Fake Rancher Dummy Opines On U.S. Farm Policy. Reveals That He Is Clueless In Yet Another Area Of Life.

Fake rancher dummy Clayton Tucker spilled a lot of ink on his “ranching” Substack about how rough “family farms/ranches like mine” have it.

That would be the “family ranch” that wasn’t even incorporated until 9 months ago, mind you. And is supposedly run by a kid who (1) is never there (2) didn’t even live in Lampasas until about 2016 and (3) didn’t identify as a rancher but rather as a “political organizer” as recently as May of 2021.

This was filed in February of 2021. An admission he is NOT a rancher and had only lived in Lampasas 4.5 years at that point.

But yes…tell us more about the generational family ranch that faces so many hardships you simply cannot make a buck.

He then blathers on about the plight of the cotton farmer. Here is a ridiculous anecdotal blurb…

I talked to one cotton farmer from West Texas this weekend. He told me cotton prices had not risen for farmers since the 1950s. Think about that. Are prices for anything still the same as in the 50’s? His costs for inputs and everything else certainly aren’t.

This is absurd, of course. Look at a chart of cotton prices from 1950 onwards. They are not stagnant. It also ignores the fact that thanks to technology, yields per acre have exploded in pretty much all crops. So the price may have only tripled since 1950, but the farmer’s yield per acre has also likely tripled or more. Thus your income per acre has gone way up.

Dumb fuck.

Oh – and then there are the cotton subsidies that cost the U.S. taxpayer between $2 billion and $4 billion per year. That’s not enough for Comrade Clayton. He demands the government give MORE handouts to inept, fake rancher morons like himself. I mean, his family owns a few acres! He has a Constitutional RIGHT to make money as a rancher, even if he puts in ZERO effort.

Why U.S. Taxpayers Are Paying Brazilian Cotton Growers

Why is it if someone opens a restaurant or a bar or a bakery but can’t make a buck doing it and they shut down in failure, that is considered perfectly normal.

But if some scrawny, dipshit socialist clown horn whose grandpa just happened to own a couple cows twenty years ago decides to label himself a “rancher” one day because his life is totally rudderless and HE fails at it, we are all supposed to cry out in sympathy and agree that the taxpayer needs to hand him a bunch of cash to make up for his shortcomings?

Fuck that.

Especially when said clown horn puts zero effort into the actual raising of livestock and instead wastes all his time galivanting around yammering about Kamabla Harris and wasting time at political rallies and conventions?

“I don’t get it! I stand on corners yelling into a bullhorn. I re-tweet commie crap from Bernie Sanders. I take pictures with goats. Yet my ranching income remains at near $0. It just doesn’t make any sense! It MUST be the fault of “BIG AG.” I demand reparations from the taxpayers!!”