Happy New Year, Bitches

Exposer of Waste in City Government – Destroyer of Marxist Lice
I knew from the very first day that the whole Ukraine thing was a scam. You know how I knew? Because two of the biggest morons around these parts quickly got rid of their “I’m vaxxed and boosted! I’m masked up!” filters on their profile pics and threw a Ukrainian flag onto their profile pic LITERALLY overnight.
In fact, socialist scumbag Clayton Tucker even hung a Ukrainian FLAG from his parents’ house, where he currently resides.
They told us the war would be over soon because Putin had cancer, the Russian troops were getting stuck in the mud, they didn’t like the cold weather, blah, blah, blah. Well, here we are $100 BILLION later, and it’s still going. We have sent them FAR more than the Russian military spends themselves for their ENTIRE MILITARY BUDGET.
So you’ve outspent your opponent by 150% and you are still getting your asses kicked, according to that worm Zelensky? What does that tell you? It tells me that most of that money is disappearing into the pockets of scumbags. Or else you are COLOSSALY inept.
When a TRUE fiscal conservative like Rand Paul suggested we put some oversight on all these tens of billions of dollars to make sure they weren’t being like, stolen and stuff, the left went CRAZY and refused.
That is because they are all very likely in on this slush fund and getting kickbacks – because they are all completely corrupt scumbags.
Funny – comrade Clayton has quietly removed his Ukraine flag and so has Potato Head Steph as she YET AGAIN erased all evidence of her past stupidity in supporting a stupid cause (masks, vaccines, Biden, etc).
Say that reminds me: how have gasoline prices managed to come down so far if Putin is still at war with Ukraine? I thought it was “Putin’s price hike”? At least, that’s a local retarded land whale named Bruce Haywood was saying all summer when gas prices were exploding.
Not only did the war not end, but we are throwing even MORE money at it.
I shit on all of you lefty scumbags…as well as Mitch McConnell and other RINO scum.
Time for more mocking….the week isn’t over yet!
This is what it would look like if local socialist Clayton Tucker of Lampasas had parents who actually insisted he move out of their house and get a job. It would not be pretty:
Of course he is “trans”. Of course ‘he’ is!
What’s wrong with this picture? Besides the obvious, of course?
Old man rant starting now….
This was the early 80s, so there were no helmets or anything like that. I have no doubt that every guy on that range was saying “$5 to whoever hits the kid”. I was paid about $2.75 an hour and I thought that was the most awesome thing in the world. I wanted to work there every day and deposit money into my little passbook account to make interest on my cash.
On top of that, my Dad had non-stop yard work for me and my brother. Mowing the lawn, hauling trimmings to the dump, painting the house, painting his office, cleaning all the screens on the house. You name it. He paid me well, but it was summertime in south Florida. In other words – a sauna. I’m sure my brother and I bitched to each other, but we would never DREAM of bitching to the boss and I was happy to be making a buck. Making a buck gives you INDEPENDENCE – something today’s pussies have no desire for.
2. This pussy is making videos during work hours. I don’t have TikTok or any of that other shit but I see these stories all the time in my news feeds. It’s ALWAYS some pussy making a video about how hard their job is and what jerks the customers are while AT THEIR JOB!
Newsflash, fucko – there have ALWAYS been asshole customers for the last 200 years. I had them too. If I was a boss and saw some pussy kid making videos when he’s supposed to be bussing tables, I’d kick his ass to the curb that second. I see it all the time at restaurants – some pimply kid in huddled in the corner on their phone while the dishes pile up.
You see this with local socialist Clayton Tucker, too. He’ll take a picture of himself doing some mundane chore like it is some huge accomplishment. Who does that?? Today’s soft and spoiled pussies, that’s who.
So that’s “ranching”? OK. I’m a rancher too, then. I’ve lost count of the times I’ve shoveled pig shit, goat shit, and chicken shit over the last 10 years. But I don’t think I have a single picture of any of them.
Think about this: who took that picture?? “Hey mom! Come take a photo of me shoveling so I can put it on my social media! Mom! MOM!!”
