Local Communist Who Flies Foreign Flags On His (Mom’s) House Complaining About Obscure Pine Tree Flag.

You can’t make this stuff up…

I’ll be honest. I’d never heard of or seen this flag…and I consider myself pretty up-to-date on current events. I certainly never heard it was a “symbol” of January 6th. Says who? A bunch of idiot liberals who made that up after seeing it on Alilto’s flag pole?

Comrade Clayton prefers to fly the flag of a corrupt foreign country on HIS (mom’s) house…

That would be the same “democratic” country that just last week cancelled elections – allowing the corrupt, gay midget Zelenskyy to remain in power.

Ukraine President Zelensky Says Time Not Right for Elections

Oh, and what’s this??? More hypocrisy and subterfuge. Truly, liberals are nothing more than dogshit.

Socialist Tapeworm Clayton Tucker Still Marinating In Envy Juices.

Like the fat, pale worm at the bottom of a tequila bottle, so doth Clayton Tucker lay there marinating in envy juice. For a guy who can’t even earn enough money at age 33 to move into his own apartment and away from mom, he SURE spends a lot of time worrying about how much Jeff Bezos pays in taxes every year….

“Us”? LOL. Who’s ‘us’? I can just about guarantee that Clayton Tucker is in the bottom 40% of earners who pay $0 in federal income taxes, after accounting for all the “credits” and welfare handed back to those same people. Back in 2021, 56% paid $0.

You also play fake rancher on GRANDPA’S property, so you don’t actually pay property taxes there – gramps does. You don’t own your own place, you live with mom and dad. Again, you escape property taxes.

The top 1% pay 42.3% of all income taxes paid. But that’s not enough for shit birds like Comrade Clayton! He thinks it ALL belongs to the government to be handed out to lazy parasite like himself!

Bezos paid $1.4 billion on $6.5 billion in income. By my math, that is around 22%. Bezos paid $1.4 BILLION in taxes. That is more money stolen by the Feds in ONE YEAR than a freeloader like Clayton Tucker will EARN in over 1,000 lifetimes! Of course, Joe Biden takes that $1.4 billion, throws in another $140 billion stolen from other Americans, and then sends it all over to Ukraine to be embezzled by generals and a gay midget named Zelensky.

Let’s look at some other stats, shall we?

Jeff Bezos started Amazon in the garage of HIS (not his mom’s) rental house when he was 30 years old in 1994.

Clayton Tucker? Still living with mom at 33 years old and the only thing he does in HER garage is hang Ukrainian flags on it….

Jeff Bezos employs over ONE MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND PEOPLE! That is 1,500,000 people earning a salary that is ALSO taxed by the feds.

Clayton Tucker? Employs ZERO people on his fake ranch. Has NEVER employed a single person in his entire useless existence.

Jeff Bezos has a website that allows billions of people to find exactly what they want at a great price and have it delivered right to their door in less than 48 hours, usually. People are literally throwing their money FREELY at Amazon in exchange for their goods and services.

Clayton Tucker? Claims to be a “fifth-generation rancher” in a time when the Internet has been around for almost THIRTY YEARS, yet he STILL doesn’t even have a basic website for selling his beef on-line!

Bezos’ parents were teenagers when he was born, and his dad was an alcoholic unicycle rider. In other words, his dad was an even BIGGER fuckup than Clayton Tucker himself. Yet look what he made of himself. He is TRULY a self-made man.

Clayton Tucker? Born an only child into a stable, upper-middle class family. Had every advantage in the world. Graduated college and gallivanted around in Asia on someone else’s dime. Was STILL not gainfully employed at age 27. Is still a fuckup despite having every advantage handed to him.

Jeff Bezos has given away BILLIONS to charity. Gave $120 MILLION to help the homeless. Has given more to charity than Clayton Tucker will EARN in 5,000 lifetimes!

Clayton Tucker? Handed out a couple boxes of shitty Froot Loops to the local mission once. Probably purchased with mom’s credit card. Has NEVER given beef from his fake ranch or crops from his fake farm to the local mission. Has likely never donated more than $20 to any charity in town.


Jeff Bezos: self-made man who earned every penny.

Clayton Tucker: grifter parasite waiting for mom and dad to die so he can have his own house….

