Clayton Tucker Loves Semen.

Did I spell that right? Oops – I’m talking about SIEMENS – the German conglomerate that is losing billions making idiotic pinwheels.

There has been this narrative that wind-farm costs are falling and will keep falling, but the reality is these prices are too low. Turbine manufacturers have effectively been selling at a loss – and those losses have become huge.

That is why Comrade Clayton just ADORES semen…I mean SIEMENS. They are just like an old socialist Soviet-style company that produces dogshit product commanded by political morons instead of the free market. Siemens would be bankrupt without massive subsidies (YOUR tax dollars) propping it up.

Oh, and on top of it all, their turbines are failing at an alarming rate.

The company announced late Thursday that a review of issues at subsidiary Siemens Gamesa had found a “substantial increase in failure rates of wind turbine components.”

Massive Energy Corporation Says Up To 30% Of Its Wind Turbines Could Be Malfunctioning

So to recap:

Pinwheels use a MASSIVE amount of concrete, iron, copper, neodymium (4400 pounds per pinwheel) and other mined-metals and rare earth metals to construct.

Their fiberglass blades wear out in 20 years or so and are then LANDFILLED. Nice.

Each pinwheel needs evil OIL to stay lubricated and requires a LOT of maintenance.

They cost so much that they have to be subsidized by YOU to the tune of tens of billions of dollars.

Their power output varies WILDLY with wind speed, making grid balance much harder to maintain. This destablizes the grid and requires a SECOND entire duplicate powergeneration infrastructure.

Power output is ZERO is the wind is not blowing – which happens plenty. Therefore an EQUAL amount of reliable gas/oil powered generation equipment has to be built in case the wind isn’t blowing – thus costs increase dramatically.

At any given time, 30% of those pinwheels which make no sense and you overpaid for AREN’T EVEN FUNCTIONAL!

Sure sounds like a shitty deal to me. When your electric bills keep rising further and further over the next decade, you can thank THIS unemployed, socialist Siemen-loving moron for emptying your wallet:

Remember – all this “carbon zero” horseshit and trillions in spending is supposedly to MAYBE lower the temperature 100 years from now by a degree or two. Of course, they’ve been wrong about everything else…what makes you think they have any clue this time??

1960s – Oil gone in 10 yrs

1970s – Ice age in 10 yrs

1980s – Acid rain will kill all crops in 10 yrs

1990s – Ozone layer will disappear in 10 yrs

2000s – Ice caps will be gone in 10 yrs

NONE of these things happened – but ALL of them resulted in more taxes and less liberty.

Socialists Always Run Out Of Other People’s Money

Gimme gimme gimme…

Socialists like Comrade Clayton Tucker are lazy and filled with envy. They want what others have but do not want to work for it. Unfortunately for Corade Clayton Tucker, he is too short, weak, doughy and effeminate to come to your house and take what he wants by force. A strong wind would knock him over.

So he votes for other scumbags to do it for him and calls it “fairness”.

Comrade Clayton bellyaches about “trickle down capitalism” all the time. He speaks of it derisively and with contempt.

In fact, it is more accurate to describe capitalism as “trickle up”

A business owner first pays salaries. Then rent. Then cost of goods, etc. Only if customers, suppliers, and employees consider themselves to have received a bargain is anything left over for the business owner.

Comrade Clayton has no clue about any of this because he has never run a business or created anything of value in his entire life. Hell, he’s never even had a real JOB!

This is an amazing list: 10 of the 15 richest Americans started their businesses this generation. The other 5 inherited from recent founders. Almost all these businesses brought dramatically better goods to the masses for dramatically lower prices.

Capitalism works!

Even if we confiscated ALL THE WEALTH ON THIS LIST, we could only give each American a mere $3,000. How quickly would the joy of receiving that $3,000 fade upon realizing there were no computers, no discount retail, no cheap energy, no online shopping?

There’s a reason the world’s poor come to America.

Here is the same list, but for European billionaires. More than half of them are heirs or kleptocrats European “equality” is a mirage. Economic mobility is a joke. It has been said that the US has poor, Europe has wards. Remember that when idiots like Comrade Clayton tells you we should copy Europe.

We don’t have a revenue problem. We have a spending problem. We are at the point now where entire Departments of the federal government need to be eliminated. I’d suggest the Departments of Education, Transportation, Homeland Security, Labor, Health and Human Services (HHS) Energy, Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the EPA for starters.

The 800,000 parasites who work in those departments will need to go find something useful to do.

