More than a few hard-core lefty scum in this town have publicly come out against “book banning” – which isn’t about actually banning books but about keeping age-appropriate material away from little kids.
Just like the Marxist scum can’t tell the difference between LEGAL and ILLEGAL immigrants, they are also incapable of understanding the difference between “books kept away from 5-year-olds in a school library” and “banned book nobody is allowed to read.” The first one is what is actually happening. The second one is a lie. There ARE no “banned books” in America, you moron – you can get on Amazon right now and buy any book you want.

Dipshit Lucas even ADMITS it in a post – “Every book you dumb asses are banning is freely available on the Internet” – which means, by definition, it isn’t banned.
Then again, what do you expect from a guy who thinks he has a “soar” throat…

They are weirdly upset that very young kids are having porn filth kept out of their hands. Bruce Haywood is against it. Clayton Tucker is against it. Andrew Landrum is also against it.
But the most vociferous opponent of it is none other than Grady “Man Gravy” Lucas – a local creep who is also HUGE on letting grown men dress like whores and grind their junk into the faces of little kids.

Here is some of the filth that DeSantis is keeping away from little kids. Remember this when you hear lefty scum like Lucas and Tucker cry about banning books.
Of 165 books “banned” (removed from promoted lists and under 3rd grade libraries) 161 were deemed pornographic. You can’t read them in PTA meetings or on YouTube.

Of course, if you look like this, I already know you are a creepy perv before you even open your mouth about loving drag shows and gay porn for 6-year-olds…

There once was a moron named Grady
Who preferred that his men dress like ladies
If you have a kid
I’d keep them well hid
‘Cause he looks like he’s pretty damned shady

Just a reminder to perverts like Grady Lucas:
Homosexuals comprise just two percent of the population, yet are responsible for 33% of all child sexual abuse. They offend against children at 16 times the rate of the normal population.
This isn’t about books being “banned” or drag shows – it’s about perverted weirdos like Grady Lucas normalizing fucked-up behavior with kids. Be sure you understand their ulterior motives.