RELATED: Yes, the rich pay MORE than their “fair share,” despite what the selfish parasitic socialists say.

Idiot Socialist Makes More Bad Analogies. Is Clearly Clueless About Cost/Benefit Analysis.

As she has shown many times in the past, the socialist chairman of the Lampasas Democratic Party has zero understanding of economics, cost/benefit analysis or pretty much anything else in the real world. That’s what happens when you live with your mother at age 33 and she pays for everything.

Here’s the latest renewable energy “lesson” from a dunce:

Wow! What a burn! You sure proved your point! We should definitely spend another $50 billion to put more panels onto our already-unreliable grid!

Oh wait…you left a ton of stuff out of your “analysis”:

#1 – Nobody ever said solar panels don’t work in the cold. In fact, they work BETTER in the cold weather than they do in the blistering heat of summer, when efficiency gets reduced up to 20%.

#2 – Those solar panels on the ISS cost upwards of $300 million dollars – yes, I looked it up. So if you have $300 million laying around, by all means – toss up some solar panels that work when it’s minus 451 degrees. Oh, and they only last about 15 years – that works out to $20 million per year. Your tax dollars at work. OH – and they cost MORE to launch into space than they do to manufacture. So call it $600 million. For 15 years. What a deal!!

#3 – The problem with solar panels in Texas in the winter during massive storms like the Feb 2021 fiasco isn’t the COLD, it’s the fact that they were covered with two inches of ice – blocking photons. It also tends to be very cloudy during those storms. So even without the ice, the sun is blocked. I shouldn’t have to tell you this, but there are no clouds in space and no ice storms either. Moron.

#4 – Since the earth rotates on its axis every 24 hours and is tilted at 23 degrees to the plane of the ecliptic, the days in Texas during the winter are very short – about 10 hours. That gives you about 7 hours of strong sun and thus usable energy (IF there are no clouds or rain) – which means your billions of dollars of solar panels produce ZERO energy for the remaining 17 hours, or 66% of the time. Not a very good ROI for your money. This is not a problem in space either. Moron.

But besides all the completely wrong analogies and shit you left out, you really made your point.

I’ll also remind everyone that Clayton Tucker, despite his non-stop promotion of solar panels as being a great power source for an industrialized, First-World nation (it isn’t) COMRADE CLAYTON HAS NO SOLAR PANELS ON HIS OWN HOUSE!

There are ZERO solar panels at grandpa’s house/ranch either – that’s where Comrade Clayton goes to pretend he is a rancher. I’ll bet a shiny new dime there aren’t any windmills out there producing energy either.

Of course, Comrade Clayton would have to ask mom first about putting panels up on the roof, because he actually lives in HER house and under HER roof. He’d have to ask mom to pay for it too, since he is unemployed and penniless (and apparently ‘working’ for an organization that doesn’t even exist) and a decent solar setup would run him around $40,000. If he had $40,000 laying around, he wouldn’t be sponging off mom and living in her upstairs bedroom, now would he?

But besides all that, his promotion of solar panels makes a ton of sense. Well argued, Comrade!!

Millennials Are The Biggest Liars, According To New Survey. I Believe It. Clayton Tucker Is Exhibit A.

It’s Seal Bashing Saturday!

File this under “obvious”:

They lie on social media? No way! Like claiming to be a cowboy when they aren’t?

Or a farmer??

Or a rancher? LOL.

Or having “special knowledge” of energy policy? BAHAHAHAHA

Where else are they lying? On their resumes!

Fabricating stuff on their resumes? Who does that? Oh yeah….

Whether it is on resumes or social media, whether it’s about being a cowboy, a rancher, an energy expert or a farmer – Comrade Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 and Chairman of the Lampasas Democrats has lied about it. It has ALL been chronicled here on these pages.


Fake Water Expert/Real Socialist Moron Wrong Again With Climate Fearmongering

For someone who spends his entire life on the Internet, local socialist (and Chairman of the Lampasas Democrats) Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX sure is ignorant about some basic facts that are easily found with a cursory search.

I love how he talks like some 97-year-old grizzled Texan who has “been ’round these here parts ferever! I remember when that there Walmart was the old Smith ranch! Yeppers!”