I’m trying to imagine what would happen if I got a flat tire on the highway and as I was changing the tire I yelled to my girlfriend to come take a picture of me so I can put it on TikTok. She would rightfully call me a pussy and dump me on the spot.
3. This soft-as-baby-shit kid can’t even work EIGHT HOURS??? When I was this kid’s age, I had three jobs. One of them was in the catering business. That was NON-STOP work. Unloading the vans, setting up, serving asshole customers, clearing tables, washing dishes, mopping floors, re-loading the vans, taking out shit tons of trash. I don’t EVER remember whining about “being tired”. I was 23 years old and had all the energy in the world. Our boss was cool as shit, so we wanted to bust ass for him. We got leftovers and he’d toss us a case of beer for free – a case of Miller Lite was about $9 back then but it seemed like a fortune. I worked with 2 or 3 of my best friends and we all broke our backs and loved it. Then we’d go out drinking until 1am and I’d be up at 6am for my REAL job.
You know why? Because I didn’t have a smart phone and social media shit to waste 20 hours a week on. Fuck you and fuck your phone.
4. If you are too big of a pussy to work at LEAST a 40-hour week, then you should stfu about not being able to afford rent. Clayton Tucker does this too – presumably to explain why he still lives with his parents at age 32. He complains about “inflation” and how “rent is now $2,000 and it was only $800 back then”.
Average weekly wages in 1973 were NOT $873. Not even close. Many people commented on this to Clayton Tucker and told him he was wrong, but he ignored all that. He has to somehow rationalize why he lives with his parents. Not to mention, EVERYTHING is “unaffordable” when you work zero hours a week, like Clayton Tucker of Lampasas.
We could have complained about inflation in the 80’s too, you moron. Do you have any CLUE how bad inflation was in the 1970s? I could have said “oh man…my Dad could buy a car for $3,000 and now they cost $20,000! Not fair!!”
You know what you do when you are a guy with no wife and kids, like Clayton Tucker? You get a buddy or two and SPLIT rent! Crazy, right? We also picked up extra hours. You work 50 or 60 hours and you get some roommates. I had three roommates in my 20s. We split rent, phone, cable and everything else four ways.
Then again, I guess you have to have friends to pull that off, right Clayton?
Not today. Today you think you’re entitled to an apartment (or house!) all to yourself and you cry if anyone expects you to actually work eight hours at a time.
I seriously think the government needs to treat smart phones and social media like alcohol – banned until you are 21 years old. Smart phones and ESPECIALLY social media has fucked up an entire generation of kids and turned them into pussies and zombies and morons who vote for socialism. TikTok should be banned completely.
Old man rant over.
If you have been reading here for the last 4.5 years (wow!), you know I like to send presents to all my favorite shitbirds every Christmas.
In 2019, I sent City council seven lovely goldfish ornaments – representing the seven goldfish who sit on council. I even showed up at the City Hall Dedication Ceremony and placed them on the tree myself:
In 2020, I sent a full-face Narwal mask to Covid Cult loon Julie Landrum – owner of Wool & Vine Cry & Whine:
These are now a collector’s item…since MOST of the country eventually came to their senses and realized Wuhan Flu was a giant scam. Narwall quickly went out of business, so this mask is probably worth thousands of dollars now. People will look back and say “holy shit, people lost their minds like it was the Salem Witch Trials”. This is a relic from that era.
Last year, everyone got ornaments:
Unfortunately, Potato Head Stephanie Fitzharris was a total ingrate and decided to report me to the police! Can you believe it? Miss “Defund the Police” herself wasting the cops’ time because I was nice enough to send her a Christmas ornament?
Don’t worry, Potato Head…I got you something REALLY nice this year. Hint: it will be coming in the mail and will COST you a bunch of money! And you will NOT like it.
So this year I decided to get something for local socialist bum Clayton Tucker…
Human-sized and man-shaped teddy bears are now a thing, which have been designed for lonely women. Known as Loving Bear Puffy, the $135 giant teddy replicates the male body, with the head of an adorable half-asleep bear.
Miss Tucker will LOVE it! Yeah, it costs a bit of money, but it is totally worth it. I may sew a picture of Robert Francis O’Rourke’s face on it before I mail it out.
