Local Commie Twists Himself Into Logic Pretzels To Explain Previous Lies.

City council is taking a breather right now between greenlighting a $2.2 million “facelift” on the Hostess House and finding a tenant for their empty $7.3 million Business Pork. Next LEDC meeting isn’t for two weeks. So I’m going to focus on bashing our local moron communist this week. There is plenty to ridicule, as always.

Let’s start with Comrade Clayton trying to cover his previous lies. It’s somewhat of a hobby of his.

For many years, Comrade Clayton claimed to be a farmer. You see, he’s “always been a cattle family” except for those lies he told to a liberal rag newspaper when he was running for office and never thought anyone would check up on it….

Wow. Clearing the fields! Putting in crops! Sounds like a lot of food. What kind of crops did you grow and where did you sell them?


The farmer lie has always been tough for her to explain. After all, there is ZERO record of her ever growing, harvesting or selling a single vegetable or other ‘farm’ product. And she takes pictures of EVERYTHING for social media. The closest she came to being a “farmer” was some fake photo ops with local garden loon Janet ‘Crazier’ Crozier back when she was running for City council.

Aaaand…she never went back again. Even though her mom’s house (where she lives) is about 3 blocks from the garden.

So it’s one of her many “loose ends” that causes her much embarrassment for getting caught in a whopper of a lie. At least it should.

But NOW it appears she THINKS she has found a way around this.

Is this like the “buzzards versus vultures” thing you were 100% wrong on a few months ago? I think it is.

No, I don’t think so, ding dong. A ranch is for livestock and a farm is for crops. Your grandpa understood that when he called it the RX RANCH long before your newspaper lie about being a farmer….

You even mentioned “clearing the field for crops” when you lied to the newspaper a few years ago about being a farmer. Then you called yourself a “fifth-generation rancher” and blabber about your grandfather naming the RANCH. So for a moment there during your lies, you knew the definitions.

Mark Langford is a RANCHING mogul. Not a farmer. It says so RIGHT HERE. My friends at Winters Family Beef call THEIR operation a ranch too! Amazing! Don’t those dummies know they are actually running a FARM?

My cousin in Michigan is a huge farmer of soybeans – a crop. I’ve never heard him call his soybean farm a ranch. Because he is not an imbecile.

Instead of tying yourself in convoluted logic pretzels to cover up your previous lies, maybe just stop lying?

Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.

That’s a quote from Walter Scott…the POET. If you called him a journalist, you’d be wrong. Learn the definition of things, moron. Especially when you falsely claim to be those things.