Socialist Goatwanker Clayton Tucker Admits He Employs Zero People. Yet Demands Other Businesses Pay $17/hr To New Hires.

As we begin a new year and our local socialist approaches his 34th birthday while still living at home with his mother, let’s all have yet another belly-laugh at his incredible hypocrisy:

Nobody actually advertises for $7.25/hr jobs, you fucking moron.

Of course, Clayton’s hero Bernie Sanders has NEVER worked in the private sector himself, let alone employed a single person as a business owner…and he is now 83 years old. Incredible. Eighty-three years of sponging off the taxpayer and NEVER had a real job!!

Clayton is trying hard to follow in Bernie’s footsteps. He too, has never employed anyone at ANY wage, let alone $17/hr….

“I prefer killing my animals myself, with no outside help!”

This is a lie, of course. It has nothing to do with “willingness” to pay a helper. It has to do with there not being enough work out there on grandpa’s pretend ranch to keep another person busy. Also, I doubt mom will pay for another person out there when Clayton has so much free time on his hands that he is able to go to 27 conventions and democrat pow-wows per year!

I can see it now:

“Mom! You need to hire someone else to help me take pictures of goats out there at grandpa’s property!”

“Now Clay Clay…I’ve told you a dozen times you need to spend less time going to conventions filled with men dressed like whores and MORE time actually raising some animals instead of killing so many, dear!”

Speaker at Democrat state convention, which Clayton Tucker attended and wasted an entire weekend on.

Also, Clayton owns a shitload of Apple products (phone, computer, ear buds) and thus supports Apple – a company that only pays their Chinese sweatshop slaves $1.39 per hour.

I’m sure when the RX Ranch Goat Yoga starts, Clayton will hire a Goat Yoga Instructor for $17 per hour plus benefits, right douchebag??