Local unemployed socialist Clayton Tucker (who is chairman of the Lampasas Democrats and still lives with his mom) thinks that paying back what you borrowed is as distasteful as drinking polluted water:
Comrade Clayton does NOT like to struggle. With anything. That’s why he lives with mom and dad! No rent, no worries. No property taxes, no worries. No taxes (no wages), no worries! Must be nice!
We had a names for worms and scumbags who didn’t pay what they owed back in the old days. They were called a “welsher” or a “chiseler” – and it was one of the worst things you could be called.
Of course, that’s back when men were men. Now, this supposedly passes for a “man” – such a convincing male specimen, that he has to write “he/him” in his bio to inform us that yes, he actually IS male:
What you see there is an able-bodied 31-year-old standing around on a workday demanding free shit at a rally for socialists. It is a disturbing and pathetic image.
So I have a few questions:
#1 Why doesn’t this work for a car loan? I’d argue that an $80,000 car is about 10,000 times more useful than the $80,000 “International Relations” degree that Comrade Clayton foolishly wasted four years obtaining. As evidence, I would point out that he’s been out of college for almost TEN YEARS and STILL cannot find gainful employment. Ergo, that degree has proved to be worth $0. At least a car can get you to and from work for the next 10 years.
#2 Why doesn’t this work for my tax bill? Comrade Clayton rants about everyone “paying their fair share” of taxes…but many Americans are struggling to make ends meet after the IRS (and state, and county, and City) picks their pockets. So if I’m struggling to afford my taxes on top of everything else, I should just get to not pay them, right? Just like your student loans. Same exact thing. I’d even use the same crying and whining that Comrade Clayton uses about that “tax bill hanging over my head…if it just disappeared, it would be SUCH a burden removed from my life and I can go out and borrow MORE money on shit like a house or a vacation”.
Plenty of people are struggling with outrageous property tax bills this year – so they should also avoid “drinking the polluted water” too and just stiff the tax man, right?
In short, Comrade Clayton and other borrowers are NOT paying their fair share. Their “fair share” is pretty easy to compute, too: it’s the balance of your loan, douchebag.
#3 Why doesn’t this work for denying “reparations” for black Americans? You’re telling the guy who paid off his student loans at age 33 and just missed out on this handout “tough luck…that was then, this is now”. OK. That’s kind of how I look at reparations for black Americans for slavery which ended 150 years ago. I’d point out that you aren’t a slave. Your parents aren’t slaves. Your grandparents weren’t slaves. What happened 150 years ago is no fault of mine and it sure as hell didn’t impact you. So shut up, already. But something tells me Comrade Clayton is a HUGE proponent of reparations.
So he’s a hypocrite once again.
Final point: if your college screwed you by taking $80k and giving you nothing in return, why don’t you take it up with THEM?? Go demand your money back and leave me out of it. I’m sure your Marxist philosophy professor with the pony tail who “works” three hours a week will just hand that money right back over, right?
If you ever wondered how the “brain” of a socialist weasel works, here you go:
You see, apparently the 1% just “get the money”. It is just handed to them. By some secret government agency, I guess.
They didn’t create any world-changing devices that makes people throw billions of dollars at them FREELY in exchange for the incredible things they invented after years of hard work and risk taking and 100 hour work weeks.
No, no, no. It was hidden under their bed one night in a huge suitcase.
It was just handed to Stephen Briggs and Harold Stratton. It was just handed to Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. It was just handed to Jeff Bezos. It was just handed to Henry Ford. It was just handed to William Shockley, John Bardeen and Walter Brattain. It was just handed to Willis Carrier. It was just handed to Bernie Marcus and Sam Walton. It was just handed to Jimmy John Liautaud.
The socialist weasel hasn’t the slightest notion of what it takes to create something so world-changing that everybody throws money at you to make their lives better by owning it. Socialist weasels like Clayton Tucker, Greg Casar, Chuck Schumer, Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders have literally never even had a real job, so they don’t understand how wealth is actually created at all.
Lefty scum like Tucker think that their activism is work! They believe that their activism is SO important to the world that they should be paid for it as if it was the same as work! That is not an exaggeration; they really are that crazy.
