernable symptoms” but still crying like a pussy.

Covid will be with us forever, moron. So of course it is “very much with us” right this moment. So is the flu. So is syphilis. Those of us with brains said this almost three years ago but morons like Lucas and Haywood thought that if we JUST MASKED HARD ENOUGH, it would all go away – which was literally impossible thanks to animal reservoirs of the virus.

Why would anyone without symptoms bother getting tested or treated? Unless you were an insane hypochondriac little whiney bitch….like you.

You know what provided a “vessel for mutations“? Your mom’s uterus.

Younger populations are not affected by Covid. They are literally more likely to be eaten by a bear. However, they ARE being killed in large numbers by the “vaccine”. Hopefully, that goes for 67-year-old libtard shitbirds as well.

And finally, our chance to “get ahead of this thing” was to hang Fauci by his neck until dead for performing GOF research when it was strictly prohibited. Of course, we can still hope that day comes.

America’s Most ‘Tarded – Grady Lucas Edition

We may have a new candidate around here to dethrone Bruce Haywood and Clayton Tucker as King of the Dipshit Liberals.

Behold: Grady Lucas!

Grady is the kind of sick perv who thinks withholding books with graphic adult themes from 6-year-olds is actually “banning” books…

Naturally, Ron DeSantis is a “Nazi” because he thinks books that give graphic descriptions of sex acts don’t belong in the hands of 5 and 6-year-old kids. Sick groomers like Grady apparently think that’s just fine.

He’s also fine with men who get off dressing as women flaunting their kink in public to young children….

If I tried to bring a 6-year-old boy into a strip club, I’d rightfully be tossed out on my ear. But if it’s a fat, hairy, bearded MAN dressed in lingerie and grinding his ass in the faces of little kids, that is just fine with Grady Lucas.

Sick fuck.

Hypothetical Lampasshole daughter on left and Grady Lucas son on right

Naturally, he is a hard-core Covid Cult moron also…

Putting another man’s penis in his mouth is no big deal, but he is PETRIFIED of a cold virus that has been around years and is no more deadly than the common flu….

STILL terrified of Covid.

Yes, it is over, moron. Has been since Day One.

Wow…sounds just terrible! A “soar” throat and headache? Good thing we ruined America locking down over THAT! I’m guessing Grady isn’t gainfully employed, so it was no skin off his back.

How do you know you didn’t just get that “soar” throat from your husband, buddy? Wink wink.

Wait a minute! How did you get Covid when you got the first AND second “vaccine” shots, then got boosted and boosted over and over?

Exhibit A: fucking moron

LOL. I mean, I knew libtards were extremely stupid, but to see it laid out like this is hilarious. Remember, these are the “geniuses” that think they are smarter than you and want to run every aspect of your life from transportation to education to health care.

I’m pretty sure I remember this guy from a few years ago – he moved his poor mother into a nursing home, moved himself (and his husband too, I assume) into HER house and THEN (here is the scummy part) posted a GoFundMe for “repairs to my mother’s house” – which made it sound like it was for some poor old lady, but was actually just this scumbag Marxist trying to get some free shit for himself. Classic.

What is it with these commies living in mom’s house?? Just an absolute piece of garbage – like all Marxists.

There is nothing, and I mean NOTHING, I despise more than wokester, Marxist trash enjoying the benefits of living in the greatest state in our nation and then spending their entire life bashing it. Go move to a liberal paradise like California or New York or New Jersey, you scumbag.