You’re 32 years old, you retard. Your memory of the creeks goes back about 15 years. Compare that to a few million years of time on a geological scale.

I always find it funny that a kid who can’t find employment or manage to run his own life and live in his own place (instead of with his mom) is worried about what the temperature of the world will be in the year 2120. Talk about having your priorities all screwed up.

There is no real water plan? Wrong. Take a look at this, you cretin:

New reservoir will supply fast-growing North Texas region

Texas’ First Major Reservoir in 30 Years, Bois d’Arc Lake, is Filling Up in North Texas

Luckily, there are MEN in the world who are smart and capable of solving problems – which humans have done for thousands of years. If we all just sat in mom’s upstairs bedroom and complained about imagined impending doom (like socialist Clayton Tucker does), we’d still be in caves and eating berries.

But yeah, let’s listen to the clown who spent one month as a “researcher” when he was 21 years old at some idiotic college summer program. LOL. Talk about padding a thin resume!

Resume of an incel nerd.

You know what else might help our water problems? Stopping the flow of tens of thousands of libtards fleeing liberal states like California and New York. States that have implemented a LOT of the bullshit policies this idiot socialist calls for in Texas. Or maybe stopping the flow of tens of thousands of illiterate and destitute, border-jumping scumbags from Honduras and Nicaragua into Texas, as well.

Oh, and while we’re at it, let’s ship the entire clan of Tucker socialist morons out to Oregon. That will reduce water usage here too!

How did that water fearmongering turn out last time? Oh yeah….

Socialist Vermin And Self-Proclaimed “5th-Generation Rancher” Consults YouTube To Make Splint. Calls Blu-Kote “Blue Note”

SO much to get to this week. I had to leave town unexpectedly. Enjoy a Socialist Seal Bashing while more content gets created this week…

Local socialist maggot Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX just cannot help himself. Every time he makes a video to try and show he is a “5th generation rancher,” he ends up bungling something very basic and showing us he is complete fraud.

It is hilarious and I hope he keeps on making these things. Just more fodder to crush him with next time he runs for something.

First it was him placing his “iconic cowboy hat” all over the room in an attempt to make sure it was always visible in his videos. This was back when he claimed to be a “progressive cowboy” – BEFORE he moved on to fake “rancher.”

Then there was the time he “broke his tractor” and used an adjustable wrench completely wrong to fix a shear bolt (which is actually NOT part of the tractor). That’s back when he was a “farmer” working on the “family farm.”

But NOW he is a “rancher” and thus, he is supposedly mending a goat’s leg.

In the video, he has already “mended the leg” with a paint roller (or “paint roller thing” as he calls it) – which is a trick he just learned on YouTube. You’d think a “5th generation rancher” would have seen that trick a few dozen times by age 32 and not need YouTube, but Comrade Clayton is not the brightest bulb. After all, he thinks socialism is a viable economic system.

He first holds up a can of Blu-Kote and says “basically, I used some, uh, blue spray…blue note…it’s like a wound treatment…it’s good for livestock

BAHAHAHAHA! “Blue Note” as he is literally holding up a can that clearly says Blu-Kote. I love it! I’m starting to think Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX is actually a parody account of a guy pretending to be a moron trying to be a rancher and failing. There is no other explanation. NOBODY is this stupid!

Also, Blu-Kote is for abrasions and is a germicide/fungicide. It does NOT heal fractured legs or legs with internal injuries. Clayton is puzzled by the injury, however. He says it could have been a bite or a kick or a headbutt.

Now, I’m no fake rancher like Clayton Tucker, but we have had dogs, cats, chickens, goats, rabbits and other creatures running around my not-a-ranch here where I’ve lived over the last 12 years. And I can definitely tell the difference between a bite and something else. A bite breaks the skin and Blu-Kote might be helpful. But if my animal is limping around with no abrasions or broken skin, then Blu-Kote is a total waste of time, as it treats stuff like blisters, sores and lesions…not an internal fracture.

Love the videos! Keep em coming, Comrade!!

P.S. – why would a “help the AMERICAN farmer! The AMERICAN farmer is in trouble” guy be wearing a hat promoting Yanmar tractors – a Japanese company?? Very odd indeed.