Now, I’ll agree there are a LOT of 1%ers who are thieves and scumbags and who are only in the 1% because of their connections to government or their ability to grab billions in government subsidies…people who have created NOTHING and only steal from others. THOSE people should be flogged and stripped of their wealth.
People like Bill and Hillary Clinton, Elon Musk, Barack Obama, Paul and Nancy Pelosi, the scum who bankrupted Solyndra and A123 and stiffed taxpayers with a huge tab, Chelsea Clinton, Hunter Biden, Hank Paulson, Timothy Geithner, Ben Bernanke, Janet Yellen, Neel Kashkari, Jamie Dimon, Al Gore, Joe Biden, Barney Frank, Larry Fink, and every hedge fund fucker who gets free money from the New York Federal Reserve Bank.
Ironically, these are some of the SAME scum that lefty idiots like Clayton Tucker idolize.
Go figure.
Thanks to idiotic “green new deal” policies like building giant pinwheels instead of reliable nuclear or gas-fired power plants, Texas may see rolling blackouts today between the hours of noon and 7pm.
Wind, which is touted as “free and reliable” by morons like Clayton Tucker (it is neither), will only produce about 8% of its total capacity today thanks to there being no wind to turn the blades.
Also don’t forget, the hotter it is, the LESS EFFICIENT solar panels are too – as much as 15-20% of solar panel capacity can be lost when the temps are this high.
Oh, but “the wind always blows”, I thought!
Fucking moron.
Don’t forget that these “green” pinwheels are also loaded with oil:
Wind Turbine Collapses: ‘Leaking Oil Everywhere!’
So with wind generating less than ONE GIGAWATT today in a state that will be demanding EIGHTY GIGAWATTS, where does the extra power come from? It doesn’t matter if you have 100 pinwheels or 1,000 or 1,000,000 pinwheels if the wind isn’t blowing – you still get zero power generated – a truism that is lost on retards like Clayton Tucker and Bruce Haywood.
Add in the fact that tens of thousands of libtard locusts move to Texas every month from failed liberal shit holes like New York, California, Oregon and Ohio and that we haven’t bothered to build any new RELIABLE gas and nuclear plants, and you are left to wonder just where the fuck these idiots think all this power is going to come from. Unicorn farts?
Oh, and many of those libtards have battery-powered cars – which are sucking the grid dry as well.
Luckily, I have 22 kilowatts of solar installed on my property (at my OWN EXPENSE) – so I will be sending an extra 7,000 to 9,000 watts BACK onto the grid every hour this afternoon to help out hypocritical shit birds like Clayton Tucker and Bruce Haywood who have ZERO solar panels on their own houses, despite demanding everyone else have them to “save the planet”.
I installed all this solar 10 years ago not because it made economic sense (the payback period is roughly 12 years – and that’s not including all the snags and costly repairs and headaches along the way) but because I just KNEW that this country was going to turn into a socialist shit hole ruined by “green policies” in the coming years. I valued it because it made me independent of morons like Clayton Tucker and AOC.
Come to think of it, maybe I will just flip a breaker and disconnect from the grid this afternoon so parasites like Clayton and Bruce don’t get any benefits from my foresight. Fuck them.
If they are going to “roll” blackouts, I think the entire city of Austin should just be turned off until tomorrow – since it is filled with lefty, green-new-deal idiots who asked for all this. They should get it good and hard.
Local moron socialist and virtual rancher Comrade Clayton Tucker picked a single day when the sun was shining and the wind was blowing to crow about how it was “saving” Texas…
Of course, when the sun went down that night and the wind died and there were still 33 million people who needed reliable power (like hospitals, refineries, factories, etc). At THAT point, reliable gas and oil “bailed out” his shitty, subsidized Greentarded pinwheel toys as they sat useless in the windless night.
One of Comrade Clayton’s favorite false statements when he’s touting “renewables” is “the wind always blows”….
Which is preposterous and demonstrably false.
