“They Are Peacefully Protesting” – Sure They Are, Dummy.

Just peaceful protestors! Not disrupting anyone! Not causing any problems! Just innocent kids….

Ridiculous. The idiotic masks. The smug stupid looks. I don’t know how this guy didn’t punch them all in the face repeatedly. They deserve that and much, much more.

These morons in the masks don’t give two shits about Israel or Palestine just like they didn’t care about George Floyd. They are sowing chaos. They all need a baton to the head. Bunch of commie fucks.

Here is a moron at the Brown University “Peace For Palestine” rally:

Oh – look at that. Handing out commie fliers. I’m so shocked!

Never Heard Of Eddie Bernice Johnson Before Today. But I’m Glad She’s Dead.

Trailblazing? Nah – we’ve had Marxists, grifters and race-hustlers around for a long time before this woman. Apparently, she was a nurse a century or so ago. I’ll give her some credit for that – toughest job in the world. But whatever good she might have done there in a few years was definitely undone with scumbaggery in Congress.

Safe to say that anyone in Congress for 30 years was very likely a piece of shit. Also safe to say that if Comrade Clayton admired her, she was a useless progressive commie turd – just like his other heroes Bernie Sanders, Greg Casar, Jasmine Crockett, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, etc.

Her election to the U.S. House in 1992 was marred by accusations that she, as the leader of a Texas Senate redistricting panel, drew a seat for herself. Texas Monthly twice included her on its list of worst state legislators in Austin.

The congresswoman’s biggest career flap came in 2010, when The Dallas Morning News revealed she had improperly awarded thousands of dollars in scholarships to four relatives and a top aide’s two children.

Currently, Jasmine Crockett is the rep from that district – ANOTHER commie loon, race hustler, BLM supporter and nutjob who thinks that men dressed as women belong in women’s sports. Crockett is also a scumbag:  she took $1.5 MILLION DOLLARS from disgraced crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried – and has not returned it.

Hopefully, Maxine Waters drops dead soon, too. Don’t these things come in threes??