  • There once was a commie named Clayton
  • Who spent all his time masturbatin
  • But NOW he has goats
  • For sowing his oats
  • So matin won’t be so frustratin!

It Took FIVE Generations Of Tuckers To Amass 18 Goats. Impressive.

Let’s start off the week with a Baby Seal Bashing! I just realized, it’s been two years since that City Council beatdown by Zac Morris. My, how time flies.

Local socialist Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX has managed to TRIPLE the size of his the family goat herd! Incredible. It appears he is they are now up to approximately 18 goats!


The “5th generation rancher” now has about 18 goats – and all by the age of 32 years old (plus four generations before him). Another couple of years and he might even sell a couple for some money! Hey, Rome wasn’t built in a day. He had to stand on the narrow and atrophied shoulders of the four generations of Tuckers before him who paved the way for this monumental event.

8th-generation chichifo

“We” tripled the size of the herd?? Who is “we”? I thought YOU were a rancher and thus head decision maker, Comrade Clayton! Did you not open your wallet and buy these creatures yourself? Or did maybe mom/dad/grandma buy them for you for some more photo ops? Or are you just an employee of this “ranch”?

It’s all so confusing. I suppose it’s hard to post ANYTHING without contradicting the many bullshit stories you’ve told in the past, eh?

What is the name of the ranch, by the way? You have never said once in the last three years you have been lying about being a rancher and farmer. Do they provide a living wage and health care and a dignified pension, as you demand of every company in the U.S.?

Just kidding. As we all know, Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX owns no land of his own and is NOW (after three years of Lampasshole ridicule) very careful to NEVER say “I” bought goats or “MY” herd got bigger. Always “we” and “us”…as in, his parents or maybe his dead grandfather’s trust fund. Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX is not in charge of anything important. He’s like the little kid you let think he is driving with a fake steering wheel while mom/dad/grandma actually runs the show.

So what are all these goats for? Meat? Dairy? Comrade Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX isn’t really sure about that. There may be some dairy goats in there. Or maybe not. Whatever, man. This is all a show for the socialist morons who follow him on social media.

But one thing is for sure: goats are where it is at, man. The cattle industry is SO monopolized! Except for those, like, hundreds of family cattle ranches I’ve seen all around central Texas…

Comrade Clayton cannot WAIT to breed those goats! That’s what happens when you have never had a girlfriend and Beto doesn’t return your calls anymore.

Translation: “I am too incompetent to compete in the cattle market because I lied about being a 5th-generation rancher and have no idea what I’m doing. Instead, I’ll do goats because they are smaller, cheaper and I can post pictures of the babies so all the old lady democrats in on Facebook will “ooooh” and ‘aaahhh’ over them”

Nothing like “growing the herd” after five generations and 32 years of doing nothing but Tweet about Bernie Sanders. Time to get to work, comrade!!

Here is a cretin who is supposedly a 5th generation rancher yet he is 100% wrong about a basic cattle ranch fact. To wit:

More than 97 percent of beef cattle farms and ranches are classified as family farms. When it comes to beef cattle production, most operations are smaller than you might think; according to USDA, the majority of beef cattle operations (79%) have less than 50 head of cattle.

The Lone Star State is number one in beef cattle production in the United States, and Texas is home to 248,800 farms and ranches totaling 130.2 million acres


Hardly sounds like a giant monopoly. I highly doubt that 248,800 family ranches are colluding on beef prices.

Wrong for the 277th time, comrade.

Tucker Versus Tucker

Such a wit!

Don’t worry, bozo. You will NEVER be compared to Tucker Carlson.

Tucker Carlson is smart, rich, educated, successful, adored by millions, reveres the Constitution, despises commies, knows the war in Ukraine is bullshit, knows the Covid vaccine is bullshit, knows J6 was bullshit, has sex with an actual female regularly, owns his own house and doesn’t live with his mom.

In other words, the complete opposite of you.

In fact, if I was presented with one of those “trolley dilemmas” where a trolley is barreling down the track and I have control of the switch and I can make the trolley go down one track with Clayton Tucker tied to the rails and the other track had a freshly-laid turd laid by Tucker Carlson, I would most definitely save the Carlson turd. No question.