Solar panels only generate decent power about 8-9 hours a day in the summer (far worse in winter, as the days are shorter). That means less than 33% of the day. Throw in the rainy and cloudy days over the course of a year, and you’re looking at more like 28% of the time. I know this because I have lived with a 22kw solar power system for over 10 years now. Comrade Clayton lives in his parents house with NO solar panels. So, as usual, he has no idea what the fuck he is talking about and I do.
Wind is EXTREMELY variable: power over sweep for wind is a third-power function of wind speed, so it’s always going to vary massively with small changes in wind velocity. It jumps all over the place. The variance is managed through fast spinnatural gas plantsthat come online to take up the slack.
Sounds more to me like reliable fossil fuel actually bails out the unreliable renewable garbage.
On those days when both solar and wind shit the bed (**cough* February 2021* cough**), Texas STILL NEEDS those 75 gigawatts of electricity or we go back to the Stone Age. That means 75 GW of RELIABLE POWER (i.e. fossil fuel powered) has to be available at all times! Those reliable gas and oil plants require maintenance and staffing and technical expertise to stay in top condition.
Dummy fucks like Clayton Tucker and Bruce Haywood cannot get this through their thick skulls, apparently. So when their shitty subsidized pinwheels blow up the grid, they start bleating like idiot sheep to “fix the damn grid!” – when in fact their shitty, subsidized pinwheels are the ones who broke the grid in the first place.
Germany and Italy are finding out the cost of listening to Greentarded morons like Clayton Tucker and AOC and Greta Thunberg as we speak. Trump warned the idiots in Europe YEARS ago that they were going down the wrong path with their Greentardation (as any of us with an IQ over 95 would also do) and would be at Russia’s mercy for oil and gas when the shit inevitably hit the fan. Which they are now:
But hey – Orange Man Bad! So nobody listened.
Renewables and crypto have two things in common:
They have a cult-like following and they are Ponzi schemes at scale.
If history has taught us anything, it’s that you can’t be a good little commie/socialist weasel without a moustache.
Stalin, Maduro, Marx, Guevara, Hitler, Castro – all had the ‘stache (plus beard, for many of them). Mao Zedong, Pol Pot and Kim Jong-un are the only commie scum I could think of who DIDN’T have any facial hair, but that’s because Asians suck at growing facial hair.
Well, apparently local socialist shit worm Comrade Clayton Tucker has finally noticed this, because he too, is attempting to grow some facial hair. It is only in the “pubestache” stage now, but don’t worry – in 40 or 50 years it’s gonna look amazing!
Maybe he thinks the facial hair will make him look older and make people forget he is a 31-year-old boy who still lives in Mom and Dad’s upstairs bedroom…
[Pictured above with the young and vibrant members of the Medina County Marxists Democrats]
Hey, that old guy with the beard looks familiar. Wasn’t he hanging around another meeting looking for free soup or something? I think he was…
Comrade Clayton “Fix The Damn Grid” Tucker is back at it again! What a way to live life. In constant fear. Like an 8-year old girl afraid of a monster under her bed…
He just can’t let it go. The power went out last year in a freak 1-in-100 year storm and he’s now petrified forever that the lights might not go on when he flips the switch. I’m not sure why: he lives in his parents’ house, which is two blocks from the police station – and thus quite likely to be on the “critical infrastructure” list, which is safe during rolling blackouts.
I’ve publicly bet Clayton Tucker that he never even lost power in 2021, but he is too big a pussy to take it.
If he had taken 3 seconds to click on the ERCOT dashboard, he would see that there are eight GIGAWATTS more power committed than actually needed (68 gigawatts versus 76 gigawatts):
Those are REAL gigawatts. Not the kind of flimsy fake “green energy” gigawatts that vanish when the sun sets or the wind dies. But he’s still scared – and likely hiding under the bed in his parents’ upstairs bedroom where he currently resides.
Of course, this is the same piece of shit who flies a flag on his house his parents’ house that isn’t the American flag. It isn’t the Texas flag, either. It’s the Ukrainian flag. One of the most corrupt countries on earth.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: I will personally pay ALL your moving expenses to California, New York, Illinois and now Ukraine. Just pack your shit and leave for greener pastures, buddy. I hear the grid is AWESOME in Democrat-controlled California.