None of those departments existed prior to 1953 and we got along just fine without them. Those useless parasites cost the country close to $2 TRILLION per year just in direct costs. The indirect costs are likely half of that.

Screw your new taxes, Brandon.

Rhonda Witcher Gets The Shaft

That doesn’t think what you think it means.

It means that Comrade Clayton was already slurping on Robert O’Rourke’s left nut and Haywood had the right in HIS mouth. All that was left for Rhonda was the shaft.

From today’s Radiogram:

There was a lot of noise, and when Beto came out and started his usual campaign speech it was surprisingly mute from hecklers. That appeared to be mostly because there was little to heckle. Most of what he said was hard to disagree with, even for the other side. When the event was over, comments we heard were something like: “That was pretty middle of the road” or “That was a very measured speech” etc. At any rate, it was inspirational and a clear victory event for his supporters, and at least a peaceful event for all. The Campaign that started with Beto O’Rourke far in the distance in this reddest of red states, now has him still behind, but only by single digits.

OH really, Rhonda? The other side thinks his stances are hard to disagree with? LOL. OK. More likely, all those fake comments from the article were just the usual voices in your own empty skull as you hobbled around the room trying to get a good position on your knees between the other sycophants.

I imagine most non-Democrats were at work yesterday afternoon, and thus unable to heckle. Parasites like Clayton Tucker and Bruce Haywood don’t have jobs, so they can easily show up in the middle of the day to lick his sack.

With both balls already being tongue washed by Haywood and Tucker, all that was left unsucked was Robert’s mean Irish inch. So: Rhonda got the shaft. Congrats Rhonda Witcher!!

It is hilarious watching these fools get all excited about O’Rourke winning. It is NEVER GONNA HAPPEN. But I bet he lightened your wallet, didn’t he, Comrade Clayton! I’ll bet you Comrade Clayton spent all of his weekly allowance in the donation hat. What a fool.

I’m STILL offering to give any of you clowns 2-1 odds on O’Rourke to win it. That goes for Rhonda Witcher. You can reach me at

Socialist Bum Clayton Tucker Trying To Worm His Way Onto The Lampasas Economic Development Board

Well, it was only a matter of time, I guess. We have an organization (the LEDC) which wastes millions trying to centrally plan our “economic development” on one hand.

On the other hand, we have an unemployed socialist bum and Bernie Sanders acolyte who has not only never run a business or employed a single person, but (as far as I can tell) has also apparently never even WORKED for a real business. He has spent his adult life volunteering for the failed campaigns of other socialist losers like Julie Oliver.

Pretend cowboy and real communist demands free shit at Austin rally with other Bernie Sanders lovers.

He also lives in the upstairs bedroom at his parents’ house at 208 S Western Street. Did I mention that?

In the 70s, we used to call guys like this “bums”.

Naturally, Clayton Tucker would be attracted to the LEDC like a moth to a flame. A flame that is fueled by the burning of piles of tax dollars. A kid who hasn’t managed to accomplish a single thing in his 30 years of existence is a PERFECT fit for the group that is spending millions putting pipes in the ground at a “business” park where no actual businesses exist.

A match made in heaven!

My favorite thing in the world is to read the bullshit lies and exaggerations this communist maggot puts on all of his applications for various political offices and candidacies. He is currently 0-3 running for office and his latest humiliation was five months ago when Zac Morris beat him like a rented mule for City council.

His latest pile of rubbish can be found in his application to join the LEDC – you can see for yourself on page 25 of the latest LEDC meeting packet. He writes:

“I once worked with the National Science Foundation regarding studying the economic impact of water resources”

BAHAHAHAHA. Sure you did, Comrade Clayton! That 21 day stint at a resume-building, bullshit internship when you were in college was probably groundbreaking stuff, right? LOL. You’re practically a water EXPERT, I guess. Which is why you fall for hysterical commie nonsense like this:

I’m no history expert, but I don’t recall 41 million people last year dying of thirst. Perhaps I’m just misremembering?

I would normally say that allowing Comrade Clayton onto the LEDC would be a disaster leading to the waste of millions of dollars. But Talbert, Monroe and the rest of the LEDC clowns have ALREADY wasted millions. So I’m not sure he could really do that much damage. He’d be like a bull walking into a china shop that 10 other bulls already stampeded through and then marveling at the destruction while thinking “well, I can’t do any better than THAT!”

Plus, having a clueless moron of such epic proportions on the LEDC board is sure to drive Talbert and Monroe crazy with frustration. He’d waste hours at every meeting yapping about windmills and solar panels.

Clayton Tucker for LEDC Board member!!! Go Tucker!!