Today is Tax Day

The day when greedy unemployed bums like Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX shout at you to “pay your fair share” while they pay NOTHING AT ALL.

  • The average income tax rate in 2020 was 13.6 percent. The top 1 percent of taxpayers paid a 25.99 percent average rate, more than eight times higher than the 3.1 percent average rate paid by the bottom half of taxpayers.

  • The top 1 percent’s income share rose from 20.1 percent in 2019 to 22.2 percent in 2020 and its share of federal income taxes paid rose from 38.8 percent to 42.3 percent.

  • The top 50 percent of all taxpayers paid 97.7 percent of all federal individual income taxes, while the bottom 50 percent paid the remaining 2.3 percent.

Remember: mouthy Marxist asswipes like Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX are in the BOTTOM 50 percent – paying practically nothing.

Socialist Crybaby Whines About His Lucky Charms Being too Expensive

Nothing more amusing than someone who voted for Biden crying about inflation. What a life! Living at home with mommy at age 32 as an able-bodied, childless male and whining about the price of cereal on Twitter. Mom must have demanded that Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX go out and pay for his own damn cereal after freeloading off of her the last 10 years and he was stunned to find prices have gone up during that period…

IT’s KELLOGG, you morons. At least learn how to spell the company you are whining about.

Most normal, productive men are bitching about income taxes this week. They are rightfully resentful about having 1/3 of their labor stolen by socialist cunts like Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX and handed to deadbeats who borrowed money for a shitty ‘education’ and now refuse to pay it back.

But not Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX – because he is not actually employed by anyone, as far as I can tell. He’s whining about his Lucky Charms instead.

Why don’t you eat some eggs in the morning from your “farm” comrade Clayton?? You shouldn’t be eating all that sugary shit anyways – it gives you a big fat manfupa, as is evident here:

If you didn’t get so fat off the Lucky Charms, you wouldn’t have to starve yourself like a Muslim during Ramadan…

Of course, the socialist is too stupid to understand the cause of all this inflation: which are Biden’s policies of (1) massive inflationary deficit spending (2) paying people not to work (3) letting deadbeats off the hook for their student loans – enabling them to sit on ass at home instead of work to pay off the debt they have incurred.

Never mind that Kellogg is facing massive increases in INPUT costs – like sugar.

Must be the greedy sugar farmers, right Comrade Clayton??

Kellogg has faced all kinds of problems and their stock is basically unchanged over the last 4 years…

But Comrade Clayton doesn’t understand what input costs or margins are, because he has never run a business…let alone WORK for one. His business is whining like a bitch about everything. Just like his hero Bernie Sanders – another worm who has never worked a day in his life.

In the tiny brain of the socialist, all of the inflation that has come about since January of 2021 is the result of a massive, coordinated campaign by “greedy corporations” who all decided to flip the “greedy switch” on at the exact same time across all industries.

THAT, in a nutshell, is the problem with today’s socialist youth. They are like 5-year-olds who cannot see obvious cause and effect and therefore keep pushing for the same stupid policies over and over. Like a retarded baby, they NEVER LEARN.

For example: they were told the “vaccines” were safe and effective in stopping Covid. The REALITY was quite different. People who were vaxxed still caught Covid and died. Additionally, there is very good evidence that roughly 300,000 young people (who were not at risk in the first place) have been killed by this “vaccine” (unfortunately, Comrade Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX and chairman of the Lampasas Democrats was not one of them.)

A logical person who understood cause and effect would say “I’m not taking that piece of shit ‘vaccine’ or booster again.” Not the idiot socialist, though. The idiot socialist does the following:

Tries to tell us that Biden and Walensky never said the vaccine would stop Covid from spreading or prevent symptoms and death – even though there are STILL videos of them saying EXACTLY THAT on the Internet to this day!

Tries to censor and suppress the speech of legitimate doctors, funeral home directors and life insurance adjusters who publicly point out the indisputable massive increase in “all cause” deaths of young people over the last 2 years.

The same has happened with the massive inflation that Biden’s moronic policies and spending have unleashed. They cannot understand cause and effect. They demand even MORE spending and MORE clampdowns on the “greedy” corporations. Corporations that employ hundreds of thousands of people, I might add.